I'm not actively using this project at the moment. I also implmemented most of it when I just started with Elixir, so the code is not exactly great. If you want to use it, be prepared to fork the project and invest some work.
Adds token authentication to Phoenix apps using Ecto.
An example app is available at https://github.com/manukall/phoenix_token_auth_react.
You need to have a user model with at least the following schema and callback:
defmodule MyApp.User do
use Ecto.Model
schema "users" do
field :email, :string # or :username
field :hashed_password, :string
field :hashed_confirmation_token, :string
field :confirmed_at, Ecto.DateTime
field :hashed_password_reset_token, :string
field :unconfirmed_email, :string
field :authentication_tokens, {:array, :string}, default: []
@required_fields ~w(email)
@optional_fields ~w()
def changeset(model, params \\ :empty) do
|> cast(params, @required_fields, @optional_fields)
Make sure that you have uniqueness constraints on the email or username columns.
Then add PhoenixTokenAuth to your Phoenix router:
defmodule MyApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
require PhoenixTokenAuth
pipeline :authenticated do
plug PhoenixTokenAuth.Plug
scope "/api" do
pipe_through :api
scope "/api" do
pipe_through :authenticated
pipe_through :api
resources "/messages", MessagesController
This generates routes for sign-up and login and protects the messages resources from unauthenticated access.
The generated routes are:
method | path | description |
POST | /api/users | sign up |
POST | /api/users/:id/confirm | confirm account |
POST | /api/session | login, will return a token as JSON |
DELETE | /api/session | logout, invalidated the users current authentication token |
POST | /api/password_resets | request a reset-password-email |
POST | /api/password_resets/reset | reset a password |
GET | /api/account | get information about the current user. at the moment this includes only the email address |
PUT | /api/account | update the current users email or password |
If you want to customize the routes, instead of
scope "/api" do
pipe_through :api
scope "/api" do
pipe_through :api
post "users", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Users, :create
post "users/:id/confirm", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Users, :confirm
post "sessions", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Sessions, :create
delete "sessions", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Sessions, :delete
post "password_resets", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.PasswordResets, :create
post "password_resets/reset", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.PasswordResets, :reset
get "account", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Account, :show
put "account", PhoenixTokenAuth.Controllers.Account, :update
And customize, change names/pipeline of the routes.
Inside the controller, the authenticated user is accessible inside the connections assigns:
def index(conn, _params) do
user_id = conn.assigns.authenticated_user.id
Now add configuration:
# config/config.exs
config :phoenix_token_auth,
user_model: Myapp.User, # ecto model used for authentication
repo: Myapp.Repo, # ecto repo
crypto_provider: Comeonin.Bcrypt, # crypto provider for hashing passwords/tokens. see http://hexdocs.pm/comeonin/
token_validity_in_minutes: 7 * 24 * 60, # minutes from login until a token expires
email_sender: "[email protected]", # sender address of emails sent by the app
emailing_module: MyApp.EmailConstructor, # module implementing the `PhoenixTokenAuth.MailingBehaviour` for generating emails
mailgun_domain: "example.com", # domain of your mailgun account
mailgun_key: "secret", # secret key of your mailgun account
user_model_validator: {MyApp.Model, :user_validator} # function receiving and returning the changeset for a user on registration and when updating the account. This is the place to run custom validations.
The secret key for signing tokens must be provided for Joken to work. You must
also configure the JSON encoder for Joken to use. For using the Poison Encode function,
we provide the PhoenixTokenAuth.PoisonHelper
. The secret_key should be set per
environment and should not be committed to the repository.
# config/config.exs
config :joken,
json_module: PhoenixTokenAuth.PoisonHelper,
algorithm: :HS256 # Optional. defaults to :HS256
# config/[dev|test|prod].exs
config :joken,
# Environment specific secret key for signing tokens.
# This should be a very long random string.
secret_key: "very secret test key",
- POST request to /api/users.
- Body should be JSON encoded
{user: {email: "[email protected]", password: "secret"}}
. - This will send an email containing the confirmation token.
- POST request to /api/users.
- Body should be JSON encoded
{user: {username: "usernameexample", password: "secret"}}
. - The user will be registered and, comparing to the email implementation, already confirmed.
- POST request to /api/users/:id/confirm
- Body should be JSON encoded
{confirmation_token: "token form the email"}
- This will mark the user as confirmed and return an authentication token as JSON:
{token: "the_token"}
- POST request to /api/sessions
- Body should be JSON encoded
{email: "[email protected]", password: "secret"}
- Will return an authentication token as JSON:
{token: "the_token"}
- POST request to /api/sessions
- Body should be JSON encoded
{username: "usernameexample", password: "secret"}
- Will return an authentication token as JSON:
{access_token: "the_token", token_type: "bearer", id: "recordid"}
- Add a header with key
and valueBearer #{token}
to the request. #{token}
is the token from either account confirmation or logging in.
- DELETE request to /api/sessions
- Just stop sending the
- POST request to /api/password_resets
- Body should be JSON encoded
{email: "[email protected]"}
- This will send an email as configured.
- Once the reset token is received in the email, make a POST request to /api/password_resets/reset with body
{user_id: 123, password_reset_token: "the_token_from_the_email", password: "the_new_password"}
- This will change the users password and return an authentication token as JSON:
{token: "the_token"}
- PUT request to /api/account
- Body should be JSON encoded
{account: {password: "newpassword"}}
- PUT request to /api/account
- Body should be JSON encoded
{account: {email: "[email protected]"}}
- This will send an email containing the confirmation token.
- The change will only be effective after the email address was confirmed.
- Better documentation
- Clean up expired authentication tokens in the db
- Merge the Joken secret_key config into the phoenix_token_auth config.
- Custom work factor config for crypto_provider
- Allow use of scrypt as an alternate crypto_provider
- Example Ecto Phoenix migration, with indexes.