A Bazel ruleset to enable concise toolchain registration.
Add the module following to MODULE.bazel
bazel_dep(name = "toolchain_utils", version = "<...>")
The toolchain_info
provides a way to create the ToolchainInfo
provider around a executable Bazel target.
# Assuming a ruleset named `rules_placeholder` and a tool named `binary`
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/BUILD.bazel`
load("@toolchain_utils//toolchain/info:defs.bzl", "toolchain_info")
# Used for registration. Public so that downstream can register other toolchains
name = "type",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Create toolchain information around a binary target
# This could be a `go_binary`, `py_binary`, etc.
# The theoretical binary generates code that targets `amd64-linux-gnu`
# It will always be built for the current execution platform
name = "info-amd64-linux-gnu",
target = "//placeholder/binary:arm64-linux-gnu",
# We want a consistent `$(BINARY)` Make variable
# This will default to `basename.upper()`
variable = "BINARY",
# Register the toolchain
# The `target_compatible_with` describes the code generated by the toolchain
# No `exec_compatible_with` as Bazel will build the binary for the execution platform
name = "built-amd64-linux-gnu",
toolchain = ":info-amd64-linux-gnu",
toolchain_type = ":type",
target_compatible_with = [
The toolchain can be implicitly registered by the current module in MODULE.bazel
# Or use a recursive registration
# register_toolchains("//placeholder/toolchain/...")
It is often useful to use a binary defined on PATH
as the toolchain binary.
The downside is the binary is not hermetic and not available to use in remote execution.
However, it can still be useful for experimentation and quick setup when a hermetic tool does not exist.
The project provides a repository rule to detect a binary on PATH
Add the following to MODULE.bazel
which = use_repo_rule("@toolchain_utils//toolchain/local/which:defs.bzl", "toolchain_local_which")
# Assuming a binary named `amd64-linux-gnu-binary` on `PATH`
name = "which-amd64-linux-gnu-binary",
The repository rule provides a toolchain_info
target that can be registered against a toolchain type:
# Assuming a ruleset named `rules_placeholder` and a tool named `binary`
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/BUILD.bazel`
# Used for registration. Public so that downstream can register other toolchains
name = "type",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Register the local toolchain
# The `target_compatible_with` describes the code generated by the toolchain
# `exec_compatible_with` set to local constraints.
# Will not be available for remote execution due to local symlink path
name = "local-amd64-linux-gnu",
toolchain = "@which-amd64-linux-gnu-binary",
toolchain_type = ":type",
exec_compatible_with = [
target_compatible_with = [
The toolchain can be implicitly registered by the current module in MODULE.bazel
# Or use a recursive registration
# register_toolchains("//placeholder/toolchain/...")
A common use-case is to download pre-built binaries for different execution architectures and register them as a Bazel toolchain.
The binaries will need to be downloaded in MODULE.bazel
bazel_dep(name = "download_utils", version = "<...>")
# Download a binary that runs on `amd64-linux-gnu`
# It will generate code for `arm64-windows-ucrt`
download_file = use_repo_rule("@download_utils//download/file:defs.bzl", "download_file")
name = "binary-amd64-linux-gnu",
output = "arm64-windows-ucrt-binary",
executable = True,
urls = ["https://some.thing/amd64-linux-gnu/arm64-windows-ucrt-binary"],
A toolchain type must be defined to register the tool against:
# Assuming a ruleset named `rules_placeholder` and a tool named `binary`
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/BUILD.bazel`
# Used for registration. Public so that downstream can register other toolchains
name = "type",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
The downloaded binary can now be registered against the toolchain type.
To make organisation easier, it can be useful to create a Bazel package for each execution architecture.
