- #823: wrap skew/kurtosis calculations in try/except for pyarrow
- #823: only run skew/kurtosis calculations when series has those functions
- #825: unpin werkzeug dependency
- front-end package upgrades (axios 1.6.0)
- #827: allowing user's to override the host used by
- #724: updated logging to use a dedicated dtale logger when not invoking from CLI
- #822: fixed bug with dataframe filters not being persisted to chart builder initially
- #816: frequencies grid filtering
- front-end package upgrades (styled_components)
- adjusted Pillow dependency
- Turn off "Custom Filter" functionality by default
- #811: weekday name function
- #804: updated summarize code to string join using a pipe instead of comma
- #805: allow D-Tale to be run under HTTPS
- #803: Frequency Table
- #796: option to hide ribbon n & column menus
- #797: added 'Counts & Percentages' summarize function
- #800: heatmap locked column fix
- #798: added 'Duplicate' function to column menu
- #792: adding in percentage to 'Value Counts' describe chart
- #788: fix for when column names have a pipe character
- #786: updates to shutdown
- update to AcrticDB
- Fixes for ArcticDB date filtering
- Added support to
endpoint for ArcticDB instances hosted using gunicorn
- Added handling for ArcticDB locations with high libraries & symbols
- Added handling for wide dataframes
- Allowed ArcticDB data paths to passed in from URLs
- Added support for ArcticDB as the storage mechanism for pandas dataframes
- #759: freeze header menu option
- Updated data_id storage to use strings rather than numbers
- Fixed bug where calling 'cleanup' didn't cleanup instance name reference
- tweaked requirements for older versions of python
- updates to how app's _override_routes rebuilds url_map
- requirement tweaks to werkzeug
- #490: stratified random sample in charts
- Updated sklearn column_builders to handle import failures
- Added dataclasses requirement for python environments >= 3.6 and < 3.7
- backwards compatability for pandas
dtype and tests
- removed extraneous dependency
- update requirements to no longer pin and allow for older versions of packages
- update unit tests to allow for backwards compatibility with older versions of mock library
- update how
is detected rather than pinning to specific version of python - separated black & Flake8 code formatting checks into own job in CircleCI
- #748: update auto-generated column deletion code
- #746: editing cells while filtering
- #743: passing a list of columns to 'allow_cell_edits'
- #742: custom edit options bug
- updates for pandas 2.0.0
- bump redis & replace node-sass with sass
- Updated D-Tale streamlit startup command to have a wider exception handler for importing
- #726: updated
to persist updates to instance settings
- #726: fix for turning off header editor using
- #726: added option to turn off header editor
- #700: export all charts in one HTML file
- #592: highlight rows of a dataframe filter
- #647: added option to auto-hide columns consisting entirely of NaN values
- #659: editing cells with predefined values
- #692: updated dash to throw regular exceptions instead of 204s when in Google Colab
- Updated usage to dash_bootstrap_components.Checkbox to be backwards compatible
- #719: allow NaN values in groupby
- Updated cell editor and header editor to use select dropdown on category columns
- #708: render boolean column values as checkboxes)
- #709: added additional VSCode check for VSCODE_INJECTION
- #714: pushed plotly legend below x-axis labels
- #711: fix for predefined filters to return numbers to the backend when necessary
- frontend package upgrades:
- upgraded to latest version of react
- dropped enzyme in favor of @testing-library/react
- upgraded chart.js
- #703: fix for matplotlib imports
- #704: fix for replacing nan with zero
- #677: include row dropping in history
- #693: updated streamlit script to work with 1.12.0
- #694: shortened setup.py long_description to help with hadoop downloads
- updating pillow dependency in python 3.6
- #688: updated calls to Flask.url_for for version 2.2.1
- #676: Changed final_query to include column
- Fix filtering string columns with special characters and explicitly support regex
- added build of python 3.10
- #671: updated substring replacement function regex
- #254: Fixes for disabling actions
- fixed networkx dependencies
- #617: encoding updates for stylesheets
