Releases: lepture/authlib
Version 1.0.0
We have dropped support for Python 2 in this release. We have removed
built-in SQLAlchemy integration.
OAuth Client Changes:
The whole framework client integrations have been restructured, if you are
using the client properly, e.g. oauth.register(...)
, it would work as
OAuth Provider Changes:
In Flask OAuth 2.0 provider, we have removed the deprecated
configuration, instead, developers should define
on OpenID extensions and grant types.
SQLAlchemy integrations has been removed from Authlib. Developers
should define the database by themselves.
JOSE Changes
has been renamed toJsonWebSignature
has been renamed toJsonWebEncryption
has been renamed toJsonWebKey
has been renamed toJsonWebToken
The "Key" model has been re-designed, checkout the JSON Web Key for updates.
Added ES256K
algorithm for JWS and JWT.
Breaking Changes: find how to solve the deprecate issues via
Version 0.15.5
- Make Authlib compatible with latest httpx
- Make Authlib compatible with latest werkzeug
- Allow customize RFC7523
Version 0.15.4
Security fix when JWT claims is None.
For example, JWT payload has iss=None
"iss": None,
But we need to decode it with claims:
claims_options = {
'iss': {'essential': True, 'values': ['required']}
jwt.decode(token, key, claims_options=claims_options)
It didn't raise an error before this fix.
Version 0.15.3
Fixed .authorize_access_token
for OAuth 1.0 services, via #308
Version 0.15.2
Fixed httpx authentication bug via #283
Version 0.15.1
Backward compitable fix for using JWKs in JWT, via #280.
Version 0.15
This is the last release before v1.0. In this release, we added more RFCs
implementations and did some refactors for JOSE:
- RFC8037: CFRG Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Signatures in JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
- RFC7638: JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint
We also fixed bugs for integrations:
- Fixed support for HTTPX>=0.14.3
- Added OAuth clients of HTTPX back via #270
- Fixed parallel token refreshes for HTTPX async OAuth 2 client
- Raise OAuthError when callback contains errors via #275
Breaking Change:
- The parameter
are changed. Usually you don't have to care about it since you won't use it directly. - Whole JSON Web Key is refactored, please check JSON Web Key (JWK)
Version 0.14.3
- Fix HTTPX integration via #232 and #233.
- Add "bearer" as default token type for OAuth 2 Client.
- JWS and JWE don't validate private headers by default.
- Remove
auth method for authorization code by default. - Allow usage of user provided
via #216. - Add
method on OAuth 2 Client via #224.
Version 0.14.2
Version 0.14.1
- Quick fix for legacy imports of Flask and Django clients