It's yet not sure in which direction this project will go. Appreciate any constructive input.
- discordgo v0.16.0
- go-logging as by Mar 15, 2016
- dca as by Jan 3, 2017
- ffmpeg / opus
dca (and its dependencies ffmpeg/opus) are used to dynamically encode and add new sounds to the "soundboard" function.
This assumes you already have a working Go environment, if not please see here first.
go get
will always pull the latest released version from the master branch.
# Installing the bot
go get
go install
discordgo and go-logging should be installed automatically. However, you have to install dca and its dependencies manually.
Assuming you have added your go/bin folder to your path and used go install for discordBot.
discordBot -t DiscordBot.Token -o discordIdOfTheOwner
To get the DiscordBot Token go to this page.
To get your ID type \@yourname in a server channel, but use only the number (remove the <@>).*1.
- You could also start the bot, without an owner ID, and ask it with
!get id
for your ID.