- #668: update warning filtering to only filter dash_html_components message
- #669: fixed correlation code export
- #665: removed dependency on ppscore and unpinned sklearn
- Added the ability to export correlations or PPS heatmaps to PNG
- #653: added "version" entry to dtale module
- #617: file loading on windows
- #643: correlation grid dropdown display
- #646: initial show/hide grid display
- #617: HTML Exports of data grid
- Added option for JSONL line files in json-loader
- #643: updated how selected columns get passed to correlation scatter charts
- #642: updates for merge screen
- #641: fixed histogram label precision
- #614: display D-Tale by name
- #612: fixed bug with replacing strings
- #602: update any date columns to have naive timezone
- #607: display of chinese characters in missingno plots
- #606: stringify tuple column names
- Typescript conversion of frontend code
- #600: persist selected chart across columns in describe popup
- #597: fix for aggregate function on "Summarize Data"
- replaced querystring package with URLSearchParams
- #595: probability histograms
- #589: pareto chart
- updates for babel ES2020 support
- #594: fix for editing cells while using redislite
- updates for "Time Series Analysis" with aggregation
- #591: load parquet from UI
- #590: parquet export
- #533: Time Series Analysis
- #537: moved "Resample" to the "Dataframe Functions" popup]
- #583: allow for "vertical_headers" to be set from dtale.show
- updated dash-bio to an optional dependency
- fix for
- re-pinned dash to 2.0.0
- #568: range highlight updates
- #566: clustergram charts
- #578: dataset correlations error
- #576: dash_core_components and dash_html_component import updates
- #579: fix for pandas.Series.between FutureWarning
- #577: specifying backgrounds programmatically
- #565: allow "chart per group" display in scatter charts
- #564: geometric mean aggregation in "Summarize Data"
- #559: lock columns from config, highlight rows, move filters to custom filter, nan display
- #560: Add "Gage R&R" computation
- #558: added "Filtered" toggle to "Variance Report"
- #561: Modify behaviour for finding free port
- #557: allow filters to be applied to the "Describe" page
- #555
- added option to specify default sort in config/show/CLI
- predefined filter updates
- #552: added query engine toggle
- #553: boolean chart axis ticks
- #554: dash callback input update
- #553: charts with boolean values as y or z axes
- #552: exceptions with unsigned integers and NA values
- #548: updated popups to redirects when in vscode
- fixed client-side bug with "rename" function
- #549: fix for grouping charts by multiple columns
- #545: added "concatenate" & "replace" string column builders
- updated lodash loading to use tree-shaking
- #544: fixed issue with loading missingno plots
- used plotly.js partial distribution to lower egg size
- updated "Charts" page to handle dark-mode
- #539: "Substring" & "Split By Character" column builders
- #542: fixed bug with finding missings in categorical data
- #543: added "group by" to cumulative sum builder
- Portuguese translation
- Fixes for long string tooltips
- #529: resample timeseries
- #532: shift and expanding builders
- #525: bin range on x-axis
- #526: targeted histogram tooltip
- updated simpsons dataset to make use of image display
- #531: re-organizing column builder buttons
- #530: typo in rolling code snippet
- #528: feature analysis
- #534: pinned missingno less than or equal to 0.4.2
- #523: upgraded to plotly 5
- Row height resize functionality
- #522: sorting target values in histogram tooltip
- #520: additional code export update
- #515: adding dataframe.index() to chart axis
- #520: wrong indent in chart code export
- #519: display raw HTML
- #518: cumulative sum builder
- #517: keep less correlated columns
- #514: targeted histogram fixes
- #493: Correlations grid sorting
- #505: Filtering enhancements
- #484: renamed "Percentage Count" to "Count (Percentage)"
- #503: add separate option for "Clean Column" to main menu
- bump css-what from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
- added the ability to toggle the display of all columns when heatmap is turned on
- #491: overlapping histogram chart
- bump ws from 7.4.5 to 7.4.6
- Updates
- #504: fix for toggling between unique row & word values
- #502: updated "cleaning" column builder to allow for inplace updates
- #501: updates to describe window labels
