G-code parser and engine
- Library for parsing and executing G-code
- Tool to display G-code toolpath in the browser
The goal is to support multiple dialects of G-code.
Code | Arguments | Description |
G0 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | rapid move |
G1 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | linear move (default) |
G2 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n In.n Jn.n Kn.n | clockwise arc move with center |
G2 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n Rn.n | clockwise arc move with radius |
G3 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n In.n Jn.n Kn.n | counter-clockwise arc move with center |
G3 | Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n Rn.n | counter-clockwise arc move with radius |
G10 | L2 Pn Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | set coordinate system using absolute machine coordinates |
G10 | L20 Pn Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | set coordinate system using relative machine coordinates |
G17 | XY plane selection (default) | |
G18 | ZX plane selection | |
G19 | YZ plane selection | |
G20 | coordinates in inches | |
G21 | coordinates in mm (default) | |
G28 | Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | go home |
G28.1 | set home | |
G30 | Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | go predefined position |
G30.1 | set predefined position | |
G53 | G0 Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | rapid move using machine coordinates |
G53 | G1 Fn.n Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | linear move using machine coordinates |
G54 | use coordinate system one (default) | |
G55 | use coordinate system two | |
G56 | use coordinate system three | |
G57 | use coordinate system four | |
G58 | use coordinate system five | |
G59 | use coordinate system six | |
G59.1 | use coordinate system seven | |
G59.2 | use coordinate system eight | |
G59.3 | use coordinate system nine | |
G90 | absolute distance mode for X, Y, and, Z (default) | |
G90.1 | absolute arc mode for I, J, and K | |
G91 | relative distance mode for X, Y, and, Z | |
G91.1 | relative arc mode for I, J, and K (default) | |
G92 | Xn.n Yn.n Zn.n | set work position |
G92.1 | zero work position | |
G92.2 | save work position, then zero | |
G92.3 | restore saved work position | |
M2 | end program | |
M3 | spindle on clockwise | |
M4 | spindle on counter-clockwise | |
M5 | spindle off | |
M30 | end program | |
Sn.n | spindle speed | |
Tn | select tool |
Parameter | Default | Persistent | Description |
5161, 5162, 5163 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for home position (G28) |
5181, 5182, 5183 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for predefined position (G30) |
5210 | 0 | yes | flag to control works offsets; 0 means off (G92) |
5211, 5212, 5213 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for work offsets (G92) |
5220 | 1 | yes | current coordinate system (G54 to G59.3) |
5221, 5222, 5223 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 1 offsets (G54) |
5241, 5242, 5243 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 2 offsets (G55) |
5261, 5262, 5263 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 3 offsets (G56) |
5281, 5282, 5283 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 4 offsets (G57) |
5301, 5302, 5303 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 5 offsets (G58) |
5321, 5322, 5323 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 6 offsets (G59) |
5341, 5342, 5343 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 7 offsets (G59.1) |
5361, 5362, 5363 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 8 offsets (G59.2) |
5381, 5382, 5383 | 0, 0, 0 | yes | X, Y, Z for coordinate system 9 offsets (G59.3) |
5420, 5421, 5422 | no | X, Y, Z for current position in active coordinate system | |
5599 | 1 | no | flag to control output of (debug,...) comments; 0 means off |
<parameter> =
'#' <integer>
| '#' <name>
<expr> =
| '[' <sub-expr> ']'
| <number>
| <name>
| <string>
<sub-expr> =
| '-' <sub-expr>
| '!' <sub-expr>
| '[' <sub-expr> ']'
| <sub-expr> <op> <sub-expr>
| <reference>
| <name>
| <string>
| <func> '[' [<sub-expr> [',' ...]] ']'
<op> = '+' '-' '*' '/'
| '==' '!=' '<' '<=' '>' '>='
| '&&' '||'
<reference> = '#'* <parameter>
<name> = '<' <name-char>+ '>'
<initial-name-char> = 'A' ... 'Z' | 'a' ... 'z' | '_'
<name-char> = <initial-name-char> | '0' ... '9'
Comments which begin with msg,
or debug,
are written to standard output. For example,
(msg,hello world!)
will write hello world!
Comments which begin with print,
are written to standard error.
In addition, in debug,
and print,
comments, the values of parameters in the body of the
comment will be expanded to their values. For example, the following code will write
value of parameter 123: 456
to standard error.
(print,value of parameter 123: #123)
- IF expression THEN assignment
- IF expression THEN assignment ELSE assignment
- IF expression THEN assignment ELSEIF assignment ...
- IF expression THEN assignment ELSEIF assignment ... ELSE assignment
- WHILE expression DO
line ...
Alphanumeric parameters may be specified with and without bracketing <
and >
or #<param>