FastXml is a wrapper around the VDT-XML library to provide a nicer interface for parsing XML files.
FastXml is available from JCenter as well as Github Packages
repositories {
dependencies {
You will need to add the Kotlin runtime as a dependency to your project:
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.4.0'
val xml = """<document>
| <a>Hello</a>
| <b>Goodbye</b>
| <c>Welcome</c>
val doc: Document? = FastXmlParser.parse(xml);
A XML document can be parsed from a String representing XML, a File, or an InputStream and will return a Document.
The Document offers a way to select nodes and elements from an XML document.
val doc = FastXmlParser.parse(xml)!!;
If there is namespaces you can add the namespaces to the Document in order to be able to refer to them in the xpath queries.
val doc = FastXmlParser.parser("ns" to "").parse(xml)!!;
orders: NodeList = doc.selectNodes("/orders/ns:order");
If a node does not exist when an xpath is used it will return null.
If you expect a node to exist you can use the selectRequiredNode
method and if it's not found it will throw an InvalidDateException
val doc = FastXmlParser.parse(xml)!!;
If you want to get all the nodes that match an xpath you can use the selectNodes()
to get a list of nodes that match the xpath query.
val doc = FastXmlParser.parse(xml)!!;
Values can be selected from a Document or a node as the following types using the selectAs* methods:
val doc = FastXmlParser.parse(xml)!!; value: Int? = doc.selectAsInt('/a/b');
Attributes on nodes can be selected using the getAttr
or getRequiredAttr
methods on the Node object or using an xpath.
val doc = FastXmlParser.parse(xml)!!;
val href: Node = doc.selectRequiredNode("/a/@href")!!;
String attrName = href.getValue();
String url = href.getText();
The fast-xml artifact is published to jcenter. To publish the artifact just run:
./gradlew bintrayUpload
This is using the Gradle release plugin
The release is configured to publish the artifacts to Bintray and depends on the bintrayUpload
./gradlew release