- #500: cleaning "Remove Numbers" code snippet fix
- #488: string encoding for correlations
- #484: fixed for percentage count chart aggregation
- Correlation Scatter Updates:
- #480: flexible branding
- #485: Adjustable height on Correlation grid
- #477: Excel-style cell editing at top of screen
- UI input for "Maximum Column Width"
- JS package upgrades
- refactored how sphinx documentation is built
- #475: fixes for DtaleRedis issues
- #140: additional string column filters
- refactored draggable column resizing to be more performant
- added dependency on nbformat
- updated Sphinx documentation building to only run on master builds of python3.9
- Also pinned jinja2 to 2.11.3 when building
- #472: maximum column width
- #471: predefined filters
- #473: fixed column filters
- refactored settings (sortInfo, columnFilters, outlierFilters, predefinedFilters) to be stored in redux
- fixed issues with pinned main menu
- #470: editing cells for column names with special characters
- #465: optional authentication
- #467: fixed column menu issues when name has special characters
- #466: convert complex data to strings
- added "head" & "tail" load types for chart data sampling
- #463: skew & kurtosis on filtered data
- Moved Correlations & PPS to side panel
- Added "Show/Hide Columns" side-panel
- #462: Graphs slow with big data
- added ESC button handler for closing the side panel
- Added missingno chart display
- added new side panel for viewing describe data
- updated how requirements files are loaded in setup.py
- added cleanup function to instance object
- added animation for display of hidden/filter/sort info row
- #306: ribbon menu
- #458: fix for killing D-Tale sessions in jupyter_server_proxy
- #378: add cleaning functions to chart inputs
- #454: fixed issue with parenthesis & percent symbols in column names
- hotfix for chart code exports of category column analysis
- moved "Open In New Tab" button
- #135: refactored column analysis code and updated code exports to include plotly charts
- resizable columns
- updated how click loader options are found
- Added loader for r datasets (
files) - updating the language menu option to list options dynamically
- #452: handling of column names with periods & spaces as well as long names
- updated styling of windows to match that of Charts
- #448: set default value of "ignore_duplicate" to True
- #442: Dash Updates
- Split charts by y-axis values if there are multiple
- Saving charts off and building new ones
- Toggling which piece of data you're viewing
- Toggling language nav menu
- Instances popup changes
- updated preview to use DataPreview
- updated display of "memory usage" to numeral.js
- Updated MANIFEST.in to include requirements.txt
- #445: updated URL paths to handle when D-Tale is running with jupyter server proxy
- #315: Internationalization (supports english & chinese currently)
- #441: Add option to 'pin' the menu to the screen as a fixed side panel
- #434
- updated scatter plot date header to be generated server-side
- updated scatter plot generation in correlations to use date index rather than date value for filtering
- update setup.py to load dependencies from requirements.txt
- #437: optional memory usage optimization and show mem usage
- #428: Turn global_state into interfaces
- #434: Additional PPS formatting
- #433: fixed exception message display in merge UI
- #432: updated calls to "get_instance" in merge code snippets
- #431: fixed stacking code example
- #430: replace empty strings with nans when converting dates to timestamp floats
- #261: Merging & Stacking UI
- #423: y-axis scale toggle
- #422: sheet selection on excel uploads
- #421: replacements not replacing zeroes
- #420: Added python2.7 support back
- #416: aggregating charts by "first" or "last"
- #415: fix display of heatmap option on main menu when column heatap on
- Excel Uploads
- Removed python2.7 support from code
- CI Updates:
- updated JS workflow to use latest node image
- dropped support for python 2.7 and added support for python 3.9
- Jest test refactoring
- #415: single column heatmap
- #414: exporting charts using "top_bars"
- #413: Q-Q Plot
- #411: updates for column analysis warnings
- #412: histogram for date columns
- #404: fixes for group input display on floats and data frequencies
- #408: modifications to exponential smoothing column builder UI
- #405: removed cleaners from non-string columns)
