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MySql and MariaDB communication FB for Siemens PLC S7-1200 and S7-1500

Example Video:


General Informations:

Server user settings: The user that you want to login to sql server needs to set up using "mysql_native_password" as authentication method. You should create a new user for connecting to plc by typing following into your server commandline:

CREATE USER 'your_new_username'@'%';
ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_new_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_databasename.your_tablename TO 'your_new_username'@'%';


  • Tested with:

    • PLC:
    • CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC FW: V4.3
    • CPU 1515-2PN FW: V2.6
    • CPU 1513-1PN FW: V2.9
    • Short PLC cycletimes (like 1ms) Will work, but you might have problems manually setting "query" to TRUE while debugging live in TIA-Portal (Siemens Software Issue)
  • SQL Server:

    • MySql Server: 8.0.26 and 8.0.40
    • MariaDB Server: 5.5.5 - 10.6.4, 11.2 and 11.5.2
  • Requirements:

    • PLC: S7-1200 or S7-1500
    • Server: must use "mysql_native_password" authentication plugin
  • Functionality:

    • Connect with SQL-Server
    • Send PING to SQL-Server
    • Send QUERY String to SQL-Server
    • This client works with client/server protocol
    • Results are saved as Strings
  • Settings:
    The following constants can be adjusted depending on the expected maximum number of:

    • Colums | columns in a result message from Server
    • Rows | rows in a result message from Server
    • Stringsize | chars in a String of a result (column or row) from Server
    • Buffersize | bytes send from Server in a message from Server




Parameter Declaration Datatype Example Description
connect Input Bool False communication and connect
connectionID Input CONN_OUC 16#1 connection reference / identifier
hardwareID Input HW_ANY 64 HW-identifier of IE-interface submodule
server Input Int 1 server (Mysql = 1 / MariaDB = 2)
ipaddress Input String[15] '' server IPv4 address ''
remotePort Input UInt 3306 server portnumber
username Input String 'root' server login username
password Input String 'root' server login password
database Input String 'data' server database name
status Output Word 16#0 infocode / errorcode
connected Output Bool false connection established
nColumns Output DInt 0 number of recieved columns
nRows Output DInt 0 number of recieved rows
resultData Output Array[1..#Columns, 0..#Rows] of String[#Stringsize] resultdata: ResultData[1,0] = Columnname ResultData[1,1-X] = Rowdata
ping InOut Bool false ping command, will automatically be reset
query InOut Bool false query command, will automatically be reset
querydata InOut Array[*] of String query data / sql statement, multiple lines to make larger statements. Will be glued together as it is, remember to set your whitespaces as needed!
Buffersize Constant Int 4096 size of send and recieve buffer in bytes
Columns Constant Int 20 max number of columns
Rows Constant Int 10 max number of rows
Stringsize Constant Int 50 max number of chars in resultstrings

Status Codes:

W#16#0000:  No Error
W#16#0002:  TCP connection is not established
W#16#0010:  Bad IP-Address, IP-Address should be in this format: ''
W#16#0011:  Client capability "CONNECT_ATTRS" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0012:  SQL error, for further information see instancedatablock.errorPacket.ERROR_MESSAGE
W#16#0013:  Client capability "SESSION_TRACK" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0014:  Client capability "CLIENT_CACHE_METADATA" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0015:  Client capability "CLIENT_EXTENDED_TYPE_INFO" is set, but it is not implemented
W#16#0016:  Input "server" wrong, 1 = Mysql / 2 = MariaDB
W#16#0017:  The user you want to login to sql Server is set up to authenticate with "caching_sha2_password", 
            change this to "mysql_native_password", or create a new user for connecting to plc by 
            typing following into your server commandline:
            1.    CREATE USER 'your_new_username'@'%';
            2.    ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH 'mysql_native_password';
            3.    ALTER USER 'your_new_username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_new_password';
            4.    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_databasename.your_tablename TO 'your_new_username'@'%';
            5.    FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
W#16#0020:  Wrong packet type recieved after login request, expectet OK or ERROR
W#16#0021:  Recieved LOCALINFILE packet, but it is not implemented
W#16#0023:  Number of colums in result data is greater than the set value number of columns, adjust the constant "Columns"
W#16#0024:  Number of recieved bytes is greater than the set value number of bytes, adjust the constant "Buffersize"
W#16#0025:  Number of rows in result data is greater than the set value number of rows, adjust the constant "Rows"

Server status:

    IN_TRANS                    00000000 00000001
    AUTO_COMMIT                 00000000 00000010
    MULTI_QUERY(unused)         00000000 00000100
    MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS         00000000 00001000
    BAD_INDEX_USED              00000000 00010000
    NO_INDEX_USED               00000000 00100000
    CURSOR_EXISTS               00000000 01000000
    LAST_ROW_SENT               00000000 10000000
    DB_DROPPED                  00000001 00000000
    NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES        00000010 00000000
    METADATA_CHANGED            00000100 00000000
    QUERY_WAS_SLOW              00001000 00000000
    PS_OUT_PARAMS               00010000 00000000
    IN_TRANS_READONLY           00100000 00000000
    SESSION_STATE_CHANGED       01000000 00000000

