This repository includes scripts to set up a Metal³ development environment.
Instructions can be found here:
Version v1beta1 is later referred as v1betaX.
The v1betaX deployment can be done with Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04 or Centos 9 Stream target host images. By default, for Ubuntu based target hosts we are using Ubuntu 22.04
The requirements for the dev env machine are, when deploying Ubuntu target hosts:
- 8GB of memory
- 4 cpus
And when deploying Centos target hosts:
- 16GB of memory
- 4 cpus
The Minikube machine is deployed with 4GB of RAM, and 2 vCPUs, and the target hosts with 4 vCPUs and 4GB of RAM.
export CAPM3_VERSION=v1beta1
export CAPI_VERSION=v1beta1
The following environment variables need to be set for Centos:
export IMAGE_OS=centos
And the following environment variables need to be set for Ubuntu:
export IMAGE_OS=ubuntu
And the following environment variables need to be set for Flatcar:
export IMAGE_OS=flatcar
By default the virtualization hypervisor used is kvm. To be able to use it the nested virtualization needs to be enabled in the host. In case kvm or nested virtualization are not available it is possible to switch to qemu, although at this moment there are limitations in the execution and it is considered as experimental configuration. To switch to the qemu hypervisor apply the following setting:
You can check a list of all the environment variables here
Note: These scripts are invasive and will reconfigure part of the host OS in addition to package installation, and hence it is recommended to run dev-env in a VM. Please read the scripts to understand what they do before running them on your machine.
kubectl delete cluster "${CLUSTER_NAME:-"test1"}" -n metal3
It is possible to use Tilt to run the CAPI, BMO, CAPM3 and IPAM components. Tilt ephemeral cluster will utilize Kind and Docker, so it requires an Ubuntu host. For this, run:
By default, Metal3 components are not built locally. To develop with Tilt, you
, and then you can edit
the code in ~/go/src/
and it will be picked up by
Tilt. You can also specify repository URL, branch and commit with CAPM3REPO
to make dev-env start the component with your
development branch content. Same for IPAM, BMO and CAPI.
for more information.
After specifying the components and paths to your liking, bring the cluster up by setting the ephemeral cluster type to Tilt and image OS to Ubuntu.
export IMAGE_OS=ubuntu
If you are running tilt on a remote machine, you can forward the web interface
by adding the following parameter to the ssh command -L 10350:
Then you can access the Tilt dashboard locally here
Note: It is easiest if you configure all these in config_<username>.sh
which is automatically sourced if it exists.
In case, you want recreate the local ironic containers enabled with TLS, you need to use the following instructions:
source lib/
source lib/
source lib/
source lib/
points to the baremetal operator directory. For more
information, regarding the TLS setup and running ironic locally please refer to
these documents:
, Run local ironic.
The following table describes which branches are tested for different test triggers:
test suffix | CAPM3 branch | IPAM branch | BMO branch/tag | Keepalived tag | Ironic tag |
main | main | main | main | latest | latest |
release-1-9 | release-1.9 | release-1.9 | release-0.9 | v0.9.0 | v27.0.0 |
release-1-8 | release-1.8 | release-1.8 | release-0.8 | v0.8.0 | v26.0.1 |
release-1-7 | release-1.7 | release-1.7 | release-0.6 | v0.6.2 | v24.1.2 |