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SecHaz is a program that calculates liquefaction and landslide probabilities given ground motions and a number of global data sets.


  • Add zoom capability
  • Add ability to turn off scenario watermark
  • Fix input panel plots - titles (I think) are reversed top-to-bottom.

Installation and Dependencies

This package depends on:

  • numpy, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
  • matplotlib, a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures. <a href="
  • basemap, a mapping package built on top of matplotlib.
  • fiona, a package for reading vector data file formats (in this case, road shapefiles).
  • neicio, a Python library for reading/writing various spatial data formats (including ShakeMap grid.xml).
  • neicmap, a Python library for doing various spatial calculations (distance, angle, etc.)
  • neicutil, a Python library which is a grab bag of interpolation routines, text manipulation functions, and time functions.
  • shapely, a Python library for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the cartesian plane.

The best way to install numpy,matplotlib,scipy and fiona is to use one of the Python distributions described here:

The Anaconda distributions have been successfully tested with sechaz.

You may need to open a new terminal window to ensure that the newly installed versions of python and pip are in your path.

To install basemap:

If you are using anaconda (see above):

conda install basemap

Otherwise, see the installation instructions here:

To install fiona:

If you are using anaconda (see above):

conda install fiona

Otherwise, see the installation instructions here:

To install neicio:

pip install git+git://

To install neicmap:

pip install git+git://

To install neicutil:

pip install git+git://

To install this package:

pip install git+git://

To upgrade this package:

pip install -U git+git://

To uninstall this package:

pip uninstall secondary

To install shapely:

If you are using anaconda (see above):

conda install shapely

Otherwise, see the installation instructions here:

Data Sources

The base data used for this software comes from open sources, and is processed using open source tools:

Topography: USGS Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010)

To convert this data to a GMT-style NetCDF 3 file, you can do the following on a Unix-like system:

  • unzip
  • gdal_translate -of AAIGrid md30_grd md30_grd.ascii
  • gmt grdreformat md30_grd.ascii=ei md30_grid_gmt5.grd=cs

Roads: Global Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS) (requires registration)

Download all of the regional shapefile road data sets into a common data directory, and unzip them in place. The roadfolder configuration option should point to that common data directory.


An automation program is included with this distribution -

This program, when run (manually or at intervals by something like cron), will search the NEIC one hour earthquake data feed ( for new ShakeMaps for events matching magnitude, mmi, or PAGER impact level criteria in a config file (see below).

When an event matching one or more of those thresholds is found, will run and then email the PNG and PDF probability map to a configured list of email recipients.

Configuring SecHaz

The liquefaction and landslide models are defined in a configuration file, which must be located in the user's home folder in a sub-folder called ".secondary". The file must be named "config.ini". As an example, for a user called "frogers" would need to have a file called:

Mac: /Users/frogers/.secondary/config.ini

Linux: /home/frogers/.secondary/config.ini

Windows (untested!): c:\Documents and Settings\frogers.secondary\config.ini

Below is a sample configuration file:

#layers must be in GMT NetCDF format
cti_layer = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/globalcti.grd
vs30_layer = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/global_vs30.grd

#coefficients for the model
b0 = 24.1
b1 = 2.067
b2 = 0.355
b3 = -4.784

#certain variables are available from the ShakeMap:
#MW = magnitude
#PGV = pgv layer from the grid
#PGA = pga layer from the grid
#MMI = mmi layer from the grid

#terms to be multiplied by corresponding coefficients
#certain operators are allowed: +,-,*,/,log,power,log10
b1_term = log((PGA/100)*(power(MW,2.56)/power(10,2.24)))
b2_term = cti/100
b3_term = log(vs30)

#what is the grid to which all other grids will be resampled?
baselayer = vs30

#custom settings for rendering of individual layers - value must be a valid matplotlib colormap name.
vs30_colormap = jet_r

#layers must be in GMT NetCDF format
cohesion_layer = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/cohesion_10i.grd
slope_layer = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/slope_50.grd

#coefficients for the model
b0 = -7.15
b1 = 0.0604
b2 = 0.000825
b3 = 0.0201
b4 = 1.45e-05

#certain variables are available from the ShakeMap:
#MW = magnitude
#PGV = pgv layer from the grid
#PGA = pga layer from the grid
#MMI = mmi layer from the grid

#terms to be multiplied by corresponding coefficients
#certain operators are allowed: +,-,*,/,log,power,log10
b1_term = PGA
b2_term = slope
b3_term = cohesion/10.0
b4_term = PGA*slope

#what is the grid wo which all other grids will be resampled?
baselayer = cohesion

variables = PGV,PGA,MW

folder = /Users/frogers/secondary/output

#required layers
topo = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/etopo1_bed_g_f4.grd
slope = /Users/frogers/secondary/data/slope_50.grd

#required slope parameters - pixels with slope > slopemax will not be liquefied
slopemin = 5.0
slopemax = 5.0

#optional layers
roadfolder = /Users/mhearne/secondary/data/roads
roadcolor = 00FF00
countrycolor = 177F10

Configuring AutoSec looks for a file in the ~/.secondary folder called mailconfig.ini. That file should look something like this:

eis = yellow
mag = 7.5
mmi = 7

server =
sender = [email protected]
recipients = [email protected],[email protected],

Running SecHaz

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-r] [-n] [GRIDFILE]

Run the landslide and liquefaction models defined by coefficients found in a
config.ini file. Output is a pdf map with liquefaction/landslide results
layered on topography.

positional arguments:
  GRIDFILE              ShakeMap grid.xml file (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Use a custom config file (default:
  -r, --roads           Draw roads (default: False)
  -n, --noscenario      Turn off scenario watermark (use with caution)
                        (default: False)


Secondary Hazards code






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