I no longer use Laravel and cannot justify the time needed to maintain this package. That's why I have chosen to abandon it. Feel free to fork my code and maintain your own copy.
This package is a simple implementation of circuit breaker pattern for laravel. It protects your application from failures of its service dependencies.
Resources about the circuit breaker pattern:
- http://martinfowler.com/bliki/CircuitBreaker.html
- https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/How-it-Works#CircuitBreaker
You can install the package via composer:
composer require bvtterfly/laravel-circuit-breaker
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="circuit-breaker-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
// Here you may specify which of your cache stores you wish to use as your default store.
'store' => config('cache.default'),
// length of interval (in seconds) over which it calculates the error rate
'time_window' => 60,
// the number of errors to encounter within a given timespan before opening the circuit
'error_threshold' => 10,
// the amount of time until the circuit breaker will try to query the resource again
'error_timeout' => 300,
// the timeout for the circuit when it is in the half-open state
'half_open_timeout' => 150,
// the amount of consecutive successes for the circuit to close again
'success_threshold' => 1,
Your application may have multiple services, so you will have to get a circuit breaker for each service:
use Bvtterfly\LaravelCircuitBreaker\Facades\CircuitBreaker;
$circuit = CircuitBreaker::service('my-service');
// or you can override default configuration:
$circuit = CircuitBreaker::service('my-service', [
'time_window' => 120,
'success_threshold' => 3,
You can then determine whether a service is available or not.
// Check circuit status for service
if (! $circuit->isAvailable()) {
// Service isn't available
Service is available if it's CLOSED or HALF_OPEN. Then, you should call your service, depending on the response. You can mark it as a success or failure to update the circuit status.
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// If an error occurred, it must be recorded as failed.
composer test
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