source code.
- Ruby 2.0.0 and above
- Bundler
- JRE 1.6 and above (for Solr)
- Pow -
cp config/application-sample.yml config/application.yml
cp config/async-sample.yml config/async.yml
cp config/evernote-sample.yml config/evernote.yml
cp config/github-sample.yml config/github.yml
cp config/dropbox-sample.yml config/dropbox.yml
cp config/facebook-sample.yml config/facebook.yml
cp config/paperclip_feedbacks_s3-sample.yml config/paperclip_feedbacks_s3.yml
# edit above yaml files
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:run
bundle exec rake db:migrate
ln -s `pwd` ~/.pow/wripe
You can login with GitHub or Facebook.
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:run # in case of stopping solr
open ""
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:run # in case of stopping solr
bundle exec rails s
open ""
bundle exec rake
bundle exec rake DRIVER=chrome
bundle exec rake DRIVER=safari
bundle exec rake DRIVER=firefox
windows側でselenium-serverとstone 57124を起動
bundle exec rake DRIVER=ie