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Releases: manufacturist/carpooling-with-neighbours


25 Feb 09:57
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This release marks the solution as being ready to be open sourced. Battle-tested within my community.


24 Feb 15:03
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This milestone covers the following:

  • Generate a community id (UUID) when main is executed
  • Adding GDPR friendly and banner-less metrics with
  • Track page views and segment by the community id (Referrer name)
  • Refactor form helper text and expose form link in web app
  • Add notification boolean field to users. Able to disable the Sunday email for drivers

The metrics are visible here.


20 Feb 13:56
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This milestone makes the project deployable as a web app. Besides the existing behaviour, the Admin is now able to share a link that shows the trips for the next 7 days to the neighbours that do not wish to subscribe to the Sunday email.

Web App

  • Add tailwind to the project
  • Semi-automate deploy via npm run update
  • Add templates and translations
  • CSS generated and injected in the main index.template.html via templating
  • Fetch ride offers and render them

v3.0.0-M2 implies

  1. Generate a community id (UUID) when main is executed
  2. Adding GDPR friendly and banner-less metrics with
  3. Track page views and segment by the community id
  4. Add notification boolean field to users (disable Sunday email)

v3.0.0 implies

  1. Moving the technical details from the files to
  2. Refactoring the documentation to include the web app setup

Coding with Google Apps Script reminds me of the times when I used to code on ATtiny85 chips. Trying to squeeze logic in and utilising it to its maximum possible capacity ❤️ A similar feeling arises from working on this project. Many constraints, few solutions


17 Feb 17:36
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  1. Help emails stay out of the spam folder:
    • Switch from HTML to text-only emails
    • Rephrase emails to be less salesy / spammy
    • Use names in emails
    • No longer use unsubscribe URLs
      • Web app URLs are very long
      • Reputable URL shorteners do not pass query params ( or tinyurl)
  2. Offer ride form now contains an optional phone number field that updates the user in Users
  3. Offer ride form is now mentioned in the email
  4. Dropped the unsubscribe by URL feature and the id for users
  5. Admin can now pick the manual or auto unsubscribe mode (via email reply)
  6. Sunday email switched to 18:00 - 19:00 (from 19:00 - 20:00)
  7. Improve code health and structure
  8. Wrap-up documentation
  9. Improve the UX for actually setting up the solution


13 Feb 16:30
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Validated PoC ✅

This release includes a working solution that:

  1. Allows drivers to offer rides through a form
  2. Sends an email (html) on Sunday to users with the available ride offers
  3. Allows them to unsubscribe via a user specific URL (requires web app deployment)

The unsubscribe works by calling the web app with ?unsubscribe=$USER_ID.