Lemmego CLI is used for generating the framework components.
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemmego/cli/refs/heads/main/installer.sh | sudo sh
lemmego new <your-module-name>
A new project will be created in your current directory (must be an empty dir)
lemmego g handlers post
A post_handlers.go file will be generated in your project under the ./internal/handlers directory.
lemmego g model post
A post.go file will be generated in your project under the ./internal/models directory.
lemmego g form post
A Form.tsx file will be generated in your project under the ./resources/js/Pages/Forms directory.
lemmego g input post
A post_input.go file will be generated in your project under the ./internal/inputs directory.
lemmego g migration create_users_table
A _create_users_table.go file will be generated in your project under the ./internal/migrations directory (if you haven't overridden the default MIGRATIONS_DIR env value).
All these commands also take an interactive flag (-i
), where additional configuration option is provided:
lemmego g -i handlers
lemmego g -i model
lemmego g -i form
lemmego g -i input
lemmego g -i migration
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.