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React Clock

React + Typescript cheat sheet

Create a Clock class component that will update the time every second using a given markup:

Here is the working version

  • print current time on the page on page load;
    • use .toUTCString().slice(-12, -4) methods do avoid timezone issues;
  • update the time every second using the window.setInterval;
  • start the timer only when the component is added to the page (componentDidMount);
  • every second print the time in the DevTools using console.log method;
  • add the next comment above the console.log of console.warn command to ignore linter error
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log('some message');
  • make the App a class component;
  • add the hasClock property to the App state;
  • the Clock should be visible only when the hasClock is true;
  • hide the Clock on a right mouse click in the document (contextmenu event):
    document.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event: MouseEvent) => {
      event.preventDefault(); // not to show the context menu
      // put your code here
  • show the Clock on a left mouse click in the document (click event):
    document.addEventListener('click', () => {});
  • the time should not be printed to the console when the Clock is hidden (componentWillUnmount);
  • add the clockName having Clock-0 default value to the App state;
  • pass it to the Clock to be shown near the time (see the markup):
    <Clock name={this.state.clockName} />
  • update the clockName every 3300ms with a new value generated by existing getRandomName function;
  • each time the name is changed, the Clock must print a message with an old name and a new name using the console.warn method (use componentDidUpdate):
    Renamed from oldName to newName

How to enable verbose level

check in the console that a renaming message occurs after each 3-4 time messages.

Expected console output


  • Install Prettier Extention and use this VSCode settings to enable format on save.
  • Implement a solution following the React task guideline.
  • Use the React TypeScript cheatsheet.
  • Open one more terminal and run tests with npm test to ensure your solution is correct.
  • Replace <your_account> with your Github username in the DEMO LINK and add it to the PR description.


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