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/amd64-linux-gnu/BUILD.bazel`
# Where `amd64-linux-gnu` is the execution architecture these toolchains work on
# Create toolchain information around the downloaded binary
name = "info-arm64-windows-ucrt",
target = "@binary-amd64-linux-gnu//:arm64-windows-ucrt-binary",
# We want a consistent `$(BINARY)` Make variable
# This will default to `basename.upper()`
variable = "BINARY",
# Register the downloaded toolchain
# The `target_compatible_with` describes the code generated by the toolchain
# The `exec_compatible_with` describes which execution platform the tool can run on
name = "downloaded-arm64-windows-ucrt",
toolchain = ":info-arm64-windows-ucrt",
toolchain_type = "//placholder/toolchain/binary:type",
exec_compatible_with = [
target_compatible_with = [
The toolchain can be implicitly registered by the current module in MODULE.bazel
# Or use a recursive registration
# register_toolchains("//placeholder/toolchain/...")
Declare the usage of the toolchain in a rule definition:
def implementation(ctx):
toolchain = ctx.toolchains["//placeholder/toolchain/binary:type"]
# The `ToolchainInfo` generated by `toolchain_info` is always the same shape
# `toolchain.variable` is the Make variable for the tool
# `toolchain.default` is the `DefaultInfo` of the wrapped tool
# Use the `DefaultInfo` to forward runfiles through rules, if needed
# `toolchain.executable` is the Bazel executable `File`
# `toolchain.run` can be passed to `ctx.actions.run` to execute the tool
# It will correctly forward runfiles associated with the tool
output = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name)
args = ctx.actions.args()
outputs = [output],
executable = toolchain.run,
arguments = [args],
return DefaultInfo(files = depset([output]))
example = rule(
implementation = implementation,
toolchains = ["//placeholder/toolchain/binary:type"],
Due to a quirk in Bazel, to retrieve the resolved toolchain as a Make variable another rule
implementation must perform the toolchain resolution.
The project provides a repository rule that implements the boilerplate necessary for this.
Use the resolved
repository rule in MODULE.bazel
resolved = use_repo_rule("@toolchain_utils//toolchain/resolved:defs.bzl", "toolchain_resolved")
name = "resolved-binary",
toolchain_type = "//placholder/toolchain/binary:type",
A alias
can then be provided to expose the resolved Make variable to downstream users:
# Assuming a ruleset named `rules_placeholder` and a tool named `binary`
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/BUILD.bazel`
# Used for registration. Public so that downstream can register other toolchains
name = "type",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Provides `TemplateVariableInfo` so that the resolved toolchain can be used as a Make variable
name = "resolved",
actual = "@resolved-binary",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
A resolved toolchain Make variable can be used in any rule that expands Make variables.
Commonly, this functionality is used in genrule
name = "generate",
outputs = ["stdout.log"],
cmd = "$(BINARY) --help > $@",
toolchains = ["@rules_placeholder//placeholder/toolchain/binary:resolved"],
When developing a toolchain it can be useful to do simple testing of the toolchain resolution.
This can be performed with toolchain_test
and a resolved toolchain target.
# Assuming a ruleset named `rules_placeholder` and a tool named `binary`
# This would be in `//placeholder/toolchain/binary/BUILD.bazel`
load("@toolchain_utils//toolchain/test:defs.bzl", "toolchain_test")
# Used for registration. Public so that downstream can register other toolchains
name = "type",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Assuming that some `toolchain` targets are added here and registered
# Provides `TemplateVariableInfo` so that the resolved toolchain can be used as a Make variable
name = "resolved",
actual = "@resolved-binary",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Add a simple test to ensure that the toolchain is resolved, exits with zero and outputs _something_ to `stdout`
name = "test",
args = ["--version"],
toolchains = [":resolved"],
The toolchain_test
can provide diff
on stdout
. See the documentation for the rule for more insight.
On POSIX systems, this ruleset is entirely hermetic and only requires a POSIX compatible shell and /usr/bin/env
to find that shell.
The rule set has Batch implementation on Windows so does not require Bash.
A binary Windows launcher is created by compiling C# code with the .NET csc
. This is provided by the base install of Windows.
The toolchain_test
uses the FC.exe
binary to compare stdout
of toolchain binaries. This is provided in the base install of Windows.
Effectively, the ruleset is hermetic.