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Compiling medInria

paulineMig edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 30 revisions



If you want a 64bit compilation, you will need to compile Qt since there is no installer for Qt4-64bit. You will need 64bit version of OpenSSL as well. Just follow this instructons :

  • Set up the 64 bit environment for Visual Studio by executing: Path_to_visual_studio_2010\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat
  • Get and install Win64 openSSL from here :
  • Get qt-everywhere-opensource-src from here
  • Go to the source directory of Qt using the Visual studio Win64 command prompt and configure it with the win64 version of openSSL : configure -plugin-sql-sqlite -no-qt3support -nomake examples -nomake demos -openssl -I path_to_OpenSSL-Win64\include -L path_to_OpenSSL-Win64
  • Compile and install Qt (very long, it will take a couple of hours) : nmake INSTALL


  • XCode 4+
  • CMake 2.8.12 especially for Mavericks
  • Qt 4 (Qt 5 is currently unsupported)
  • Boost via brew


You'll need to install the appropriate packages that provide the following software :

  • GCC and G++
  • Git
  • Subversion
  • CMake 2.8.10+
  • Qt4 developpement tools and headers

On Deb based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint...) :

aptitude install gcc g++ git subversion cmake qt4-dev-tools libxt-dev libzip-dev libboost-dev

On RPM based distributions (Fedora, Red-Hat, OpenSUSE...) :

yum install gcc gcc-g++ gcc-c++ git subversion cmake qt-devel libXt-devel boost-devel qtwebkit-devel

These need to be run as the root user, or using sudo.

Make sure your version of cmake is 2.8.10 or higher :

cmake --version

If not, you will need to install the latest version from

Compiling medInria in 5 steps

  1. Get the superproject's sources

    git clone

  2. Go into medinria-superproject, and create a build directory

    cd medinria-superproject && mkdir build

  3. Enter the build directory :

    cd build

  4. Configure

    cmake ..

    You may want to run cmake-gui or ccmake instead if you need to fill in variables, such as the path to qmake on Windows.

  5. Compile

    cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo

It will take a while. When it's done, you can run it using :

Linux & Mac : ./
Windows : medInria.bat RelWithDebInfo or to open in Visual Studio : medInria-dev.bat