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FeaFea is a simple but powerful feature flag system. In its most basic form, given an some key/value pairs of attributes, it evaluates rules based on those attributes to determine the value (aka variant) of a feature flag.

Quick Start

Install the package:

pip install
from feafea import Evaluator, CompiledConfig

compiled_config = CompiledConfig.from_dict({
  "flags": {
    "enable_feature_X": {
      "default": False
    "dashboard_style": {
      "variants": ["A", "B", "C"],
      "default": "A",
      "metadata": {
        "deprecated": True,
        "descripition": "User dashboard style"
  "rules": {
    "enable_feature_X_for_beta_users": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'beta'",
      "variants": {
        "enable_feature_X": True

ev = Evaluator()

assert ev.evaluate(compiled_config, "enable_feature_X", "user_1", {"user_type": "alpha"}) == False
assert ev.evaluate(compiled_config, "enable_feature_X", "user_2", {"user_type": "beta"}) == True


  • Feature Flag: A named flag of either int, str or bool type. It has two or more variants and a default value defined. Bool flags always have two variants: true and false. A flag can optionally have metadata which is a set of custom key-value pairs.
  • Variant: A possible value of a feature flag.
  • Target: A entity whose features are being evaluated. This is usually a user but can be any entity. FeaFea doesn't enforce any constraints on the target nor does it know about its existence. The only requirement is that a target must have a unique identifier.
  • Target ID: A unique identifier of str type for a target that is used in evaluation split rules (see below).
  • Attributes: A set of key-value pairs about the target. These are used in evaluation rules to determine the value of a feature flag. E.g. user type, country, etc.
  • Filter: A boolean expression. It is used to match against the attributes, rules, other filters and flags. Both inline and named filters are supported.
  • Rule: A rule is evaluated against a target to determine the variants of the feature flags. A rule is made up of a filter, a schedule and a split - all optional. The rule applies if all of its components match.
  • Rule Split: A list of percentages that determine how to split the targets into different segments based on the target IDs. For each split, feature flag variants can be assigned.
  • Evaluation: The process of determining the value of a feature flag for a target based on the attributes and rules. Result of an evaluation is a variant. Detailed information about an evaluation can be retrieved by calling Evaluator.detailed_evaluate_all.


FeaFea doesn't define a configuration serialization format. Instead, it accepts a python dictionary of a DictConfig. Where the dictionary comes from is up to the user. The expected structure is JSON serializable (i.e. no functions, classes, etc), thus it's common to use JSON or YAML files to define the configuration.

The configuration must first be compiled into a CompiledConfig object. This object is then loaded into an Evaluator object. The Evaluator object is used to evaluate the feature flags for a target. The Evaluator object is thread-safe and can be shared across multiple threads. Configurations can be loaded into the Evaluator object at any time in a thread-safe manner.

The reason for compliation is to speed up the evaluation process. The compiled config object is immutable and can be reused in multiple evaluators (albeit uncommon). The compiled config can also be serialized and deserialized to avoid recompiling the configuration every time the application starts. CompiledConfig.to_bytes and CompiledConfig.from_bytes can be used for this purpose.

A convenience function merge_configs is provided to merge multiple DictConfigs into a single DictConfig. This is useful if the complete config is composed of multiple files. A common pattern is to have flags and rules in separate files.

Flag Alias

A feature flag alias is an alternative name for a feature flag. It is useful for backward compatibility when renaming a feature flag. Here's an example:

  "flags": {
    "old_name": {
      "default": false
    "new_name": {
      "alias": "old_name"

The alias flag behaves exactly like the original flag in every way. It can be referenced in filters and rules. Any rule that applies to the original flag also applies to all of its aliases and vice-versa. An alias can't reference another alias.


A filter can either be directly defined inside of a rule or it can be named and referenced by the rule and other filters. Filters are boolean expressions that are evaluated against the attributes of a target. Here is an example of a filter:

attr:user_type = 'beta' and attr:country in ['US', 'AU']

The above filter matches if the target has a user type of 'beta' and is in the US or AU. The attr: prefix is used to reference the attributes of a target. The attributes are passed in as a dictionary when evaluating the feature flags:

evaluator.Evaluate("feature_flag", "target_id", {"user_type": "beta", "country": "US"})

Here is a rule with the filter defined directly:

  "rules": {
    "enable_feature_X_for_beta_users": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'beta'",
      "variants": {
        "enable_feature_X": true

Here is a the same rule referencing a named filter:

  "filters": {
    "beta_users": "attr:user_type = 'beta'"
  "rules": {
    "enable_feature_X_for_beta_users": {
      "filter": "filter:beta_users",
      "variants": {
        "enable_feature_X": true




In process of evaluating a feature flag, all the rules referencing that flag are evaluated. The first rule that matches (as defined below) defines the variant of the feature flag. If no rule matches, the default variant (as defined in the flag defintion) is returned.

Rules are evaluated in the lexical order of their names. It's possible to override this by using the priority (integer) field in the rule definition. The rule with the highest priority is evaluated first. Two rules with the same priority are evaluated in the lexical order of their names.


A rule can be defined to only apply to a subset of the targets, or to apply differently to different subsets. This is done by defining a split. Here's an example of a split:

  "rules": {
    "dashboard_style_experiment": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'beta'",
      "splits": [
          "name": "A",
          "percentage": 50,
          "variants": {
            "dashboard_style": "dark"
          "name": "B",
          "percentage": 40,
          "variants": {
            "dashboard_style": "light"

In the above example, 50% of the beta users will get the dark dashboard style and 40% will get the light dashboard style. The remaining 10% will get the default dashboard style. The default dashboard style is defined in the flag definition. name is optional and comes in handy when the split is referenced in filters and for analytics purposes.

The split is determined by the target ID. The target ID is hashed and the hash is used to determine the split. The same target ID will always get the same split variant. The split is deterministic and doesn't change unless the split definition changes - that is either the percentages or the order.

Each rule splits its targets using the rule name as hash seed. This means that the same target ID can fall into different splits for different rules that define the same split percetages in the same order. Sometimes it's useful to have multiple rules split targets the same way. split_group can be defined at the rule level to override the hash seed. Following example demonstrates this:

  "rules": {
    "dashboard_style_experiment": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'alpha'",
      "splits": [
          "percentage": 50,
          "variants": {
            "dashboard_style": "dark"
    "another_experiment": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'beta'",
      "split_group": "dashboard_style_experiment",
      "splits": [
          "percentage": 50
          "percentage": 10,
          "variants": {
            "enable_black_and_white": true

In the above example, the another_experiment rule will split the beta users the same way as the dashboard_style_experiment rule splits the alpha users. This makes it possible for the two rules to have no overlap of targets. This is accomplished by having the same split_group and the same split percentages in the same order. In another_experiment, we effectively skip over the first 50% of the targets (which are the alpha users).

You may be tempted to use filters to exclude all the targets matched by another rule. As an example:

  "rules": {
    "dashboard_style_experiment": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'alpha'",
      "splits": [
          "percentage": 50,
          "variants": {
            "dashboard_style": "dark"
    "another_experiment": {
      "filter": "attr:user_type = 'beta' and not rule:dashboard_style_experiment",
      "splits": [
          "percentage": 10,
          "variants": {
            "enable_black_and_white": true

This is NOT the same as the previous example. Here, we exclude 50% of the targets BEFORE we split the remaining into 10%. In other words, we end up targetting 10% of 50% which is 5% of the total targets.






A simple feature flag system





