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Installation on Windows

Patrice Ferlet edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

Windows users may have bad experience to use Fyne-Streamer. This page explain how to install Gstreamer, configure Windows and compile your first application.

This methid is probably not the best and is, of course, adaptable.

Install requirements

Install Gstreamer MingW version

First, go to Gstreamer download page and download both

  • runtime installer MingW
  • development installer MingW

We didn't tried MSVC versions

You can install them in any order. But both must be installed. We recommend to use typical installation, and to not change the destination folder (C:\gstreamer).

Then in your Windows Settings, add to the system (not the user) "Path" environment the "bin" directory of Gstreamer. For example, if you installed Gstreamer in c:\gstreamer, add this: C:\gstreamer\1.0\mingw_x64\bin.

MingW 11.x

If you followed documentation, you probably installed the latest version of MingW suite. But, Go-Gst package seems to not compile on Windows with MingW > 11.

At this time, we recommand to use Chocolatey and to install MingW 11 on your system.-

  • Follow the Individual installation to install choco command if you didn't have it yet
  • Install MingW 11 in a PowerShell command prompt: choco install mingw --version=
  • Install also PkgConfigLite : choco install pkgconfiglite

It is strongly recommended to restart Windows now. The system path is not always changed everywhere. Also, if you use Visual Studio Code, close your terminal to force resetting environment variables.

At this time, you should be ready to compile your Fyne application using Fyne-Streamer widgets! Congratulations!


Try to clone this repository and start the videotest example:

git clone
cd fyne-streamer
go run -v ./examples/videotest

It will take a while to compile the first time. A window with a test video should appear.

Clone this wiki locally