This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Demonstration-Guided Reinforcement Learning with Efficient Exploration for Task Automation of Surgical Robot" (ICRA 2023).
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Python 3.7+
- Clone this repository.
git clone --recursive
cd DEX
- Create a virtual environment
conda create -n dex python=3.8
conda activate dex
- Install packages
pip3 install -e SurRoL/ # install surrol environments
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .
- Then add one line of code at the top of
to register SurRoL tasks:
# directory: anaconda3/envs/dex/lib/python3.8/site-packages/
import surrol.gym
Commands for DEX and all baselines. Results will be logged to WandB. Before running the commands below, please change the wandb entity in train.yaml
to match your account.
We collect demonstration data via the scripted controllers provided by SurRoL. Take the NeedlePick task as example:
mkdir SurRoL/surrol/data/demo
python SurRoL/surrol/data/ --env NeedlePick-v0
- Train DEX:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=dex use_wb=True
- Train SAC:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=sac use_wb=True
- Train DDPG:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=ddpg use_wb=True
- Train DDPGBC:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=ddpgbc use_wb=True
- Train CoL:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=col use_wb=True
- Train AMP:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=amp use_wb=True
- Train AWAC:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=awac use_wb=True
- Train SQIL:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=sqil use_wb=True
Again, all commands can be run on other surgical tasks by replacing NeedlePick with the respective environment in the commands (for both demo collection and RL training).
We also implement synchronous parallelization of RL training, e.g., launch 4 parallel training processes:
mpirun -np 4 python -m train agent=dex task=NeedlePick-v0 use_wb=True
It should be noted that parallel training will lead to inconsistent performance, which require hyperparameters tuning.
We also provide a script for evaluate the saved model. The directory of the to-be-evaluated model should be included in the configuration file eval.yaml
, where the checkpoint is specified by ckpt_episode
. For instance:
- Eval model trained by DEX in NeedlePick-v0:
python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=dex ckpt_episode=latest
The default hyperparameters are defined in dex/configs
, where train.yaml
defines the experiment settings and YAML file in the directory agent
defines the hyperparameters of each method. Modifications to these parameters can be directly defined in the experiment or agent config files, or passed through the terminal command. For example:
python3 task=NeedleRegrasp-v0 agent=dex use_wb=True batch_size=256 agent.aux_weight=10
The core RL algorithms are implemented within the BaseAgent
class. For adding a new algorithm, a new file needs to be created in
and BaseAgent
needs to be subclassed. In particular, any required
networks (actor, critic etc) need to be constructed and the update(...)
function and get_action(...)
needs to be overwritten. For an example,
see the DDPGBC implementation in DDPGBC
. When implementation is done, a registration is needed in
and a config file should also be made in agent
to specify the model parameters.
Our code is designed for standard goal-conditioned gym-based environments and can be easily transfered to other platform if provide the same interfaces (e.g., OpenAI gym fetch). If no similar interface is provided, some modifications should be made to make it compatible, e.g., replay buffer and sampling utilities. We will make our code more generalizable in the future.
|- agents # implements core algorithms in agent classes
|- components # reusable infrastructure for model training
| |- # handles saving + loading of model checkpoints
| |- # normalizer for vectorized input
| |- # implements core logging functionality using wandB
|- configs # experiment configs
| |- train.yaml # configs for rl training
| |- eval.yaml # configs for rl evaluation
| |- agent # configs for each algorithm (dex, ddpg, ddpgbc, etc.)
|- modules # reusable architecture components
| |- # basic critic implementations (eg MLP-based critic)
| |- # pytorch distribution utils for density model
| |- # basic actor implementations
| |- # her replay buffer with future sampling strategy
| |- # rollout sampler for collecting experience
| |- # basic networks
|- trainers # main model training script, builds all components + runs training loop and logging
|- utils # general and rl utilities, pytorch / visualization utilities etc
|- # experiment launcher
|- # evaluation launcher
For any questions, please feel free to email [email protected].