: Add link previews to chat
104 passed, 0 failed and 14 skipped
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationAnswerMessagesUITest.xml
5 tests were completed in 1ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 5 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationAnswerMessagesUITest | 5⚪ | 1ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationAnswerMessagesUITest
⚪ test GIVEN the post is resolved and one answer post is marked as resolving THEN the post is shown as resolved and this answer post is shown as resolving
⚪ test GIVEN post is not resolved WHEN resolving the post THEN the post is resolved with the third answer post
⚪ test GIVEN the post is not resolved and no answer post is resolving THEN the post is shown as not resolved and no answer post is shown as resolving
⚪ test GIVEN post is not resolved WHEN resolving the post THEN the post is resolved with the first answer post
⚪ test GIVEN post is resolved WHEN un-resolving the post THEN the post is un-resolved
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationMessagesUITest.xml
8 tests were completed in 5ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 8 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationMessagesUITest | 8⚪ | 5ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ConversationMessagesUITest
⚪ test GIVEN the post is pinned THEN the post is shown as pinned
⚪ test GIVEN post is not pinned WHEN pinning the post THEN the correct post gets pinned
⚪ test GIVEN the post is not pinned in thread THEN the post is not shown as pinned in thread
⚪ test GIVEN post is pinned in thread WHEN unpinning the post THEN the correct post gets unpinned in thread
⚪ test GIVEN post is not pinned in thread WHEN pinning the post THEN the correct post gets pinned in thread
⚪ test GIVEN the post is pinned in thread THEN the post is shown as pinned in thread
⚪ test GIVEN the post is not pinned THEN the post is not shown as pinned
⚪ test GIVEN post is pinned WHEN unpinning the post THEN the correct post gets unpinned
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceImplUpgradeLocalAnswerPostTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 29s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceImplUpgradeLocalAnswerPostTest | 3✅ | 29s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceImplUpgradeLocalAnswerPostTest
✅ testInsertClientSidePost
✅ testUpgradeClientSideAnswerPost2
✅ testUpgradeClientSideAnswerPost
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestLiveCreation.xml
2 tests were completed in 477ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestLiveCreation | 2✅ | 477ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestLiveCreation
✅ testInsertLiveCreatedPostWithExistingPost
✅ testInsertLiveCreatedPost
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestUpdatePost.xml
1 tests were completed in 162ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestUpdatePost | 1✅ | 162ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.service.storage.impl.MetisStorageServiceTestUpdatePost
✅ testUpdatePostWithSameClientPostId
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.ConversationProfilePictureUiTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 16s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.ConversationProfilePictureUiTest | 5✅ | 16s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.ConversationProfilePictureUiTest
✅ test GIVEN a post by the current user WHEN displaying the user dialog THEN the sendMessage button is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a post with null for userName WHEN displaying the post THEN the unknown profile picture is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post without an authorImageUrl WHEN displaying the post THEN the users initials are shown
✅ test GIVEN a post with a profile picture WHEN clicking on it THEN the user profile dialog is shown and sendMessage button is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post with an authorImageUrl WHEN displaying the post THEN the profile picture is shown
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.ConversationBottomSheetUiTest.xml
16 tests were completed in 4s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.ConversationBottomSheetUiTest | 16✅ | 4s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.ConversationBottomSheetUiTest
✅ test GIVEN a answer to a post WHEN long pressing the answer with pin abilities THEN pin option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a basePost from another user WHEN long pressing on another user's answer as tutor THEN resolve option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a basePost from another user WHEN long pressing on a users answer THEN resolve option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a user with moderation-rights WHEN long pressing other's post THEN delete option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN long pressing the post as the post author THEN delete option is shown
✅ test GIVEN other's post WHEN long pressing with pin rights THEN pin option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN long pressing the post THEN Edit action is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN long pressing the other's post as non-moderator THEN delete option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a post with reactions WHEN long pressing a reaction THEN the reacting user is shown correctly
✅ test GIVEN a post with reactions WHEN long pressing a reaction THEN users reacting with another reaction are hidden
✅ test GIVEN a basePost from user WHEN long pressing on another user's answer THEN resolve option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN long pressing without pin rights THEN pin option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a post with reactions WHEN long pressing a reaction THEN at least this reaction is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN long pressing the post as non-moderator THEN save option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a saved post WHEN long pressing the post as non-moderator THEN un-save option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a user with moderation-rights WHEN long pressing the other's post THEN Edit action is not shown
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.LinkPreviewTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 116ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.LinkPreviewTest | 5✅ | 116ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.LinkPreviewTest
✅ test GIVEN text with two links WHEN generating previewable links THEN it extracts all valid links
✅ test GIVEN text with multiple links WHEN removing a specific link preview THEN only the matching one is removed
✅ test GIVEN text with a url that does not end on a slash WHEN the removing the preview THEN the slash is removed to fit that url
