SaltStack formula and dev environment for Reggie, MAGFest's registration and management system.
This is the officially supported method of setting up a development environment for Reggie. It will create a deployment config that is using the same plugins, and nearly identical configuration, as our production servers. Once deployed, you can run a command to update all repositories to the latest changes from GitHub.
First, install all this stuff:
It's recommended that you have a fast Internet connection, at least 4gb of RAM, and a fast computer for this.
This deploy supports multiple events with different configurations. Pick an event name from the list of valid names (super, labs, west, stock) and any valid year (2019, 2020).
You may also choose an unsupported event name. For instance, if you want to develop a Reggie plugin for a non-MAGFest event. Be aware that, while everything should still work, using an unsupported event name will generate a barebones configuration.
Open a git BASH terminal by clicking Start menu and typing 'git bash'. You should see a black command prompt window with green text.
Clone the repository somewhere on your local computer. You can do this by opening a command prompt and running the following commands:
cd C:\wherever\you\want\your\project\to\live\ git clone cd reggie-formula
(More Instructions if you need them)
Follow the section named 'Common Instructions' below.
Clone the repository somewhere on your local computer. You can do this by opening a command prompt and running the following commands:
cd /home/myusername/somewhere/ git clone cd reggie-formula
(More Instructions if you need them)
Follow the section named 'Common Instructions' below.
- Type
./ desired_event_name desired_event_year
from the terminal. For example, to install MAGStock, you would type:./ stock 2018
. (This step may take awhile.) - After the install completes, you can login to Reggie with username '[email protected]' and password 'magfest'.
Installation complete!
At the command prompt, from the project directory, type vagrant ssh
access the running machine
Now that things are fully installed, check out the development doc for more info on what to do next. If you're looking for a good Integrated Development Environment (IDE), check out the doc on configuring PyCharm.
If you have previous deployments, you must ensure those VMs are stopped. Either type 'vagrant halt' from their project directories, or open the Virtualbox program from the start menu and power off any running VMs.
If you see any Virtualbox errors like 'unable to start virtual machine' when starting the process, or anything about 'VMX' or 'hardware acceleration', you may need to make sure that hardware virtualization acceleration/extensions are enabled in your computer's BIOS.