This is an overlay repo of R packages to be used with official MacPorts or its forks, MacStrop and PowerPC Ports.
Current maintenace is moved here; while most of these ports are also present in the official MacPorts ports repo, they are not updated there anymore. Consider using this repo to stay up-to-date. Despite macos-powerpc umbrella, ports here are not specific to PowerPC and can be used on x86 and aarch64.
To use this, clone the repository to a location of choice. For example, to the root of MacPorts prefix, /opt/local/R-ports:
%> sudo git clone --depth=1 /opt/local/R-ports
%> sudo chown -R macports /opt/local/R-ports
This makes sure that the resulting tree will be readable by the "macports" user. To update the tree later on, use:
%> sudo -u macports git -C /opt/local/R-ports pull
Then, edit /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf: towards the end of the file, add the following line above the line that has [default] at the end:
and save the file. If you do not want this repo to be updated automatically whenever you run port sync, add [nosync] at the end of that line.
Now, do
%> cd /opt/local/R-ports && sudo -u macports portindex
and the new ports will be available.
Ports that are in this repo will override those from the default one.
As things stand, this is a one-developer "hobby" project. I do this because I like it and use R in research. If you find this useful, you may consider supporting it. It is not sponsored by MacPorts or any other institution or company.