(for DSpace 3.0)
The DSpace REST API could be installed as an add-on. If using an Unix OS, there is a script that would do the work for you:
$ cd [dspace-rest-api directory]
$ ./install.sh
In order to setup it manually, please, use the following steps:
- Compile the dspace-rest-api/dspace-rest module (mvn package)
- Copy the generated target directory (target/dspace-rest-3.0) to the DSpace web apps directory (modify it's name from dspace-rest-3.0 to rest).
- Open the file WEB-INF/web.xml, replace
by the correct value (where dspace is installed).
The changes only takes effect after the new web app is completely loaded. So, if the web app container (ie.: Tomcat) automatically starts the web app it wouldn't require to restart it, otherwise, you must restart the web app container.
After starting the REST API, visit the base url: http:///rest, it will show the API documentation.