A library to wrapper the lendroid Server and Lendroid Contract API's
yarn add lendroid
// or
npm install --save lendroid
for the specific versions check on Releases
import { Lendroid } from 'lendroid'
const options = {
provider: window.web3.currentProvider, // optional
apiEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8080', // default
apiLoanRequrests: 'http://localhost:5000', //default
stateCallback: () => { }, // required: in React, Vue frontend, do run `this.forceUpdate()`
const LendroidJS = new Lendroid(options)
// properties
const { loading, orders, exchangeRates, contracts, web3Utils, metamask = {} } = LendroidJS
const { address, network } = metamask;
const { currentWETHExchangeRate, currentDAIExchangeRate } = exchangeRates
const offers = orders.orders
const myLendOffers = orders.myOrders.lend
const myBorrowOffers = orders.myOrders.borrow
// methods
const methods = {
onCreateOrder: LendroidJS.onCreateOrder,
onWrapETH: LendroidJS.onWrapETH,
onAllowance: LendroidJS.onAllowance,
onPostLoans: LendroidJS.onPostLoans,
onFillLoan: LendroidJS.onFillLoan,
onClosePosition: LendroidJS.onClosePosition,
onTopUpPosition: LendroidJS.onTopUpPosition,
onLiquidatePosition: LendroidJS.onLiquidatePosition,
onFillOrderServer: LendroidJS.onFillOrderServer,
onDeleteOrder: LendroidJS.onDeleteOrder,
onCancelOrder: LendroidJS.onCancelOrder,
methods.onWrapETH(amount, operation === 'Wrap')
First clone repository and install dependencies via Yarn(
) or NPM(npm install
)via HTTPS -
git clone https://github.com/lendroidproject/lendroid-js.git
or SSH -
git clone [email protected]:lendroidproject/lendroid-js.git
On UI, update
to use custom library as follow and install dependencies via Yarn(yarn
) or NPM(npm install
)"dependencies": { ... "lendroid": "../lendroid-js", ... }
To update library, go to
and runtsc
folder to<path-to-ui>/node_modules/lendroid/
cp -rf ./dist ../reloanr-ui/node_modules/lendroid/