- Next, you need to create a new bot on the Discord developer portal and get your bot token:
- Go to the Discord Developer Portal
- Click on "New Application" and give it a name.
- Go to the "Bot" tab and click "Add Bot".
- Under the "Token" section, click "Copy". This is your bot token.
- Go to the "OAuth2" tab in the Discord Developer Portal.
- Under "Scopes", select "bot".
- Under "Bot Permissions", select the permissions your bot needs.
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Read Message History
- Use External Emojis
- Add Reactions
- Use Slash Commands
- Copy the generated URL and open it in your web browser to invite the bot to your server.
- Clone the github repo
- Run the application on your IDE
- All instances are saved in-memory. Once you quit the application, your instances will disappear
Some examples of using the slash commands
/create Costco
/add Cheese, /add Basmati Rice, /add Chicken Breast, /add Eggs
/update Costco Cheese Pepper Jack Cheese
/remove Costco Eggs
- Host the application on some server to ensure the bot is running during specific times of day
- Being able to delete a Shopping List by reacting to the embedded link's "X" unicode emoji
- Make the arguments for the slash commands not case-sensitive
- Development using Javacord's API Version 3.8.0