This is a Rails Engine for Rails3.
Map your rails url helpers into javascript.
Add to your Gemfile.
gem 'js_router', :git => 'git://'
$ bundle
This engine uses the yui-compressor gem for compact javascripts.
gem install yui-compressor
In your application layout.
javascript_include_tag '/javascripts/routes', 'application'
If your config/routes.rb file looks like this:
YourApp::Application.routes.draw do
resources :posts
You can do:
jsRouter.postsPath() => /posts
jsRouter.newPostPath() => /posts/new
jsRouter.postPath(1) => /posts/1
jsRouter.editPostPath(1) => /posts/1/edit
Or with extra params:
postPath(1, {name: 'john', type: 'person'}) => /posts/1?name=john&type=person
rake test
Generate urls with domain.
llopez (Luis Lopez).