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This plugin provides a flexible and customizable card pile user interface for the Godot game engine. It is designed to handle various card-related functionalities including drawing, discarding, and managing different piles.


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Simple CardPileUI

This plugin provides a flexible and customizable card pile user interface for the Godot game engine. It is designed to handle various card-related functionalities including drawing, discarding, and managing different piles.



Table of Contents


  • βš™οΈ Configurable Parameters : Easily customize the behavior of the card pile UI using exported parameters, such as card speed, maximum hand size, display and more.
  • πŸ“‚ Simple JSON Loading: Load card data from a JSON file to populate the card pile.
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ Intuitive Pile Management: Manage different card piles, including draw, hand, discard.
  • πŸŽ‰ Fun UI Elements: Card interaction is snappy, responsive, and fun out-of-the box, allowing you to skip the boring setup and get started with your game.


  1. Download latest release
  2. Unpack the addons/simple_card_pile_ui folder into your /addons folder within the Godot project
  3. Enable this addon within the Godot settings: Project > Project Settings > Plugins

Getting Started

  1. Create a custom resource script extending CardUIData that describes any custom properties your card will need. You can utlize inheritance here as needed.
  2. Create a database of your card information (more info)(example).
  3. Create a collection of your cards (more info)(example).
  4. Create a new scene with root type CardUI - this is the object that displays in game. This object must have 2 TextureRect as children named Frontface and Backface. It will warn you if configured incorrectly.
  5. Add a CardPileUI node to your game scene and configure its settings.
  6. Begin building your game with the provided methods and signals.


Card Pile UI - this is the manager for all cards in a collection.

Card UI Data - this represents any custom data that your cards use.

Card Database - container for all possible cards, represented by their CardUIData

Card Collection - container for all cards currently in the game, ie. the deck. Can contain duplicates if the same card is present in the deck multiple times.

Card UI - this is the in-game representation of your card data, this holds and displays Card UI Data

Card Dropzone - this is a designated space where if a player drops a card something occurs. It can also stack cards, removing them from the standard draw/hand/discard piles.

Draw Pile - this is a pile containing cards that a player draws from during the game.

Hand Pile - this is a pile containing cards currently held by a player. 1 Discard Pile - this is a pile containing cards that have been discarded during the game.

Card Removal from Game, this occurs when a card is permanently removed from play


CardPileUI Properties

Type Name Default Description
Top Level - -
CardDB card_database null Instance of card database containing card information
String (deprecated) json_card_database_path null For backwards compatibility only, use card_database instead
CardCollection card_collection null Instance of card collection containing the current deck
String (deprecated) json_card_collection_path null Defines the file path for the JSON file containing the card collection. For backwards compatibility only, use card_collection instead
PackedScene extended_card_ui null A PackedScene for your extended CardUI scene.
Pile Positions - -
Vector2 draw_pile_position Vector2(20, 460) Determines the position of the draw pile on the game screen.
Vector2 hand_pile_position Vector2(630, 460) Determines the position of the hand pile on the game screen.
Vector2 discard_pile_position Vector2(1250, 460) Determines the position of the discard pile on the game screen.
Pile displays - -
int stack_display_gap 8 Sets the gap between displayed cards in a stack.
int max_stack_display 6 Defines the maximum number of cards displayed in a stack.
Cards - -
float card_speed 0.1 Sets the speed at which cards move within the game.
Draw Pile - -
bool click_draw_pile_to_draw true Clicking the draw pile will trigger the draw method
bool cant_draw_at_hand_limit true If hand is at max capacity, then the draw method is ignored. Otherwise cards that are drawn are immediately discarded
bool shuffle_discard_on_empty_draw true Enables automatic shuffling of the discard pile into the draw pile when the draw pile is empty.
CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts draw_pile_layout CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts.up Determines which direction the pile stacks
Hand Pile - -
bool hand_enabled true Enables or disables the hand pile functionality.
bool hand_face_up true Determines whether cards in the hand pile are face up or face down.
int max_hand_size 10 Sets the maximum size of the hand. If exceeded, additional cards are immediately discarded.
int max_hand_spread 700 Specifies the maximum spread distance of cards in the hand.
int card_ui_hover_distance 30 Defines the distance at which the card UI responds to hover actions.
Curve hand_rotation_curve null A curve for hand rotation. This works best as a 2-point line, rising linearly from -Y to +Y.
Curve hand_vertical_curve null A curve for vertical hand movement. This works best as a 3-point line, easing in/out from 0 to Y to 0
Discard Pile - -
bool discard_face_up true Determines whether cards in the discard pile are face up or face down.
CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts discard_pile_layout CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts.up Determines which direction the pile stacks

