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This project is deployed within the maevsi/stack in accordance with the dargstack template to make deployment a breeze.
Before you start with development, make sure you familiarize yourself with our guide for contributions to ensure your development experience stays flawless! π§
The setup for frontend development is easy! π
The setup for backend development is more complex as it consists of numerous services which are best set up containerized π§βπ»
You're encouraged to ask questions on Vibetype's Discord if the setup could go smoother!
click here for instructions
- (optional) if you're on Windows, you might want to setup WSL to be able to use all Linux functionality this project utilizes
- install Git to download this project's modules and participate in version management
- install mkcert for development certificate generation and installation, so that all services are available through https
- install nvm to be able to switch the currently active Node.js version on your machine (useful when working on multiple Node.js projects)
create a directory named
in a directory of your liking -
download this repository into that newly created directory:
cd vibetype git clone
switch into the
subdirectory and setup Node:cd vibetype nvm install
then install all dependencies using pnpm, which should include the src directory automatically:
corepack enable pnpm install
finally, start the frontend:
cd src pnpm dev
you should now be able to access Vibetype under https://localhost:3000/! π
click here for instructions
- if you're on Windows, setup WSL to be able to use all Linux functionality this project utilizes
- install Git to download this project's modules and participate in version management
- install nvm to be able to switch the currently active Node.js version on your machine
- install mkcert for development certificate generation and installation, so that all services are available through https
- install Docker so that all services run in their containers
- install dargstack to bootstrap a Docker stack setup
create a directory named
in a directory of your liking -
download the project modules vibetype, maevsi/stack and sqitch into that newly created directory:
cd vibetype git clone git clone git clone
- vibetype contains the frontend and database migrations
- maevsi/stack is the service configuration
- sqitch is the database migration service
switch into the
subdirectory and setup Node:cd vibetype nvm install
then install all dependencies using pnpm, including the src directory:
corepack enable pnpm install
configure Vibetype's dargstack then take note of the following output:
cd ../stack/src/development cp stack.env.template stack.env pnpm store path
use the previous command's path output to fill the
variabe using the editor of your choice:$EDITOR stack.env
install a root development certificate on your system and create subcertificates for the application to have all services available under
:mkcert -install ./certificates/
Note that in a WSL setup
does not import the root certificate authority into your browsers' certificate store. You'd need to manually add this certificate to your browsers' storage then. You can find the directory containing the certificate file by runningmkcert -CAROOT
. -
you are now ready to start everything up:
cd ../../ dargstack deploy
finally, create the Docker development images for
so that their services start successfully:dargstack build vibetype dargstack build sqitch
you should now be able to access Vibetype under https://localhost! π
If there are issues, you can debug the services as described in the following "Container Management" section.
To see if services are running or not you can use Portainer if you prefer a web view instead of the command line. Head to this gist for the Portainer setup command. When the container is running, you'll be able to access Portainer under https://localhost:9443. You may be asked to accept the risk of a self-signed certificate, which is ok to do at this time. On your local Portainer website, create a user, add an environment, start the Docker wizard, choose "Socket", name it e.g. "local" and close the wizard. Under "home", select the newly created environment then. You'll have access to all containers, images, volumes and more via the left sidebar then.
Head to our disclosure policy to see how to report security issues and how we value your report.