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Nebula Graph Studio Helm Chart

Note: Thie repository is NOT NEEDED ANY MORE, the chart is merged into: vesoft-inc/nebula-studio


This chart bootstraps Nebula Graph Studio deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm.


  • Kubernetes 1.14+
  • Helm >= 3.2.0


First, configure the chart repository and update.

$ helm repo add nebula-graph
$ helm repo update

Install with a default configurations

Assume using release name: my-studio

$ helm upgrade --install my-studio nebula-graph/nebula-studio

Install with a NodePort for external visit

$ helm upgrade --install my-studio --set service.type=NodePort --set service.port=30070 nebula-graph/nebula-studio

After success installed, we could visit nebula-studio via http://address-of-node:30070/


$ helm uninstall my-studio


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Replica Count for StatefulSet 0
image.httpGateway.repository The repository for http grateway's image vesoft/nebula-http-gateway
image.nebulaImporter.repository The repository for nebula-importer ateway's image vesoft/nebula-importer
image.nebulaStudio.repository The repository for nebula graph studio's image vesoft/nebula-graph-studio
image.nginx.repository The repository for nginx's image nginx
image.httpGateway.tag The tag for http grateway's image v2
image.nebulaImporter.tag The tag for nebula-importer ateway's image v2
image.nebulaStudio.tag The tag for nebula graph studio's image v3
image.nginx.tag The tag for nginx's image alpine
service.type The service type, should be one of ['NodePort', 'ClusterIP', 'LoadBalancer'] ClusterIP
service.port The expose port for nebula-graph-studio's web 7001
resources.httpGateway.limits.cpu The cpu limit for http gateway container 2
resources.httpGateway.limits.memory The memory limit for http gateway container 4Gi
resources.httpGateway.requests.cpu The cpu request for http gateway container 100mi
resources.httpGateway.requests.memory The memory request for http gateway container 256Mi
resources.nebulaImporter.limits.cpu The cpu limit for nebula importer container 2
resources.nebulaImporter.limits.memory The memory limit for nebula importer container 4Gi
resources.nebulaImporter.requests.cpu The cpu request for nebula importer container 100mi
resources.nebulaImporter.requests.memory The memory request for nebula importer container 256Mi
resources.nebulaStudio.limits.cpu The cpu limit for nebula studio container 2
resources.nebulaStudio.limits.memory The memory limit for nebula studio container 4Gi
resources.nebulaStudio.requests.cpu The cpu request for nebula studio container 100mi
resources.nebulaStudio.requests.memory The memory request for nebula studio container 256Mi
resources.nginx.limits.cpu The cpu limit for nginx container 2
resources.nginx.limits.memory The memory limit for nginx container 4Gi
resources.nginx.requests.cpu The cpu request for nginx container 100mi
resources.nginx.requests.memory The memory request for nginx container 256Mi
persistent.storageClassName The storageClassName for PVC if not using default ""
persistent.size The size for upload-data persistent storage 5Gi