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Simple Unity Netcode for GameObjects Example

This is a simple Unity example that demonstrates Agones integrations with Unity's Netcode for GameObjects.

Netcode for GameObjects (NGO) is a high-level networking library built for Unity for you to abstract networking logic. It enables you to send GameObjects and world data across a networking session to many players at once. With NGO, you can focus on building your game instead of low-level protocols and networking frameworks.

The example creates a seperate build both for the client and dedicated game server. And builds off of the example from Unity but with Agones integration


This example is working on

Unity Editor: Unity 2022.3.3f1 or later

Install Text Mesh Pro in Unity Editor

After opening UnityEditor install TextMeshPro under Window > TextMeshPro > Import TMP Esstenrial Resources and click Import.

Getting Started

There are a few steps.

Install and configure Agones on Kubernetes

Check out these instructions.

Testing locally

To test locally, create one build for the dedicated game server and a seperate for the client. Locally, you can run 2 clients to test.

Building the Dedicated Game Server

  • Open this project with UnityEditor.

  • Click on the File > Build Settings menu item in the menu bar.

    • Make sure that for Platform that Dedicated Game Server is selected and Target Platform is selected to Linux. If needed click Switch Platform before build.
    • Verify the following scenes are selected in order:
    • Make sure the Builds are created in Builds/Server Folder and Saved As Server.
    • Click Build.

Running the Dedicated Game Server

To test the dedicated game server build locally run docker-compose. The Dockerfile instructions for this example are dependent on the above build location Builds/Server.

docker-compose up --build

If successful, you will see positive healtchecks from the SDK, similar to below:

unity-netcode-gameserver-1  | Agones SendRequest ok: /health {}
unity-netcode-sdk-server-1  | {"message":"Health Ping Received!","severity":"info","source":"*sdkserver.LocalSDKServer","time":"2023-09-15T21:41:46.550060529Z"}

Building the Client

Again, similar to the dedicated game server build.

  • Open this project with UnityEditor.
  • Click on the File > Build Settings menu item in the menu bar.
    • Make sure that for Platform that Windows, Mac, Linux is selected and Target Platform is selected to MacOS or as appropriate to your machine. If needed click Switch Platform before build.
    • Verify the following scenes are selected in order:
  • Select Build And Run and wait for the Unity client to start.
  • In parallel start a second client directly in UnityEditor by selecting Play as the second client to test connectivity between clients.
  • Once both clients are active, input the server IP address as and server port as 7777.

Running on Kubernetes

Build and push with Docker

Build docker image and push to registry.

docker build -t agones-example/unity-netcode:latest .

Google Cloud Build option

As a another option, you can build with Google Cloud Build. This will also push image to Google Artifact Registry at${PROJECT_ID}/${_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME}/${_IMAGE_NAME}.

To create an Artifact Registry if you have a Google Cloud Organization.

gcloud artifacts repositories create $_ARTIFACT_REPO_NAME \
    --repository-format=docker \
    --location=us \

Run Cloud Build config.

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml

Update Agones gameserver.yaml and create

Update image spec in manifest for gameserver.yaml

      - name: simple-game-server
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "128m"

Create Agones Gameserver.

$ kubectl create -f gameserver.yaml
kubectl get gs
NAME                        STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                                              AGE
simple-unity-server-b4hnz   Ready   34.69.***.***   7953   gke-gke-agones-gke-agones-primary-65d17602-ld6z   5d21h

When running client use above Address and Port for clients

Verifying client.

When connected you will be able to move around the capsule player with WASD. If connected to second client the two players, two capsules will appear sharing state via Unity's Netcode for Game Objects.


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