✅ test GIVEN text with removed link previews WHEN generating previewable links THEN it ignores them
✅ test GIVEN text with a link WHEN removing link preview THEN it correctly removes the preview
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.PostActionBarUITest.xml
8 tests were completed in 1s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.PostActionBarUITest | 8✅ | 1s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.post.PostActionBarUITest
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view without pin abilities THEN pin option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view as the post author THEN delete option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view THEN save option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view with pin abilities THEN pin option is shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view THEN Edit action is shown
✅ test GIVEN a user with moderation-rights WHEN navigating to the thread view THEN Edit action is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a post WHEN navigating to the thread view as non-moderator THEN delete option is not shown
✅ test GIVEN a user with moderation-rights WHEN navigating to the thread view THEN delete option is shown
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.MarkdownListContinuationUtilTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 148ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.MarkdownListContinuationUtilTest | 6✅ | 148ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.MarkdownListContinuationUtilTest
✅ test WHEN typing newline in the middle after an unordered list line THEN next line inserts dash prefix and user types more text
✅ test WHEN typing newline in the middle of multi-line text after ordered list THEN next line inserts next list number
✅ test WHEN newline after non-list line THEN no prefix is inserted
✅ test WHEN typing newline after an unordered list line THEN next line continues with dash prefix
✅ test WHEN typing newline after an ordered list line THEN next line increments the list number
✅ test GIVEN a list with an empty item followed by a newline WHEN revisiting the empty list item and typing THEN no repeated prefix is inserted
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldUiTest.xml
8 tests were completed in 2s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldUiTest | 8✅ | 2s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldUiTest
✅ test GIVEN the textField WHEN entering a non-tag character THEN the autoCompletion dialog is hidden
✅ test GIVEN the autoCompletion dialog WHEN removing the tag character @ THEN the autoCompletion dialog is hidden
✅ test GIVEN the autoCompletion dialog WHEN clicking an entry THEN the replacement is inserted into the textField and the dialog is hidden
✅ test GIVEN an empty reply textField WHEN doing nothing THEN the autoCompletion dialog is hidden
✅ test GIVEN an empty reply textField WHEN entering the tag character @ THEN a list of autoCompletionHints for users shows
✅ test GIVEN the textField WHEN entering a first and surname separated by a single whitespace THEN the dialog shows
✅ test GIVEN the autoCompletion has been performed WHEN entering the tag character again THEN the autoCompletion dialog shows again
✅ test GIVEN the textField WHEN entering a second whitespace THEN the dialog is hidden
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldVisibilityUITest.xml
2 tests were completed in 313ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldVisibilityUITest | 2✅ | 313ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.ReplyTextFieldVisibilityUITest
✅ test GIVEN the chat list containing three posts is shown WHEN the markdown text field is clicked THEN the keyboard is shown below the markdown text field
✅ test GIVEN the thread view is shown containing one post and three answer posts WHEN the markdown text field is clicked THEN the keyboard is shown below the markdown text field
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.util.MarkdownStyleUtilTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 84ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.util.MarkdownStyleUtilTest | 3✅ | 84ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.reply.util.MarkdownStyleUtilTest
✅ test GIVEN a selection with start after end WHEN calling apply THEN no error should be thrown
✅ test GIVEN a selection with start less than end WHEN calling apply THEN tags should be wrapped around selection
✅ test GIVEN an empty selection WHEN calling apply THEN tags should be inserted at cursor position
✅ test-outputs/conversation/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.SavedPostsScreenUiTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 1s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.SavedPostsScreenUiTest | 3✅ | 1⚪ | 1s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.conversation.ui.SavedPostsScreenUiTest
✅ test GIVEN a single Saved Post WHEN long pressing the post THEN bottomSheet with remaining change_status and remove action buttons are displayed
✅ test GIVEN a single Saved Post WHEN displaying the screen THEN the post is displayed
✅ test GIVEN the inProgress screen WHEN pressing 'Complete' THEN the post is marked as completed
⚪ test GIVEN a single Saved Post WHEN pressing 'Remove from saved' THEN the callback is called
✅ test-outputs/core-modules-test/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.coremodulestest.AppModuleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 35s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.coremodulestest.AppModuleTest | 1✅ | 35s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.coremodulestest.AppModuleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/course-view/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-CourseScaffoldUiTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 58s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
CourseScaffoldUiTest | 2✅ | 58s |
✅ CourseScaffoldUiTest
✅ test GIVEN a course with faq disable WHEN displaying the bottomNavBar THEN no faq tab is displayed
✅ test GIVEN a course with faq enabled WHEN displaying the bottomNavBar THEN the faq tab is displayed
✅ test-outputs/exercise-view/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.exercise_view.exercise_moduleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 26s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.exercise_view.exercise_moduleTest | 1✅ | 26s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.exercise_view.exercise_moduleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/faq/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.faq.FaqOverviewUiTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 44s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.faq.FaqOverviewUiTest | 4✅ | 44s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.faq.FaqOverviewUiTest
