ndx · 
Lightweight Full-Text Indexing and Searching Library.
This library were designed for a specific use case when all documents are stored on a disk (IndexedDB) and can be dynamically added or removed to an index.
Query function supports only disjunction operators. Queries like one two
work as "one" or "two"
Inverted Index doesn't store term locations and query function won't be able
to search for phrases like "Super Mario"
There are many alternative solutions with different tradeoffs that may better suit for your particular use cases. For a simple document search with a static dataset, I would recommend to use something like fst and deploy it as an edge function (wasm).
- Multiple fields full-text indexing and searching.
- Per-field score boosting.
- BM25 ranking function to rank matching documents.
- Trie based dynamic Inverted Index.
- Configurable tokenizer and term filter.
- Free text queries with query expansion.
import { createIndex, indexAdd } from "ndx";
import { indexQuery } from "ndx/query";
const termFilter = (term) => term.toLowerCase();
function createDocumentIndex(fields) {
// `createIndex()` creates an index data structure.
// First argument specifies how many different fields we want to index.
const index = createIndex(
// Tokenizer is a function that breaks text into words, phrases, symbols,
// or other meaningful elements called tokens.
(s) => s.split(" "),
// Filter is a function that processes tokens and returns terms, terms are
// used in Inverted Index to index documents.
// `fieldGetters` is an array with functions that will be used to retrieve
// data from different fields.
const fieldGetters = fields.map((f) => (doc) => doc[f.name]);
// `fieldBoostFactors` is an array of boost factors for each field, in this
// example all fields will have identical weight.
const fieldBoostFactors = fields.map(() => 1);
return {
// `add()` will add documents to the index.
add(doc) {
// Docum ent key, it can be an unique document id or a refernce to a
// document if you want to store all documents in memory.
// Document.
// `remove()` will remove documents from the index.
remove(id) {
// When document is removed we are just marking document id as being
// removed. Index data structure still contains references to the removed
// document.
indexRemove(index, removed, id);
if (removed.size > 10) {
// `indexVacuum()` removes all references to removed documents from the
// index.
indexVacuum(index, removed);
// `search()` will be used to perform queries.
search(q) {
return indexQuery(
// BM25 ranking function constants:
// BM25 k1 constant, controls non-linear term frequency normalization
// (saturation).
// BM25 b constant, controls to what degree document length normalizes
// tf values.
// Create a document index that will index `content` field.
const index = createDocumentIndex([{ name: "content" }]);
const docs = [
"id": "1",
"content": "Lorem ipsum dolor",
"id": "2",
"content": "Lorem ipsum",
// Add documents to the index.
docs.forEach((d) => { index.add(d); });
// Perform a search query.
// => [{ key: "2" , score: ... }, { key: "1", score: ... } ]
// document with an id `"2"` is ranked higher because it has a `"content"`
// field with a less number of terms than document with an id `"1"`.
// => [{ key: "1", score: ... }]
library doesn't provide any tokenizers or filters. There are other
libraries that implement tokenizers, for example
Natural has a good collection of
tokenizers and stemmers.