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Example Workflow: Convert FASTQ files to uBAM file
This document describes how to run an example workflow that converts a pair of FASTQ files to one uBAM file. This may be combined to other WDL (Workflow Description Language) files and used as part of a larger workflow.
In this example, we will run a workflow written in WDL that converts a pair of FASTQ files to uBAM for a small part of the NA12878 sample.
You can find publicly available paired end reads for the sample hosted here:
You can use these input file URLs directly as they are publicly available.
Alternatively, you can choose to upload the data into the "dataset" container in your Cromwell on Azure storage account associated with your host VM.
You can use AzCopy to transfer the required files to your own Storage account using a shared access signature with "Write" access.
.\azcopy.exe copy 'https://datasettestinputs.blob.core.windows.net/dataset/seq-format-conversion?sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&si=coa&sig=nKoK6dxjtk5172JZfDH116N6p3xTs7d%2Bs5EAUE4qqgM%3D' 'https://<destination-storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net/dataset?<WriteSAS-token>' --recursive --s2s-preserve-access-tier=false
You can also do this directly from the Azure Portal, or use other tools including Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer or blobporter.
You can find an inputs JSON file and a WDL script for converting FASTQ to uBAM format in Sequence data format conversion pipelines repo. The FASTQ files are hosted on the public Azure Storage account container.
You can use the "datasettestinputs" storage account directly as a relative path, like the below example.
The inputs JSON file should contain the following:
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.readgroup_name": "NA12878_A",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.sample_name": "NA12878",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.fastq_1": "/datasettestinputs/dataset/seq-format-conversion/NA12878_20k/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_1.fastq",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.fastq_2": "/datasettestinputs/dataset/seq-format-conversion/NA12878_20k/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_2.fastq",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.library_name": "Solexa-NA12878",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.platform_unit": "H06HDADXX130110.2.ATCACGAT",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.run_date": "2016-09-01T02:00:00+0200",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.platform_name": "illumina",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.sequencing_center": "BI",
"ConvertPairedFastQsToUnmappedBamWf.make_fofn": true
The input path consists of 3 parts - the storage account name, the blob container name, file path with extension. Example file path for an "dataset" container in a storage account "datasettestinputs" will look like
If you chose to host these files on your own storage account, replace the name "datasettestinputs/dataset" to your <storageaccountname>/<containername>
Alternatively, you can use http or https paths for your input files using shared access signatures (SAS) for files in a private Azure Storage account container or refer to any public file location.
Please note, Cromwell engine currently does not support http(s) paths in the JSON inputs file that accompany a WDL. Ensure that your workflow WDL does not perform any WDL operations/input expressions that require Cromwell to download the http(s) inputs on the host machine.
A sample trigger JSON file can be downloaded from Sequence data format conversion pipelines repo and includes
"WorkflowUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/seq-format-conversion-azure/az3.0.0/paired-fastq-to-unmapped-bam.wdl",
"WorkflowInputsUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/seq-format-conversion-azure/az3.0.0/paired-fastq-to-unmapped-bam.inputs.json",
"WorkflowOptionsUrl": null,
"WorkflowDependenciesUrl": null,
"WorkflowLabelsUrl": null
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