falafel is a protoc
plugin written in go that is used to generate
APIs for gRPC services for use on mobile platforms.
Currently being used with lnd.
falafel translates protobuf definitions to gomobile
compatible APIs. Behind
this API we directly talk to the gRPC server using an in-memory gRPC client,
ensuring all communication happens in-process using serialized protocol
buffers, without needing to expose the gRPC server on an open port. To support
streaming RPCs, like subscribing to real-time updates, callbacks are provided
for all APIs.
The gRPC server must support using custom listeners.
Here is an example how falafel
is used with lnd
falafel=$(which falafel)
# Name of the package for the generated APIs.
# The package where the protobuf definitions originally are found.
# A mapping from grpc service to name of the custom listeners. The grpc server
# must be configured to listen on these.
listeners="lightning=lightningLis walletunlocker=walletUnlockerLis"
# Set to 1 to create boiler plate grpc client code and listeners. If more than
# one proto file is being parsed, it should only be done once.
protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. \
-I$GOPATH/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis \
--custom_out=./build \
--custom_opt="$opts" \
--proto_path=../lnrpc \
With the go bindings generated, define an entry point for the application to start the gRPC service:
func Start() {
// We call the main method with the custom in-memory listeners called
// by the mobile APIs, such that the grpc server will use these.
cfg := lnd.ListenerCfg{
WalletUnlocker: walletUnlockerLis,
RPCListener: lightningLis,
go func() {
if err := lnd.Main(cfg); err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(*flags.Error); ok &&
e.Type == flags.ErrHelp {
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
The gRPC server should be started by listening on the passed listeners.
Package lndmobile
is now ready to be cross-compiled using gomobile
gomobile bind -target=ios github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/mobile
falafel was initially built as a code generator specifically for generating
compatible RPC stubs for lnd
. But because generating stub code from
protobuf files is a very useful task, falafel also has a secondary operating
mode in which it generates stubs for interacting with a gRPC interface from a
JSON/WASM context.
In short, the JSON stubs generated by falafel is helper code that allows a dynamic language environment that uses JSON as its main data structure (e.g. JavaScript code running in a browser) to interact with a gRPC client that is running in the same browser but for example in a WASM context.
Or in other words: The stubs convert a JSON request into a proper gRPC request, send it to the gRPC server and translate the response back into JSON.
The stubs could also be described as doing the reverse of what grpc-gateway
does, on the client side, translating between JSON and native gRPC.
For our main example, we assume the following stateservice.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package lnrpc;
option go_package = "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc";
service State {
rpc SubscribeState (SubscribeStateRequest)
returns (stream SubscribeStateResponse);
rpc GetState (GetStateRequest) returns (GetStateResponse);
enum WalletState {
message SubscribeStateRequest {
message SubscribeStateResponse {
WalletState state = 1;
message GetStateRequest {
message GetStateResponse {
WalletState state = 1;
Running falafel with:
FALAFEL_BIN=$(which falafel)
opts="package_name=lnrpc,js_stubs=1,build_tags=// +build js"
protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. -I.. \
--custom_out=. \
--custom_opt="$opts" \
will then generate the following stub file:
// Code generated by falafel 0.9.1. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: stateservice.proto
// +build js
package main
import (
gateway "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime"
func RegisterStateJSONCallbacks(registry map[string]func(ctx context.Context,
conn *grpc.ClientConn, reqJSON string, callback func(string, error))) {
marshaler := &gateway.JSONPb{
MarshalOptions: protojson.MarshalOptions{
UseProtoNames: true,
EmitUnpopulated: true,
registry["lnrpc.State.SubscribeState"] = func(ctx context.Context,
conn *grpc.ClientConn, reqJSON string, callback func(string, error)) {
req := &lnrpc.SubscribeStateRequest{}
err := marshaler.Unmarshal([]byte(reqJSON), req)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
client := lnrpc.NewStateClient(conn)
stream, err := client.SubscribeState(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-stream.Context().Done():
callback("", stream.Context().Err())
resp, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
respBytes, err := marshaler.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
callback(string(respBytes), nil)
registry["lnrpc.State.GetState"] = func(ctx context.Context,
conn *grpc.ClientConn, reqJSON string, callback func(string, error)) {
req := &lnrpc.GetStateRequest{}
err := marshaler.Unmarshal([]byte(reqJSON), req)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
client := lnrpc.NewStateClient(conn)
resp, err := client.GetState(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
respBytes, err := marshaler.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
callback("", err)
callback(string(respBytes), nil)
An example WASM client can then be built to bridge the gap between JavaScript and the native gRPC client.
// +build js
package main
import (
// Import the generated JSON stubs from the lnrpc package where we generated
// them before
_ "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc"
var (
lndConn *grpc.ClientConn
registry = make(map[string]func(ctx context.Context,
conn *grpc.ClientConn, reqJSON string,
callback func(string, error)))
func main() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Debugf("Recovered in f: %v", r)
// Setup JS callbacks.
js.Global().Set("wasmClientInvokeRPC", js.FuncOf(wasmClientInvokeRPC))
// Setup native gRPC connection to lnd, the stubs will translate calls to
// this connection.
lndConn = connectToLnd()
// Wait for interrupt signal here or do other stuff...
func wasmClientInvokeRPC(_ js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
if len(args) != 3 {
return js.ValueOf("invalid use of wasmClientInvokeRPC, " +
"need 3 parameters: rpcName, request, callback")
if lndConn == nil {
return js.ValueOf("RPC connection not ready")
rpcName := args[0].String()
requestJSON := args[1].String()
jsCallback := args[len(args)-1:][0]
method, ok := registry[rpcName]
if !ok {
return js.ValueOf("rpc with name " + rpcName + " not found")
go func() {
log.Infof("Calling '%s' on RPC with request %s",
rpcName, requestJSON)
cb := func(resultJSON string, err error) {
if err != nil {
} else {
ctx := context.Background()
method(ctx, lndConn, requestJSON, cb)
return nil
A website can then call into those functions with a little bit of JavaScript (we assume here that the WASM binary was already loaded and initialized correctly for this example):
<button onClick="callWASM('GetState', '{}');">GetState</button>
async function callWASM(rpcName, req) {
wasmClientInvokeRPC('lnrpc.Lightning.'+rpcName, req, setResult);
function setResult(result) {
console.log("Got result from RPC: " + JSON.stringify(result));