|--> bin/ PHP_CodeBrowser scripts
|--> src/ Source files for PHP_CodeBrowser
| |--> Plugins/ Plugins for different error handling/types
|--> templates/ Template files for PHP_CodeBrowser
| |--> css/ Used CSS by templates, Color definition for errors
| |--> img/ Used images for PHP_CodeBrowser
| |--> js/ Used javascript for PHP_CodeBrowser
|--> tests/ PHPUnit test suite
|--> package.xml PEAR package information file
|--> LICENCE Licence information
|--> README Structure and install information
|--> CHANGELOG Update information
$ git clone git://github.com/Mayflower/PHP_CodeBrowser.git
Add this line to the require section in composer.json:
"mayflower/php-codebrowser": "~1.1"
Or to install it globally
composer global require "mayflower/php-codebrowser=~1.1"
see Releases
Try ./bin/phpcb.php -h for usage information.
<!-- phpcb should be called after xml file generation -->
<target name="build" depends="...,phpcb" />
<target name="phpcb">
<exec executable="phpcb">
<arg line="--log path/to/log/dir
--output path/to/output/dir/
--source path/to/source/dir/" />
Open /path/to/defined/output/index.html
<artifactspublisher dir="path/to/output" dest="artifacts/${project.name}" subdirectory="PhpCbIdentifier" />
<cruisecontrol:tab name="PHP_CodeBrowser" label="PHP_CodeBrowser">
<iframe src="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/<%= artifacts_url %>/PhpCbIdentifier/index.html" class="tab-content">
Have a look at the standard template for Jenkins jobs for PHP projects to see how PHP_CodeBrowser can be used together with Jenkins.
If you have any questions you may get in contact with: Elger Thiele or Thorsten Rinne