✅ test GIVEN faqs with categories WHEN filtering by a category THEN only faqs matching the category should be visible
✅ test GIVEN faqs with categories WHEN displaying the overview THEN the categories are displayed
✅ test GIVEN faqs WHEN displaying the overview THEN the title and description should be visible
✅ test GIVEN faqs WHEN searching THEN only faqs matching the search should be visible
✅ test-outputs/force-update/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.force_update.UpdateUtilTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 18s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.force_update.UpdateUtilTest | 9✅ | 18s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.force_update.UpdateUtilTest
✅ isVersionGreater should return false when server version is older or the same
✅ createUpdateResultBasedOnServiceResponse should detect update if server version is newer
✅ isTimeToCheckUpdate should return true if more than 2 days have passed
✅ createUpdateResultBasedOnServiceResponse should return no update needed if network failure
✅ normalizeVersion should remove suffix after dash
✅ isVersionGreater should return true when server version is newer
✅ createUpdateResultBasedOnServiceResponse should not detect update if server version is same
✅ createUpdateResultBasedOnServiceResponse should not detect update if server version is older
✅ isTimeToCheckUpdate should return false if less than 2 days have passed
✅ test-outputs/login/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.login.login_moduleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 31s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.login.login_moduleTest | 1✅ | 31s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.login.login_moduleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/manage-conversations/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.manage_conversations_moduleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 24s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.manage_conversations_moduleTest | 1✅ | 24s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.manage_conversations_moduleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/manage-conversations/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.overview.ConversationListUiTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 17s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.overview.ConversationListUiTest | 2✅ | 17s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.manageconversations.overview.ConversationListUiTest
✅ test GIVEN the conversationList WHEN always THEN display the saved posts section and its elements
✅ test GIVEN the conversationList WHEN always THEN the saved posts elements should not show the ShowActions IconButton
✅ test-outputs/metis/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.communication_moduleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 17s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.communication_moduleTest | 1✅ | 17s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.communication_moduleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/push/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.communication_notification_model.CommunicationNotificationPlaceholderContentTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 473ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.communication_notification_model.CommunicationNotificationPlaceholderContentTest | 3✅ | 473ms |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.communication_notification_model.CommunicationNotificationPlaceholderContentTest
✅ test GIVEN a reply post WHEN parsing the notification placeholders THEN there are no errors
✅ test GIVEN a standalone post notification WHEN parsing the notification placeholders THEN there are no errors
✅ test GIVEN an announcement WHEN parsing the notification placeholders THEN there are no errors
✅ test-outputs/push/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 46s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest | 4✅ | 46s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationReceiveTest
✅ should forward notification with valid version
✅ should discard notification with non-existing version
✅ should discard gibberish notification
✅ should discard notification with non-matching version
✅ test-outputs/push/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationVisibleContextTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 1s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationVisibleContextTest | 5✅ | 1s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.push.PushNotificationVisibleContextTest
✅ test GIVEN no visible context WHEN calling isNotificationContextInVisibleMetisContexts THEN return false
✅ test GIVEN a visible thread context and a thread notification target WHEN calling isNotificationContextInVisibleMetisContexts THEN return true
✅ test GIVEN a visible chat context but a thread notification target WHEN calling isNotificationContextInVisibleMetisContexts THEN return false
✅ test GIVEN a visible chat context and related notification target WHEN calling isNotificationContextInVisibleMetisContexts THEN return true
✅ test GIVEN a visible chat context and unrelated notification target WHEN calling isNotificationContextInVisibleMetisContexts THEN return false
✅ test-outputs/quiz/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.quiz.quiz_participation_moduleTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 27s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.quiz.quiz_participation_moduleTest | 1✅ | 27s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.quiz.quiz_participation_moduleTest
✅ checkKoinModule
✅ test-outputs/shared/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.shared.db.MetisDaoTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 23s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.shared.db.MetisDaoTest | 4✅ | 23s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.feature.metis.shared.db.MetisDaoTest
✅ testAddPost
✅ testDeletePostWithReaction
✅ testAddPostWithReaction
✅ testDeletePost
✅ test-outputs/websocket/testProductionTumReleaseUnitTest/TEST-de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.core.websocket.util.WebsocketCompressionUtilTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 17s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.core.websocket.util.WebsocketCompressionUtilTest | 3✅ | 17s |
✅ de.tum.informatics.www1.artemis.native_app.core.websocket.util.WebsocketCompressionUtilTest
✅ test GIVEN a compressed message with a compression header WHEN calling the util THEN the deserialized message is returned
✅ test GIVEN a real world compressed payload WHEN calling the util THEN the deserialized message is returned
✅ test GIVEN a non-compressed message without a compression header WHEN calling the util THEN the deserialized message is returned