Driver-ASE is a Perl-based bioinformatic pipeline that integrates data from TCGa to predict non-coding, cancer driving mutations. The pipeline bins somatic mutations (found using tumor/normal WGS paired samples) into regulatory regions and correlates the occurrence of these potential regulatory mutations with gene-level ASE found in tumor RNA-Seq within the same individual to systematically uncover cis-regulatory variants involved in tumorigenesis.
Details about our pipeline can be read in our iScience paper (
It is well known that DNA mutations can induce uncontrolled cell division and ultimately lead to cancer. Advances in sequencing over the last five years have enabled researchers to scan all of the DNA within a tumor to identify these mutations, and indeed we are finding thousands, leaving us with the daunting task of distinguishing the potentially few causal changes from the vast majority of “passengers”. Most focus is aimed towards protein-coding regions where functional effects can be readily predicted. Unfortunately, this approach misses the expansive oncogenic effects caused by changes in gene regulation (turning genes up/down), which are much more difficult to identify. We have pioneered a new bioinformatic approach to probe high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data, generated from the molecules that carry out gene expression, to identify the truly causal regulatory mutations. We applied our method to all suitable breast cancer samples in The NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC, and mapped over a hundred genes whose regulation is perturbed by regulatory mutations in breast tumors and other 11 different tumors.
The pipeline performs ASE analysis by using RNA-Seq, affymetrix genotyping array, whole genome sequence, copy number variant, and methylation data from GDC. It is divided into 5 parts that have 2 or more Perl scripts for each part. They are used to download raw data from GDC, run imputation, perform ASE analysis as well as perform WGS analysis. These scripts are easy to use and provide options and usages. To speed up the analysis, the perl module MCE (Many-Core Engine) was implemented into the pipeline.
The Driver-ASE pipeline was developed on a Centos 7 x86_64 system and the some of the package names listed below are specific to Centos. If you wish to use the pipeline on a different distribution, install the equivalent packages for the distribution that you are using. If you don't want to configure your system to use the pipeline, you could use an image that was made with Docker that has all of the dependencies already installed for the pipeline to run.
Docker Images:
This pipeline also requires some packages to be installed as the other software it uses within it needs them. Some of these packages may be installed already.
sudo yum install -y openssl
sudo yum install -y openssl-devel
sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y yaml-cpp.x86_64 yaml-cpp-devel.x86_64
sudo yum install -y gcc
sudo yum install -y gcc-c++.x86_64
sudo yum install -y ncurses-devel.x86_64
yum install -y java
yum install -y bzip2-devel
yum install -y xz-devel
yum install -y libcurl-devel
yum install -y perl-core
yum install -y firewalld
yum install -y curl
yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
Make sure that the firewall allows for incoming and outgoing of traffic for HTTPS/HTTP and FTP.
systemctl start firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=20-21/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3306/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
/ect/init.d/iptables save
Make sure you have these perl modules installed before you run these scripts.
Some of the module below may already be installed.
curl -L | perl - YAML
curl -L | perl - FindBin
curl -L | perl - File::Copy
curl -L | perl - File::Basename
curl -L | perl - FileHandle
curl -L | perl - MCE
curl -L | perl - Cwd
curl -L | perl - Math::CDF
curl -L | perl - Getopt::Long
curl -L | perl - LWP::Simple
curl -L | perl - File::Which
curl -L | perl - Archive::Tar
curl -L | perl - IO::Zlib
curl -L | perl - autodie
curl -L | perl - lib
curl -L | perl - strict
curl -L | perl - warnings
aria2 -
./configure --with-openssl
sudo make
sudo make install
NOTE: The URLs provided below may change or the page they direct to may no longer be available. If that happens, the software will need to be aquired elsewhere. Also, the commands below are optional other than the software that requires configure and make to be run.
If you don't have root permissions to install the software, contact your system admin to have the software installed.
download link -
tar -jxvf samtools-1.3.1.tar.bz2(your version number may be different)
remove or backup the archive.
cd into the extracted archive and run the commands below.
sudo make install
find where samtools was installed.
which samtools
download link -
tar -zxvf shapeit.v2.r837.GLIBCv2.12.Linux.static.tgz
Locate the bin directory that was extracted and cd into it.