- #404: fixed bug with missing group selection dropdown on strings)
- #406: handling for duplicate bins
- #396: added kurtosis to date column descriptions and fixed issue with sequential diffs hanging around for previous columns
- #397: group type & bin type (frequency/width) options for charts
- Updated pandas query building to use backticks for extreme column names
- Node tooltips and URL history building for Network Viewer
- #399: better titles for groups in charts
- #393: rolling & exponential smoothing column builders
- #401: option to show top values in bar charts
- #387: calculate skew on date columns converted to millisecond integers
- #386: bugfixes with "Rows w/ numeric" & "Rows w/ hidden"
- #389: added more precision to KDE values
- update Network Viewer to allow for URL parameter passing of to, from, group & weight
- #343: buttons to load sequential diffs for different sorts
- #376: added bins option to charts for float column groupings
- #345: geolocation analysis
- #370: toggle to turn off auto-loading of charts
- #330: data slope column builder
- additional documentation
- fixed dependency issues with 27-3 build and pandas 1.2.0 test failures
- #379: issue with skew description
- #346: updated mapbox description
- #381: Network Analysis sub-page
- #361: Network Display
- fixed styling of Dash modals
- #228: additional documentation on how to run in docker
- #344: Updates to sorting of unique values as well as display of word value count raw values
- #374: fixed issue displaying "NaN" string values in chart group options
- #373: only use group values in mapbox if mapbox group column(s) has been specified
- #367: rows with hidden characters
- #372: updated labels for First/Last aggregations and added "Remove Duplicates" option
- #368: updated "No Aggregation" to be default aggregationfor charts
- #369: x-axis count wordclouds
- #366: additional hyphen added to "Replace Hyphens w/ Space" cleaner
- #365: fixed display issues with KDE
- #363: show/hide columns on load
- #348: sub-date map animation fix
- #347: display items loaded in "Load" slider
- #349: additional duplicates handling in chart builders
- node-notifier depdabot alert
- #351: added KDE to histograms in column analysis
- package upgrades
- #350: x-axis column selection no longer required for charts
- if there is no selection then the default index of (1, 2, ..., N) will be used in its place
- #356: "replace hyphens" cleaner and cleaners added to "Value Counts" analysis
- #358: addition skew/kurtosis display
- #357: cleaner for hidden characters
- #359: repositioned skew/kurt in describe
- #359: moved "Variance Report" option up in column menu
- #360: updates to string describe labels
- fixed issues with draggable/resizable modals
- updated modals to be resizable (re-resizable)
- #354: fix for building data ids greater than 10
- #343: remove nan & nat values from sequential diff analysis
- #342: column cleaner descriptions
- #340: add column cleaners to "Word Value Counts" analysis chart
- #341: NLTK stopword cleaner updates
- #338: removing nan values from string metrics
- #334: skew/kurtosis summary
- Updated modals to be movable (react-draggable)
- build(deps): bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7
- Notify iframe parent of updates
- fixed bug with bar chart animations
- #335: addition string metrics for Describe popup
- #336: sqlite loader
- #333: sequential diffs in describe popup
- #332: adding "word counts" to Describe popup]
- #329: diff() column builder
- added highlight.js & upgraded react-syntax-highlighter
- #325: Plotly export chart colors
- fixed highlight.js dependabot warning
- #326: trendline with datetime data
- #327: fixed issues with cleaner deselection
- #273: Predictive Power Score
- #323: precision setting for all float columns
- #265: column cleaners
- #322: colorscales not being included in chart exports and colorscales added to surface charts
- #148: random sampling in charts
- #295: check for swifter when executing apply functions
- Reworked the display of the "Instances" popup
- fixed issue with serving static assets when using "app_root"
- Added better handling for
- #319: fix for loading xarray dimensions
- Added support for embedding D-Tale within Streamlit
- additional updates to how int/float hex conversions work
- #317: convert int/float to hexadecimal
- Copy Columns/Rows to clipboard using Shift+Click & Ctrl+Click
