A feature-oriented react native boilerplate using functional patterns and tools
Sounds good and you just want to see how it works? Here is a quick start guide:
$ git clone https://github.com/phanhoangloc/react-native-boilerplate
$ cd react-native-ts
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Please note that in this boilerplate, we use JavaScript + Flow instead of TypeScript
Before you get started, make sure you have the following dependencies installed on your machine:
- NodeJS >= 8.11 with yarn and npm 5
- Latest React Native CLI
$ npm install -g react-native-cli
$ npm install -g expo-cli
- Install dependencies
$ yarn install
- Create configuration files
$ yarn setup
- Start a local server for your app
$ yarn start
- Opens your app in Expo in a currently running iOS simulator on your computer
$ yarn ios
- Opens your app in Expo on a connected Android device
$ yarn android
- Run unit tests
$ yarn test
- Run tests every time code changes
$ yarn test:watch
- Generate code coverage report
$ yarn test:coverage
- Run tests every time code changes and generate code coverage report
$ yarn test:wc
It's quite slow to watch file changes and then generate code coverage report. Despite that, it's useful to run it on isolated/small test cases
For standard debugging select Debug JS Remotely from the React Native Development context menu (To open the context menu, press CMD+D in iOS or D+D in Android). This will open a new Chrome tab under http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui and prints all actions to the console.
For advanced debugging under MacOS we suggest using the standalone React Native Debugger, which is based on the official debugger of React Native. It includes the React Inspector and Redux DevTools so you can inspect React views and get a detailed history of the Redux state.
You can install it via brew and run it as a standalone app:
$ brew update && brew cask install react-native-debugger
Open React Native Debugger on a different port (i.e 19002)
$ open "rndebugger://set-debugger-loc?host=localhost&port=19002"
Note: Make sure you close all active chrome debugger tabs and then restart the debugger from the React Native Development context menu.
Make sure to login to the correct account
$ expo login
$ expo whoami // check the current user
We need to specify the environment and the release channel for deployment
Publish to staging
$ ENV=staging CHANNEL=staging yarn deploy
Publish to production (we use the default channel for production)
$ ENV=production yarn deploy
There is a post publish hook that we can benefit to do extra stuff:
- notify the new build on Slack
- build and upload source maps for an error reporting service (i.e Sentry)
- ...
We show the build info directly in the app: app version, build time, environment, etc. Here are the steps to increase the app version when deploying:
- Open
in the target environment. Example: You are deploying to staging, the file would be./src/environments/staging/app.json
- Update the key
- Commit the change and push it to the repository