Linux text expander. Heavily inspired by breevy and built from keylog source.
In order to work briefli needs the installation of redis first:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install redis
After installation set redis up (for configuration options see redis conf):
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf
Now you can download the latest release and copy the executable to a directory that is in your PATH or you can build from source:
# prerequesites
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libxdo-dev
git clone
# install redis library
git clone
cd hiredis
sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/hiredis/hiredis.h /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/ (or wherever your gcc dir is)
sudo make install
cd ../briefli
sudo make install
If you ever want to uninstall briefli just exec:
sudo make uninstall
As mentioned earlier briefli works with redis. That is so one can dynamically add / change / delete shortcuts. For general use of redis see redis commands.
Currently shortcuts can be 5 chars long max.
redis-cli set <shortcut> <shortcut_value>
redis-cli set <shortcut> <new_shortcut_value>
redis-cli del <shortcut>
To start briefli just type briefli
into your console and see your shortcuts come to life :D
brieflis' default behaviour is to trigger text replace after you pressed CTRL key.
There a several options that allow you to tweak the behaviour of briefli.
For example you could add a systemd service and let it execute briefli -d
and briefli will run for ever as a background service :D
For all ooptions see briefli -h