- Added "items" function to global state mechanisms
- #296: heatmap doesn't respect current filters
- Additional fixes for #313 & #302
- Handling for partial
files - Handling for dictionary inputs w/ non-iterable values
- Handling for partial
- #313: support for numpy.array, lists & dictionaries
- #302: configuration file for default options
- Removal of legacy charting code & updating flask route to plotly dash charts from
- Update to how routes are overriden so it will work with gunicorn
- Documentation
- running within gunicorn
- embedding in another Flask or Django app
- configuration settings
- #311: png chart exports and fix for trandlines in exports
- Added the option to switch grid to "Dark Mode"
- Documentation updates & better formatting of sample dataset buttons
- bugfixes for loading empty dtale in a notebook and chart display in embedded app demo
- Load CSV/TSV/JSON from the web as well as some sample datasets
- #310: handling for nan in ordinal & label encoders
- #123: selecting a range of cells to paste into excel
- Documentation on embedding D-Tale in another Flask app
- bugfix for altering single y-axis ranges when x-axis is non-numeric
- #272: encoders for categorical columns
- #305: Show Duplicates column(s) label
- #304: Link to Custom Filter from Column Menu
- #301: Normalized Similarity
- #289: Show Duplicates query bug & scrollable duplicate groups
- #299: Value counts not matching top unique values in Column Analysis
- #298: Standardize column builder bug
- #297: Similarity bugs
- #290: show top 5 values with highest frequency in describe details
- #288: Add Duplicates popup to Column Menu
- #282: additional exception handling for overriding routes
- #271: standardized column builder
- #282: better support for using D-Tale within another Flask application
- #270: filter outliers from column menu
- allow users to start D-Tale without loading data
- #264: similarity column builder
- #286: column description lag after type conversion
- #269: column based range highlighting
- #268: better button labels for inplace vs. new column
- #283: triple-quote formatting around queries in code exports
- #266: string concatenation string builder
- #267: Column discretion UI
- Fix: Pandas throws error when converting numeric column names to string.
- hotfix to move HIDE_SHUTDOWN & GITHUB_FORK to
- hotfix to expose HIDE_SHUTDOWN & GITHUB_FORK from
- #248: Added 'minPeriods' & the rolling means (multi-value per date) dateframes for Correlations popup
- #254: Options to hide shutdown and turn off cell editing
- #244: Treemap charts
- #252: Describe shows proper values, but repeats 'Total Rows:' heading instead of proper headings
- #243: column menu descriptions
- #247: code export compilation error fixes
- #242: type conversion column menu option & auto-column names on "Build Column"
- #235: nan formatting
- #231: "Lock Zoom" button on 3D Scatter & Surface charts for locking camera on animations
- global & instance-level flag to turn off cell editing
- added the ability to upload CSVs
- upgraded prismjs
- #234: update to line animations so that you can lock axes and highlight last point
- #233: add candlestick charts
- #241: total counts vs. count (non-nan) in describe
- #240: force convert to float
- #239: converting mixed columns
- #237: updated "Pivot" reshaper to always using pivot_table
- #236: "inplace" & "drop_index" parameters for memory optimization and parquet loader
- #229: added histogram sample chart to bins column builder
- better axis display on heatmaps
- handling for column filter data on "mixed" type columns
- "title" parameter added for offline charts
- heatmap drilldowns on animations
- bugfix for refreshing custom geojson charts
- added better notification for when users view Category breakdowns in "Column Analysis" & "Describe"
- fixed code snippets in "Numeric" column builder when no operation is selected
- fixed code exports for transform, winsorixe & z-score normalize column builders
- added colorscale option to 3D Scatter charts
- added "Animate By" to Heatmaps
- initial chart drilldown functionality (histogram, bar)
- fixed bug with code exports on transform, winsorize & z-score normalize column builders
- updated labeling & tooltips on histogram charts
- npm package upgrades
- updated column filters so that columns with more than 500 unique values are loaded asynchronously as with AsyncSelect
