This is a cloned version from And we want to make it support some MKS boards. So far, it has supported MKS Robin Nano V3 board, and please notice:
- You should use MKS Robin Wifi at the same time, which uses spi connection with the Nano V3.
- Using on MKS Robin Nano V3, you cannot display with the MKS TS35 so far, but only the 4.3/5.0/7.0 inch serial LCD like the Duet2Wifi board.
- Just like gloomyandy reminded, this firmware is experimental and is likely to contain bugs - Use at your own risk.
The original bootloader on Nano V3 does not support RRF, so the BootLoader needs to be updated first. This is only a one-time step. The updated BootLoader will support both Marlin firmware and RRF firmware. Copy all the booloader files to the TF card, insert the card into the motherboard, then power on and wait the update to be finished.
Copy all the released files and folders to the TF card, then power on until the “FAN1” light on the motherboard flashes, which means update RRF firmware complete.
make sure that the wifi firmware "DuetWiFiServer.bin" is in the firmware folder of TF card. Use the Pronterface or other host on PC to connect to the motherboard, and then send the command:
M997 S1
to update the wifi firmware. The firmware update process will display the update progress on the Pronterface.
Wifi name and wifi password settings, send the command :
M587 S "wifi name" P "wifi password"
Modify wifi name and wifi password according to your actual situation.
Wfi IP query, the host computer sends instructions:
M552 S1
Web page control connection, enter the IP in the browser to login
Enter the login password, which is set in the configuration file: release firmware/rrf_v3.2/sys/config.g
For more usage and configuration, please refer to the WIKI or Using Manual.
- Thank you for using MKS products. If you have any questions during use, please contact us in time and we will work with you to solve it.
- For more product dynamic information and tutorial materials, you can always follow MKS's Facebook/Twitter/Discord/Reddit/Youtube and Github. Thank you!
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