Releases: mgl23606/JodellePowerMining
Releases · mgl23606/JodellePowerMining
JodellePowerMining v21.06
Features available on this release
- Adds 3 distinct tools to the game. Hammer, Excavator and Plow.
- Mining one block makes the other blocks around to be broken, a 3x3 hole. The size of the
hole can be changed. - All mineable/diggable blocks can be configured in the config file.
- Customisable recipes for the PowerTools.
- Commands to check the version and give PowerTools
- Permissions to use, give, craft and enchant PowerTools.
- Support for WorldGuard terrain protection.
This is fully operation release of power tools!
Version 20!
This is a 3*3 tools
Now working for 1.16 minecraft