- added code export to Variance report
- added z-score normalize column builder
- #223: six.collections.abc import errors in Google Colab
- #135: added plotly chart construction to code exports
- #192: Variance Report & flag toggle
- npm package upgrades
- added "winsorize" column builder
- added the ability to build columns using transform
- added USE_COLAB for accessing D-Tale within google colab using their proxy
- #211: Code export doesnt work on google colab
- backwards compatibility of 'colorscale' URL parameters in charts
- dropping of NaN locations/groups in choropleth maps
- #150: replace colorscale dropdown with component from dash-colorscales
- added the ability to choose been ols & lowess trendlines in scatter charts
- #83: allow for names to be used in url strings for data_id
- #151: allow users to load custom topojson into choropleth maps
- #200: support for xarray
- #202: maximum recursion errors when using Pyzo IDE
- #168: updated default colorscale for heatmaps to be Jet
- #152: added scattermapbox as a valid map type
- #136: Fill missing values
- #86: column replacements for values
- #87: highlight ranges of numeric cells
- #193: Support for JupyterHub Proxy
- #196: dataframes that have datatime indexes without a name
- Added the ability to apply formats to all columns of same dtype
- #196: improving outlier filter suggestions
- #190: hide "Animate" inputs when "Percentage Sum" or "Percentage Count" aggregations are used
- #189: hide "Barsort" when grouping is being applied
- #187: missing & outlier tooltip descriptions on column headers
- #186: close "Describe" tab after clicking "Update Grid"
- #122: editable cells
- npm package upgrades
- circleci build script refactoring
- #184: "nan" not showing up for numeric columns
- #181: percentage sum/count charts
- #179: confirmation for column deletion
- #176: highlight background of outliers/missing values
- #175: column renaming
- #174: moved "Describe" popup to new browser tab
- #173: wider column input box for GroupBy in "Summarize Data" popup
- #172: allowing groups to be specified in 3D scatter
- #170: filter "Value" dropdown for maps to only int or float columns
- #164: show information about missing data in "Describe" popup
- updated correlations & "Open Popup" to create new tabs instead
- test fixes for dash 1.11.0
- added python 3.7 & 3.8 support
- #144: Changing data type
- #137: Outliers in the description window
- #141: Currency Symbole for column Format
- #156: heat map
- #160: Option to filter out outliers from charts
- #161: Syntax error in 1.8.6
- #162: chart map animation errors with aggrigations
- #163: Fix scale for animation mode in the chart
- updates to setup.py to include images
- fixed bug with column calculation for map inputs
- #149: Icon for Map charts
- update to setup.py to include missing static topojson files
- #145: Choropleth Map
- #143: scattergeo map chart UI changes
- updated offline chart generation of maps to work without loading topojson from the web
- fix to allow correlations timeseries to handle when date columns jump between rolling & non-rolling
- added slider to animation and added animation to maps
- fixes for IE 11 compatibility issues
- labeling changes for "Reshape" popup
- added grouping to maps
- #129: show dtype when hovering over header in "Highlight Dtypes" mode and description tooltips added to main menu
- made "No Aggregation" the default aggregation in charts
- bugfix for line charts with more than 15000 points
- updated "Value Counts" & "Category Breakdown" to return top on initial load
- #118: added scattergeo & choropleth maps
- #121: added "not equal" toggle to filters
- #132: updated resize button to "Refresh Widths"
- added "Animate" toggle to scatter, line & bar charts
- #131: changes to "Reshape Data" window
- #130: updates to pivot reshaper
- #128: additional hover display of code snippets for column creation
- #112: updated "Group" selection to give users the ability to select group values
- #92: column builders for random data
- #84: highlight columns based on dtype
- #111: fix for syntax error in charts code export
- #113: updates to "Value Counts" chart in "Column Analysis" for number of values and ordinal entry
- #114: export data to CSV/TSV
- #116: upodated styling for github fork link so "Code Export" is partially clickable
- #119: fixed bug with queries not being passed to functions
