Shoot files from your shell to for lightning-fast visualization and editing. This is a node.js module and thus requires node.
Read or pipe a file
geojsonio map.geojson
geojsonio < run.geojson
--print prints the url rather than opening it
npm install -g geojsonio-cli
pipe wkt through wellknown into geojsonio to get magic:
npm install -g geojsonio-cli
npm install -g wellknown
echo "MultiPoint(0 0, 1 1, 3 3)" | wellknown | geojsonio
pipe grep'ed geojson through geojsonify:
npm install -g geojsonio-cli
npm install -g geojsonify
grep -h something *json | geojsonify | geojsonio
convert kml or gpx to geojson and push it to
npm install -g geojsonio-cli
npm install -g togeojson
togeojson foo.kml | geojsonio
copy the generated url instead of opening it in a browser (on OSX)
geojsonio foo.geojson --print | pbcopy
simplify geojson with simplify-geojson
npm install simplify-geojson geojsonio-cli csv2geojson -g
curl | \
csv2geojson --lat "LATITUDE N/S" --lon "LONGITUDE E/W" --line true | \
simplify-geojson -t 0.001 | \