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Docker Machine Driver for Proxmox VE - BETA

The incomplete state is over, as I have a working configuration:

  • Download and copy it into your PATH (don't forget to chmod +x) or build your own driver

  • Check if it works:

      $ docker-machine create --driver proxmox-ve --help | grep -c proxmox
  • Use a recent, e.g. 1.5.4 version of RancherOS and copy the rancheros-proxmoxve-autoformat.iso to your iso image storage on your PVE

  • Create a script with the following contents and adapt to your needs:



docker-machine rm --force $VM_NAME >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

docker-machine --debug \
    create \
    --driver proxmoxve \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-host $PVE_HOST \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-user $PVE_USER \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-realm $PVE_REALM \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-user-password $PVE_PASSWD  \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-node $PVE_NODE \
    --proxmoxve-proxmox-pool $PVE_POOL \
    --proxmoxve-vm-memory $PVE_MEMORY \
    --proxmoxve-vm-image-file "$PVE_IMAGE_FILE" \
    --proxmoxve-vm-storage-type $PVE_STORAGE \
    --proxmox-storage-type $PVE_STORAGE_TYPE \
    --proxmoxve-vm-net-bridge $PVE_NET_BRIDGE \
    --proxmoxve-vm-net-tag $PVE_NET_VLAN_TAG \
    --proxmox-ssh-username $GUEST_USERNAME \
    --proxmox-ssh-password $GUEST_PASSWORD \
    --proxmox-resty-debug \
    --proxmox-driver-debug \
    $* \

eval $(docker-machine env $VM_NAME)

docker ps

And start it up. At the first run, it is adiveable to not comment out the debug flags. If everything works as expected, you can remove them.

Preparing a special test user in PVE

If you want to test this docker-machine driver, i strongly recommend to secure it properly. Best way to do this to create a special user that has its own pool and storage for creating the test machines.

Here is what I use (based on ZFS):

  • create a pool for use as --proxmox-pool docker-machine

      pvesh create /pools -poolid docker-machine
  • create an user docker-machine with password D0ck3rS3cr3t

      pvesh create /access/users -userid docker-machine@pve -password D0ck3rS3cr3t
  • creating a special ZFS dataset and use it as PVE storage

      zfs create -o refquota=50G rpool/docker-machine-test
      zfs create rpool/docker-machine-test/iso
      pvesh create /storage -storage docker-machine -type zfspool -pool rpool/docker-machine-test
      pvesh create /storage -storage docker-machine-iso -type dir -path /rpool/docker-machine-test/iso -content iso
      pvesh set /pools/docker-machine -storage docker-machine
      pvesh set /pools/docker-machine -storage docker-machine-iso
  • set proper permissions for the user

      pvesh set /access/acl -path /pool/docker-machine -roles PVEVMAdmin,PVEDatastoreAdmin,PVEPoolAdmin -users docker-machine@pve

If you have additional test storages, you can also add them easily:

    pvesh set /pools/docker-machine -storage nfs
    pvesh set /pools/docker-machine -storage lvm
    pvesh set /pools/docker-machine -storage directory

Ceph is currently untested to the a lack of test environment. If you want to step in, please open an issue.


Version 3

  • Renaming driver from proxmox-ve to proxmoxve due to identification problem with RancherOS's K8S implementation (Thanks to @Sellto for reporting #16)
  • fixing issue with created disk detection (Thanks to @Sellto for reporting #16)
  • Add IPAddress property needed by rancher to know the ip address of the created VM. (@Sellto)
  • Change the name of each flag for better display in the rancher Node Templates (@Sellto)
  • Add number of CPU cores configuration paramater. (@Sellto)
  • LVM-thin fixes (@vstconsulting)
  • Bridge and VLAN tag support (@bemanuel)
  • Fixing filename detection including NFS support

Version 2

  • exclusive RancherOS support due to their special Proxmox VE iso files
  • adding wait cycles for asynchronous background tasks, e.g. create, stop etc.
  • use one logger engine
  • add guest username, password and ssh-port as new command line arguments
  • more and potentially better error handling

Version 1

  • Initial Version