CardPileUI Methods

Return Name Description
void create_card_in_dropzone(card_id, dropzone : CardDropzone) Creates a new instance of the named card in the given dropzone
void create_card_in_pile(card_id, pile_to_add_to : Piles) Creates a new instance of the named card in the given pile
void discard_at(index : int) Perform a typical "discard" action, moving card from the hand to the discard pile
void draw(amount : int = 1) Perform a typical "draw" action, moving cards from the draw pile to the hand
bool hand_is_at_max_capacity() Checks if hand is at max_capacity (any more cards added to it will be discarded)
CardDropzone get_card_dropzone(card : CardUI ) Returns the current dropzone of a given card
CardUI get_card_in_pile_at(pile : Piles, index : int) Returns a piles card at a given index
Array[CardUI] get_cards_in_pile(pile : Piles) Returns an array of cards from the specified pile
int get_card_pile_size(pile : Piles) Returns the number of cards in a given pile
void remove_card_from_game(card : CardUI) Removes the specified card from the game
void reset() Resets all cards to the collection's initial state
void set_card_dropzone(card : CardUI, dropzone : CardDropzone) Moves the specified card to the designated CardDropzone
void set_card_pile(card : CardUI, pile : Piles) Moves the specified card to the designated pile
void sort_hand(sort_func : Callable) Sort the hand using a custom function

CardPileUI Signals

Signal Description
draw_pile_updated Indicates that the draw pile has been updated
hand_pile_updated Indicates that the hand pile has been updated
discard_pile_updated Indicates that the discard pile has been updated
card_removed_from_dropzone(dropzone : CardDropzone, card: CardUI) Signals the removal of a card from the specified CardDropzone
card_added_to_dropzone(dropzone : CardDropzone, card: CardUI) Signals the addition of a card to the specified CardDropzone
card_hovered(card: CardUI) Indicates when a card is being hovered over
card_unhovered(card: CardUI) Indicates when a card is no longer being hovered over
card_clicked(card: CardUI) Signals a click event on a card
card_dropped(card: CardUI) Signals when a clicked card has been dropped
card_removed_from_game(card: CardUI) Signals the removal of a card from the overall game

CardDropzone Properties

Type Name Default Description
CardPileUI card_pile_ui null Path to the dropzone's managing CardPileUI node
bool card_ui_face_up true Indicates if piled cards should be face up
int stack_display_gap 8 Sets the gap between displayed cards in a stack.
int max_stack_display 6 Defines the maximum number of cards displayed in a stack.
CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts discard_pile_layout CardPileUI.PilesCardLayouts.up Determines which direction the pile stacks

CardDropzone Methods

Return Name Description
bool can_drop_card(card_ui : CardUI) This determines if a card can be dropped on this dropzone. Note - this is only automatically checked when dropping a card, not programatically moving one.
void card_ui_dropped(card_ui : CardUI) This triggers when a card has been added or dropped on this dropzone.
CardUI get_card_at(index : int) Returns the card at index
Array[CardUI] get_held_cards() Returns an array of all held cards
CardUI get_top_card() Returns the top card, which is the same thing as the last one in the array
int get_total_held_cards() Returns the total number of cards piled here
bool is_holding(card : CardUI) Returns true if this card is piled here

Card UI Data

CardUIData is a resource representing the information to display and use a single card. It can be subclassed as necessary to store more information relevant to your game, but at the minimum, it needs the following information stored in its properties:

  • frontface_texture - Texture2D which will be used by CardUI to present the obverse (front) of the card
  • backface_texture - Texture2D which will be used by CardUI to present the reverse (back) of the card
  • nice_name - Human-readable name for the card. Stock CardUI does not show it by default, but the UI scene provided to CardPileUI can make use of it (see example/)

Card Database

CardDB serves as the foundation for all card data in your game. It is a Resource responsible for loading the CardUIData for all cards that CardPileUI will use, and is the abstract base for all implementations which actually do the loading and retrieval.