- #120: fix to allow duplicate x-axis entries in bar charts
- added "category breakdown" in column analysis popup for float columns
- fixed bug where previous "show missing only" selection was not being recognized
- #102: interactive column filtering for string, date, int, float & bool
- better handling for y-axis management in charts. Now able to toggle between default, single & multi axis
- increased maximum groups to 30 in charts and updated error messaging when it surpasses that for easier filter creation
- bugfix for date string width calculation
- updated sort/filter/hidden header so that you can now click values which will trigger a tooltip for removing individual values
- updated Filter popup to be opened as separate window when needed
- #105: better error handling for when JS files are missing
- #103: pinned Flask to be >= 1.0.0
- Updated file exporting to no longer use
since that doesn't play nice with WSGI
- Hotfix for "Reshape" popup when forwarding browser to new data instances
- New data storage mechanisms available: Redis, Shelve
- #100: turned off data limits on charts by using WebGL
- #99: graceful handling of issue calculating min/max information for Describe popup
- #91: reshaping of data through usage of aggregations, pivots or transposes
- Export chart to HTML
- Export chart dat to CSV
- Offline chart display for use within notebooks
- Removal of data from the Instances popup
- Updated styling of charts to fit full window dimensions
- added syntax highlighting to code exports with react-syntax-highlighting
- added arctic integration test
- updated Histogram popup to "Column Analysis" which allows for the following
- Histograms -> integers and floats
- Value Counts -> integers, strings & dates
- hotfix for dash custom.js file missing from production webpack build script
- #75: added code snippet functionality to the following:
- main grid, histogram, correlations, column building & charts
- exposed CLI loaders through the following functions dtale.show_csv, dtale.show_json, dtale.show_arctic
- build in such a way that it is easy for custom loaders to be exposed as well
- #82: pinned
package to be >= 0.14.0
- support for google colab
- #71: Filter & Formats popups no longer have smooth transition from top of screen
- #72: Column Menu cutoff on last column of wide dataframes
- #73: Describe popup does full refresh when clicking rows in dtype grid
- #77: removal of multiprocessed timeouts
- centralized global state
- allowing the usage of context variables within filters
- #64: handling for loading duplicate data to dtale.show
- updated dtale.instances() to print urls rather than show all instances
- removal of Dash "Export to png" function
- passing data grid queries to chart page as default
- added sys.exit() to the thread that manages the reaper
- hotfix for KeyError loading metadata for columns with min/max information
- #63: filtering columns with special characters in name
- added json_loader CLI options
- updated moving/locking of columns to be persisted to back-end as well as front-end
- added the ability to show/hide columns
- #61: added column builder popup
- added the ability to move columns left or right as well as to the front
- added formatting capabilities for strings & dates
- persist formatting settings to popup on reopening
- bugfix for width-calculation on formatting change
- 60 timeout handling around chart requests
- pre-loaded charts through URL search strings
- pandas query examples in Filter popup
- added pie, 3D scatter & surface charts
- updated popups to be displayed when the browser dimensions are too small to host a modal
- removed Swagger due to its lack up support for updated dependencies
- redesign of charts popup to use plotly/dash
- #55: raise exception when data contains duplicate column names
- heatmap integration
- combination of "_main.jsx" files into one for spacial optimization
- #15: made arctic an "extra" dependency
- better front-end handling of dates for charting as to avoid timezone issues
- the ability to switch between sorting any axis in bar charts
- bugfix for timezone issue around passing date filters to server for scatter charts in correlations popup
- additional information about how to use Correlations popup
- handling of all-nan data in charts popup
- styling issues on popups (especially Histogram)
- removed auto-filtering on correlation popup
- scatter point color change