Check if shapeit is executable.
ls -l shapeit
If shapeit is not executable, change the permissions.
chmod a+x shapeit
place the shapeit executable in the same location as samtools (might be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin/).
remove or backup the archive.
download link -
tar -zxvf impute_v2.3.2_x86_64_static.tgz
cd into the extracted archive.
Check if impute2 is executable.
ls -l impute2
Change it if it is not.
chmod a+x impute2
move impute2 to the same directory as samtools (might be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin/).
rename the directory impute2.
remove or backup the archive.
download link -
Check if executable.
ls -l plink prettify
change if not.
chmod a+x plink prettify
remove or backup the archive.
Place plink and prettify in the same directory as samtools (might be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin/).
download link -
Find overlapSelect and download it. After it downloads, change the permissions on it to be executable
chmod a+x overlapSelect
move it to the same directory as samtools (might be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin/).
download link -
place the downloaded software in the same directory as samtools (might be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin/).
When running VarScan, the path to it will need to specified.
Try running samtools or any other software, if it shows the usage or nothing, then it can be used. If it gives any kind of error, you will need to add the directory path they were installed in to your path or they were not properly installed and don't have the proper permissions.
To get the pipeline this way, git needs to be installed. The package will be donwnloaded to the current directory the user is in when they run the command.
git clone
If the package was downloaded through github and not through git in the command line interface, follow the two steps below.
Move the Driver-ASE directory anywhere on the system.
This pipeline also uses many different files which are all in the same directory called Database. The directory with the files can be downloaded from the link below.
download link -
You will also need to have a GDC account to get the key for downloading as it does expire over a certain period of time. Just go to:
2. After logging in, click on your account name in the top right to open the drop down and click download token.
4. Place it in the Database directory of the pipeline. When running the download scripts, the path to the key will need to be entered.
MatLab scripts are included in the directory of 'Driver_ASE_MatLab_Lib', and demo data of BRCA is contained in the file ''.
Once downloaded create a directory for the cancer type being worked on in the directory titled MatLab_Analysis
In the created cancer type directory there will be directories that are created from the analysis scripts that will need to be placed in there. These directories are: somatic_calls, mutations, annotations and matrix.
Another thing to do is add the these directory paths to the set path in MatLab: Driver_ASE_MatLab_Lib, MatLab_Variables, Driver_ASE_MatLab_Scripts.
Doing the above allows MatLab to look in those directories for the scripts and run them without the use of absolute paths.
To use script M1_Import_ASE_and_Mutation_data, the full path to the MatLab_Analysis directory and the cancer type being worked on will need to be entered in as arguments.
This pipeline can be used right away in any part of the system once all of the above has been done. You can also add the path to the sctipts if you wish so you don't have to be in the directory or specify the path to them in order to execute them.
Below are the scripts that are included in this pipeline: – Downloads SNP-Array data from gdc. The data types that are used in this pipeline are Genotypes and Copy number estimate. - Downloads the SNP-Array data table of a specified cancer type from GDC. Only run this script if the table file is missing from the tables directory of the cancer type. – This prepares the files that will be used in the imputation process. – Takes the birdseed files that were downloaded from GDC and makes the map and ped files that will be used for imputation. – Runs shapeit processes as well as run imputation on the files made in the previous script. – Keeps het SNPS and makes cds sorted files. – Performs lookups on the cds sorted files and gets the normal samples out of them. – Gets the bad SNPs and CNVs of the cancer type. – Downloads either RNA-Seq or WGS bams for a cancer type. By default this script is set to download a certain number of bams unless the user specifies the amount that they want to download in the command line, deletes them afterwards and downloads more when done. - Downloads the RNA-Seq or WGS table of specified cancer types from GDC. Only run this script if the table file is missing from the tables directory of the cancer type. – Performs gene level ASE Analysis on the samples that had mpileups done on them. – Performs the final touches by compressing what will be needed for further analysis and moving them into a specific directory. If data is going to be overlapped, the tables for RNA-Seq, WGS and Genotypes will be needed. – Processes WGS data to get somatic variants. – Performs upstream and downstream analysis and gets the data ready to be analyzed.
Modules that are incorporated in the scripts are listed below: - All scripts use this module. -,,, -,,, -, -, -,