Any CardDB implementation needs to provide two methods:

  • prepare() - will be called at least once, before CardPileUI makes any calls to get_card(). This allows the implementation to perform any loading and/or processing that it might need to do
  • get_card(card_id) -> CardUIData - this will be called whenever CardPileUI needs to access per-card data, and should return an instance of CardUIData (or its subclass). card_id is an opaque key that this database can understand. It can be anything the implementation wishes to use. Since the key data are provided by the caller code, CardPileUI does not know or care what they are. The only restriction is that the CardCollection used (see below) must contain keys the CardDB being used will understand

There are two built-in implementations of CardDB:

  • NullCardDB - this implementation simply returns any card_id it receives as-is and performs no loading or retrieval at all. This is very useful if you already have a card storage system (for example, as custom resources), and simply want to integrate CardPileUI into your code
  • JSONFileCardDB - this is a database which loads its data from a JSON file and uses strings representing card names as card_id

NOTE: Earlier versions of CardPileUI had hardcoded loading of JSON files for the card database and collection. If you wish to continue using JSON files, it is recommended to migrate to JSONFileCardDB and JSONFileCardCollection. For backwards compatibility, if your code does not provide a database/collection and uses the deprecated JSON path properties, the JSON implementation will automatically be used as a fallback.


JSONFileCardDB loads its card data from a JSON file, specified as a path. At least the following keys are required as a minimally viable card database:

	"nice_name": "My Card",
	"texture_path": "res://path/to/card_front.png",
	"backface_texture_path": "res://path/to/card_back.png",
	"resource_script_path": "res://path/to/"
Name Description
nice_name A unique name for this card
texture_path Filepath to the card's front texture. Will be load()ed
backface_texture_path Filepath to the card's back texture. Will be load()ed
resource_script_path Filepath to the card's resource script. If you don't need any custom functionality, you can point this to res://addons/simple_card_pile_ui/
* You can add more data as needed

Card Collection

CardCollection represents the cards that begin in the draw pile (ie. the deck). Like CardDB, CardCollection is an abstract base class with a number of possible implementations. It only needs to provide one method:

  • _get_all() - getter for the all property, this should return a list of all the cards in the deck, represented by their IDs (ie. values which can be passed to CardDB.get_card()). For that reason, the CardCollection being used needs to be compatible with the CardDB in use

There are two built-in implementations provided out of the box:

  • JSONFileCardCollection - loads and returns array of strings from the provided JSON file path. Compatible with JSONFileCardDB
  • NullCardCollection - simply returns whatever was provided as its cards property. Compatible with NullCardDB


This implementation stores a list of strings which should correspond to the nice_names of cards in the database. Example:

 [ "My Card", "My Card", "My Other Card", "My Other Card" ]

To Do List

  • Add support for multiple hands to use the same card pile
  • Add more shuffle methods
  • Add more sort methods
  • Document new properties/methods into the read me
  • Add different icons for dropzones/debugger
  • Add different layout options for dropzones

Thanks to


1.1.0 (2024-02-02)

  • Updates CardUI to work better

1.0.1 (2024-02-01)

  • Removes lerp when clicking a card
  • Fixes dropzone top card hover triggering when a card is clicked
  • Adds layout directions to piles and dropzones

1.0.0 (2024-01-31)

  • Initial release


This plugin provides a flexible and customizable card pile user interface for the Godot game engine. It is designed to handle various card-related functionalities including drawing, discarding, and managing different piles.







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