Capabilities standard:

    CLIENT_MYSQL                00000000 00000001
    FOUND_ROWS                  00000000 00000010
    LONG_FLAG                   00000000 00000100
    CONNECT_WITH_DB             00000000 00001000
    NO_SCHEMA                   00000000 00010000
    COMPRESS                    00000000 00100000
    ODBC                        00000000 01000000
    LOCAL_FILES                 00000000 10000000
    IGNORE_SPACE                00000001 00000000
    SPEAKS_PROTOCOL_41          00000010 00000000
    CLIENT_INTERACTIVE          00000100 00000000
    SSL                         00001000 00000000
    IGNORE_SIGPIPE              00010000 00000000
    TRANSACTIONS                00100000 00000000
    RESERVED                    01000000 00000000
    AUTH_PROTOCOL_41            10000000 00000000

Capabilities extended:

    MULTI_STATEMENTS            00000000 00000001
    MULTI_RESULTS               00000000 00000010
    PS_MULTI_RESULTS            00000000 00000100
    PLUGIN_AUTH                 00000000 00001000
    CONNECT_ATTRS               00000000 00010000
    PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC          00000000 00100000
    HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS    00000000 01000000
    SESSION_TRACK               00000000 10000000
    DEPRECATE_EOF               00000001 00000000

Capabilities mariaDB:

    CLIENT_PROGRESS                      00000001
    CLIENT_COM_MULTI                     00000010
    CLIENT_STMT_BULK_OPERATIONS          00000100
    CLIENT_EXTENDED_TYPE_INFO            00001000
    CLIENT_CACHE_METADATA                00010000

Field Details Flag:

    NOT_NULL                    00000000 00000001
    PRIMARY_KEY                 00000000 00000010
    UNIQUE_KEY                  00000000 00000100
    MULTIPLE_KEY                00000000 00001000
    BLOB                        00000000 00010000
    UNSIGNED                    00000000 00100000
    ZEROFILL_FLAG               00000000 01000000
    BINARY_COLLATION            00000000 10000000
    ENUM                        00000001 00000000
    AUTO_INCREMENT              00000010 00000000
    TIMESTAMP                   00000100 00000000
    SET                         00001000 00000000
    NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG       00010000 00000000
    ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG          00100000 00000000
    NUM_FLAG                    10000000 00000000

Field Types:

    00: DECIMAL
    01: TINY
    02: SHORT
    03: LONG
    04: FLOAT
    05: DOUBLE
    06: NULL
    08: LONGLONG
    09: INT24
    10: DATE
    11: TIME
    12: DATETIME
    13: YEAR
    14: NEWDATE
    15: VARCHAR
    16: BIT
    17: TIMESTAMP2
    18: DATETIME2
    19: TIME2
    245: JSON
    247: ENUM
    248: SET
    249: TINY_BLOB
    250: MEDIUM_BLOB
    251: LONG_BLOB
    252: BLOB
    253: VAR_STRING
    254: STRING
    255: GEOMETRY


    01: big5        | big5_chinese_ci
    03: dec8        | dec8_swedish_ci
    04: cp850       | cp850_general_ci
    06: hp8         | hp8_english_ci
    07: koi8r       | koi8r_general_ci
    08: latin1      | latin1_swedish_ci
    09: latin2      | latin2_general_ci
    10: swe7        | swe7_swedish_ci
    11: ascii       | ascii_general_ci
    12: ujis        | ujis_japanese_ci
    13: sjis        | sjis_japanese_ci
    16: hebrew      | hebrew_general_ci
    18: tis620      | tis620_thai_ci
    19: euckr       | euckr_korean_ci
    22: koi8u       | koi8u_general_ci
    24: gb2312      | gb2312_chinese_ci
    25: greek       | greek_general_ci
    26: cp1250      | cp1250_general_ci
    28: gbk         | gbk_chinese_ci
    30: latin5      | latin5_turkish_ci
    32: armscii8    | armscii8_general_ci
    33: utf8        | utf8_general_ci
    35: ucs2        | ucs2_general_ci
    36: cp866       | cp866_general_ci
    37: keybcs2     | keybcs2_general_ci
    38: macce       | macce_general_ci
    39: macroman    | macroman_general_ci
    40: cp852       | cp852_general_ci
    41: latin7      | latin7_general_ci
    51: cp1251      | cp1251_general_ci
    54: utf16       | utf16_general_ci
    56: utf16le     | utf16le_general_ci
    57: cp1256      | cp1256_general_ci
    59: cp1257      | cp1257_general_ci
    60: utf32       | utf32_general_ci
    63: binary      | binary
    92: geostd8     | geostd8_general_ci
    95: cp932       | cp932_japanese_ci
    97: eucjpms     | eucjpms_japanese_ci
    248: gb18030    | gb18030_chinese_ci
    255: utf8mb4    | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci


MySql and MariaDB communication FB for Siemens PLC S7-1200 and S7-1500







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