This project is in alpha stage. Do not use in production.
jayoh is a SSH jump server. Also known as bastion server, it is a gateway to a private network. Instead of hardening every host in the infrastructure, you harden this one host and firewall the rest, reducing the attack surface.
jayoh is not a full fledged SSH server. In fact, it's intentionally crippled to only forwarding TCP traffic. For example, you cannot login to a shell session on the jump host and run commands.
jayoh is written in pure Go with the help of x/crypto/ssh
which is well maintained by authors of Go and used extensively in
various production projects.
Build the app using standard Go toolchain:
git clone
cd jayoh
go build
Above will create the single file binary jayoh
in the root.
Packer is used to build AMIs in the regions defined in ami/ami.json
./build sh
Generate a new server key:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f server_key -N ''
Create a simple Access Control List (ACL) file:
cat <<EOF > acl.json
"users": {
"mike": {
"passwords": [
"keys": [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKpJwH2AIGntbSJ5jGiVD4ub8Fb/BqhzCPwMGB/uibdb"
"groups": ["dev"]
"rules": {
"all-local": {
"host_patterns": ["", ""],
"groups": ["dev"]
Few notes:
- This ACL defines a user
that can authenticate with either a bcrypt hashed password, or a SSH key. $2y$04$7l9Q0nw9Kvcl...
is a bcrypt hash of password123456
.ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N...
is a SSH public key (usually found under~/.ssh/
.- The ACL defines a single rule called
(this is just a label) that allows all users belonging to groupdev
to access all IPs under the127.0.0.0/8
subnet and the exact host
. - There is currently no way to specify wildcard domain names, only IP ranges.
Create the main configuration file:
cat <<EOF > config.json
"acl_file": "acl.json",
"server_key_file": "server_key",
"listen": ""
Run the jayoh server:
./jayoh -config config.json
jayoh does not support shell login. This is by design. Hence you need to specify a second host to connect to.
Following from the examples so far, let's say you have a webserver running on port 8080 on the same machine where jayoh is running. Following will setup a tunnel to access the webserver:
ssh -N -L 8181: jayoh-host
prevents SSH from opening a shell session in addition to the TCP
port forward.
You can also use jayoh to tunnel another SSH connection:
ssh -N target-server -o 'ProxyCommand ssh jayoh-host -W target-server:22'