#QuickCheck for Rust
Use quick_check
to check that a specified property holds
for values of trait Arbitrary + Shrink
Now this library adheres to rustpkg's package structure. Thus you can conveniently add this line to your program,
extern mod qc = "github.com/lilac/quick-check";
without needing to install this library manually.
Suppose the current Rust workspace is ~/workspace/rust/
, create a dir for the demo program
$mkdir -p src/qc-demo
and then write the sample code as follows: $cat src/qc-demo/main.rs
extern mod qc = "github.com/lilac/quick-check";
fn is_sorted<T: TotalOrd>(v: &[T]) -> bool {
v.windows(2).all(|w| { w[0].cmp(&w[1]).le(&Greater) })
fn main() {
qc::quick_check("sort", qc::config.verbose(true).trials(500),
|mut v: ~[u8]| { v.sort(); is_sorted(v) });
Now we build this new pkg with a command:
$rustpkg build qc-demo
then install the built pkg with:
$rustpkg install qc-demo
finally the compiled binary qc-demo is in the bin subdir of the current workspace.
- Clean up Lazy and Shrink, implement Arbitrary and Shrink further
Copyright License is identical with the Rust project:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
at your option. All files in the project carrying such
notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
according to those terms.