Quickly highlight your MCP project with clear, eye-catching badges
There are four types of badges: default
, server
, client
, and dev
. The default
type supports the status
parameter, while both server
and client
types support the features

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev" title="MCP"/>

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?status=on" title="MCP Enabled"/>

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?status=off" title="MCP Disabled"/>

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=server" title="MCP Server"/>

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=server&features=resources,tools" title="MCP server with features/>
- Features supported by the MCP server
- resources
- prompts
- tools
- sampling

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=client" title="MCP Client"/>

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=client&features=prompts,tools" title="MCP client with features"/>
- Features supported by the MCP client
- resources
- prompts
- tools
- sampling
- roots
Recommended for all MCP development-related projects, including tools, frameworks, etc.

<img src="https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=dev" title="MCP Dev"/>
❤️ Seamless Connectivity, Limitless Potential!