This project includes files to define the CMSIS RTOS on top of µOS++.
The project is hosted on GitHub as micro-os-plus/cmsis-os-xpack.
This page is addressed to developers who plan to include this source library into their own projects.
For maintainer info, please see the README-MAINTAINER file.
As a source library xPack, the easiest way to add it to a project is via xpm, but it can also be used as any Git project, for example as a submodule.
A recent xpm, which is a portable Node.js command line application.
It is recommended to update to the latest version with:
npm install --global xpm@latest
For details please follow the instructions in the xPack install page.
Note: the package will be available from at a later date.
For now, it can be installed from GitHub:
cd my-project
xpm init # Unless a package.json is already present
xpm install github:micro-os-plus/cmsis-os-xpack
When ready, this package will be available as
from the
cd my-project
xpm init # Unless a package.json is already present
xpm install @micro-os-plus/cmsis-os@latest
ls -l xpacks/@micro-os-plus/cmsis-os
If, for any reason, xpm is not available, the next recommended
solution is to link it as a Git submodule below an xpacks
cd my-project
git init # Unless already a Git project
mkdir -p xpacks
git submodule add \
Apart from the unused master
branch, there are two active branches:
, with the latest stable version (default)xpack-develop
, with the current development version
All development is done in the xpack-develop
branch, and contributions via
Pull Requests should be directed to this branch.
When new releases are published, the xpack-develop
branch is merged
into xpack
The µOS++ CMSIS RTOS v1 is fully functional.
Support for CMSIS RTOS v2 will be added in a later release.
To include this package in a project, consider the following details.
The following folders should be passed to the compiler during the build:
TODO: list the available headers
The source files to be added to user projects are:
or higher for C++ sources-std=c11
for C sources
- none
According to semver rules:
Major version X (X.y.z | X > 0) MUST be incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.
The incompatible changes, in reverse chronological order, are:
Unless otherwise stated, the content is released under the terms of the MIT License, with all rights reserved to Liviu Ionescu.