- added chart icon to cell that has been selected in correlation popup
- responsiveness to scatter charts
- handling of links to 'main','iframe' & 'popup' missing data_id
- handling of 'inf' values when getting min/max & describe data
- added header to window popups (correlations, charts, ...) and a link back to the grid
- added egg building to cirleci script
- correlation timeseries chart hover line
- #50: updates to rolling correlation functionality
- #47: selection of multiple columns for y-axis
- updated histogram bin selection to be an input box for full customization
- better display of timestamps in axis ticks for charts
- sorting of bar charts by y-axis
- #48: scatter charts in chart builder
- "nunique" added to list of aggregations
- turned on "threaded=True" for app.run to avoid hanging popups
- #45: rolling computations as aggregations
- Y-Axis editor
- test whether filters entered will return no data and block the user from apply those
- allow for group values of type int or float to be displayed in charts popup
- timeseries correlation values which return 'nan' will be replaced by zero for chart purposes
- update 'distribution' to 'series' on charts so that missing dates will not show up as ticks
- added "fork on github" flag for demo version & links to github/docs on "About" popup
- limited lz4 to <= 2.2.1 in python 27-3 since latest version is no longer supported
- testing of hostname returned by
, use 'localhost' if it fails - removal of flask dev server banner when running in production environments
- better handling of long strings in wordclouds
- #43: only show timeseries correlations if datetime columns exist with multiple values per date
- updated versions of packages in yarn.lock due to issue with chart.js box & whisker plots
- #40: loading initial chart as non-line in chart builder
- #41: double clicking cells in correlation grid for scatter will cause chart not to display
- "Open Popup" button for ipython iframes
- column width resizing on sorting
- additional int/float descriptors (sum, median, mode, var, sem, skew, kurt)
- wordcloud chart type
- bugfix for url display when running from command-line
- charts integration
- the ability to look at data in line, bar, stacked bar & pie charts
- the ability to group & aggregate data within the charts
- direct ipython iframes to correlations & charts pages with pre-selected inputs
- the ability to access instances from code by data id
- view all active data instances
- conversion of new flask instance for each
call to serving all data associated with one parent process under the same flask instance unless otherwise specified by the user (theforce
- ipython integration
- ipython output cell adjustment
- column-wise menu support
- browser window popups for: Correlations, Coverage, Describe, Histogram & Instances
- #32: unpin jsonschema by moving flasgger to
- Correlations Pearson Matrix filters
- "name" display in title tab
- "Heat Map" toggle
- dropped unused "Flask-Caching" requirement
- Bug fixes for:
- Bug fixes for:
- choose between
depending on presence of NaNs - hide timeseries correlations when date columns only contain one day
- choose between
- Bug fixes for:
- duplicate loading of histogram data
- string serialization failing when mixing
in scatter function
- updated correlation calculation to use
for performance purposes - github rebranding from manahl -> man-group
- hotfix for failing test under certain versions of
- Bug fixes for:
- display of histogram column information
- reload of hidden "processes" input when loading instances data
- correlations json failures on string conversion
- fix for incompatible str types when directly altering state of data in running D-Tale instance
integration (the ability to automatically open a webbrowser upon callingdtale.show()
)- flag for hiding the "Shutdown" button for long-running demos
- "Instances" navigator popup for viewing all activate D-Tale instances for the current python process
- #20: fix for data being overriden with each new instance
- #21: fix for displaying timestamps if they exist
- calling
now returns an object which can alter the state of a process- accessing/altering state through the
property - shutting down a process using the
- accessing/altering state through the
- #13: fix for auto-detection of column widths for strings and floats
- IE support
- Describe & About popups
- Custom CLI support
- Initial public release