An algorithm to pack molecular recipes
These are the basic installation steps. However, our recommendation for developers is to install with pyenv
and pdm
. See advanced installation instructions here.
- Install Python 3.9 and
. Update pip at least to24.0.0
. - Clone this git repository.
git clone [email protected]:mesoscope/cellpack.git
cd cellpack
- Create a new virtual environment and activate it.
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install the required packages for your operating system. Replace
as appropriate.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements/linux/requirements.txt
pip install -e .
- example pack v1 recipe :
pack -r examples/recipes/v1/NM_Analysis_FigureB1.0.json -c examples/packing-configs/run.json
- example pack v2 recipe :
pack -r examples/recipes/v2/one_sphere.json -c examples/packing-configs/run.json
- example pack from remote :
pack -r github:recipes/NM_Analysis_FigureB1.0.json -c examples/packing-configs/run.json
- To convert to simularium and view at
Stable Release: pip install cellpack
Development Head: pip install git+
For full package documentation please visit
See for information related to developing the code.
pip install -e .[dev]
This will install your package in editable mode with all the required development dependencies (i.e.
). -
make build
This will run
which will run all your tests and lint your code. -
make clean
This will clean up various Python and build generated files so that you can ensure that you are working in a clean environment.
make docs
This will generate and launch a web browser to view the most up-to-date documentation for your Python package.
is for the most up-to-date development, very rarely should you directly commit to this branch. GitHub Actions will run on every push and on a CRON to this branch but still recommended to commit to your development branches and make pull requests to main. If you push a tagged commit with bumpversion, this will also release to PyPI.- Your day-to-day work should exist on branches separate from
. Even if it is just yourself working on the repository, make a PR from your working branch tomain
so that you can ensure your commits don't break the development head. GitHub Actions will run on every push to any branch or any pull request from any branch to any other branch. - It is recommended to use "Squash and Merge" commits when committing PR's. It makes
each set of changes to
atomic and as a side effect naturally encourages small well defined PR's.
- Obtain an AWS account for AICS. Please contact the IT team or the code owner.
- Generate an
in your AWS account.
Step-by-step Guide
- Download and install the AWS CLI
- Configure AWS CLI by running
aws configure
, then enter your credentials as prompted. - Ensure that Boto3, the AWS SDK for Python is installed and included in the requirements section of
- Step-by-step Guide
- For dev database:
- Create a Firebase project in test mode with your google account, select
as the SDK. Firebase Firestore tutorial - Generate a new private key by navigating to "Project settings">"Service account" in the project's dashboard.
- Create a Firebase project in test mode with your google account, select
- For staging database:
- Reach out to the code owner for the necessary credentials.
- Set up an
file as instructed.
- For dev database:
MIT license