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PGAdmin4 Docker Extension

PGAdmin4 extension for Docker Desktop

Installation from Marketplace

Since Docker Desktop v4.11.0 PGAdmin4 Extension is available in Marketplace page, just click on + Add Extensions, find PGAdmin4 Extension, click Install and that's all; PGAdmin4 icon its shown at left side menu (Extensions Beta).

Manual Installation

If you are using Docker Desktop v4.10.1 or less you can install just by executing:

$ docker extension install mochoa/pgadmin4-docker-extension:9.1.0
Extensions can install binaries, invoke commands and access files on your machine.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y
Image not available locally, pulling mochoa/pgadmin4-docker-extension:9.1.0...
Installing new extension "mochoa/pgadmin4-docker-extension:9.1.0"
Installing service in Desktop VM...
Setting additional compose attributes
VM service started
Installing Desktop extension UI for tab "PGAdmin4"...
Extension UI tab "PGAdmin4" added.
Extension "PGAdmin" installed successfully

Note: Docker Extension CLI is required to execute above command, follow the instructions at Extension SDK (Beta) -> Prerequisites page for instructions on how to add it.

Using PGAdmin Docker Extension

Once the extension is installed a new extension is listed at the pane Extension (Beta) of Docker Desktop.

By clicking at PGAdmin4 icon the extension main window will display the PGAdmin site once it has loaded.

First login will ask you for a master password for pgAdmin, fill it with your master password and click OK.

Setting master password

By clicking on Add New Server you can add PostgreSQL server running at Docker Desktop or externals, the IP for PostgreSQL running at Docker Desktop is available at the menu, Settings -> Resources -> Network -> Docker subnet, in my case is so an internal IP for reaching PostgreSQL containers running at Docker Desktop will be, also there is an internal DNS name that resolve above IP named host.docker.internal.

Docker Desktop Subnet

Let see an example of PostgreSQL started using Docker Desktop Featured Images, PostgreSQL Overview shows this sample URL:


which means for a PGAdmin Add New Server:

  • Name: Test
  • Hostname/address: host.docker.internal
  • Port: 55000
  • Maintenance database: postgres
  • Username: postgres
  • Password: postgrespw

by choosing Save Password, the above password is stored at PGAdmin4 internal storage and will remain until you de-install this extension.

Screenshot of Add New Server


To uninstall the extension just execute:

$ docker extension uninstall mochoa/pgadmin4-docker-extension:9.1.0
Extension "PGAdmin4" uninstalled successfully


As usual the code of this extension is at GitHub, feel free to suggest changes and make contributions, note that I am a beginner developer of React and TypeScript so contributions to make this UI better are welcome.

Export/Import Servers connections

You can Export/Import all your Servers connections, except passwords, using the menu Tools->Import/Export Servers, here a sequence:

  • Chose Export Filename
  • Select the Server Groups/Servers to export
  • Confirm Export Operation by click Finish

Finally open a terminal window and execute:

$ docker cp pgadmin4_embedded_dd_vm:/var/lib/pgadmin/storage/Servers.json Desktop/Servers.json 
Successfully copied 3.07kB to /home/mochoa/Desktop/Servers.json

If you need to import above export connections in a new installed PGAdmin Docker Desktop Extension, do these steps:

  • first copy your local copy of server connections using a terminal window:
$ docker cp Desktop/Servers.json pgadmin4_embedded_dd_vm:/var/lib/pgadmin/storage/
Successfully copied 3.07kB to pgadmin4_embedded_dd_vm:/var/lib/pgadmin/storage/
  • Chose Import Filename
  • Select the Server Groups/Servers to import
  • Confirm Import Operation by click Finish

When you open a new imported connection PGAdmin Docker Desktop Extension will ask you for password

Confirm Import Operation by click Finish