Releases: microsoft/Microsoft365DSC
Releases · microsoft/Microsoft365DSC
Release 1.25.312.1
- AADApplication
- Defaulting AuthenticationBehaviors as an empty array from the
Get-TargetResource function.
- Defaulting AuthenticationBehaviors as an empty array from the
- AADAuthenticationStrengthPolicy
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- AADDomain
- Fixed an issue where the test checked a string instead of the variable.
FIXES #5886
- Fixed an issue where the test checked a string instead of the variable.
- AADRoleSetting
- Fixed the required permissions.
FIXES #3696
- Fixed the required permissions.
- EXORoleGroup
- Removed parameter
when creating a new group if there were
no roles assigned to it.
FIXES #5725
- Removed parameter
- IntuneAppleMDMPushNotificationCertificate
- Hide error message if no certificate was found during export.
FIXES #5884
- Hide error message if no certificate was found during export.
- IntuneAppProtectionPolicyAndroid
- Fix export of
- Fix export of
- IntuneDeviceManagementEnrollmentAndroidGooglePlay
- Changed the resource to be read-only due to the associated APIs not being
owned by Microsoft.
- Changed the resource to be read-only due to the associated APIs not being
- O365OrgSettings
- Add required
Insights Administrator
role for Get and Update.
- Add required
- SCDLPCompliancePolicy
- Fixes strange issue with the Get-TargetResource throwing an error
complaining about a null object.
- Fixes strange issue with the Get-TargetResource throwing an error
- SCLabelPolicy
- Fixed evaluation of CIMInstances in Test-TargetResource.
- SPOSiteScript
- Fixed an issue where the Get method would fail on fetching a specific script.
FIXES #5701
- Fixed an issue where the Get method would fail on fetching a specific script.
- M35DSCReport
- Require Excel to be installed for .xlsx export.
- M365DSCReverse
- Fixed an issue where specifying a component multiple times in the Export
would skip the resource altogether.
- Fixed an issue where specifying a component multiple times in the Export
- Updated ReverseDSC to version
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- Added check to ensure the current exported instance names match in
- M365DSCLogEngine
- Fixed an error message appearing if one or more event logs could
not be accessed while searching the event source.
FIXES #3811
- Fixed an error message appearing if one or more event logs could
Release 1.25.305.1
- AADApplication
- If both the current and desired values have the Ensure property set
to absent, ignoring the drift detection and return true from
the Test-TargetResource function.
- If both the current and desired values have the Ensure property set
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyQRCodeImage
- Initial release.
- AADGroupSettings
- Filtered EnableMSStandardBlockedWords parameter from the policy results,
to prevent issues with this deprecated parameter
- Filtered EnableMSStandardBlockedWords parameter from the policy results,
- AADIdentityAPIConnector
- Added missing permissions.
FIXES #5670
- Added missing permissions.
- AADRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest
- Updated startdatetime and enddatetime properties to be of type DATETIME.
- AADUser
- Fixed an issue where the properties with numbers were not exported correctly.
FIXES #4526
- Fixed an issue where the properties with numbers were not exported correctly.
- EXOTransportConfig
- Fixed an issue where
with the default value of<>
would throw an error during apply.
FIXES #5606
- Fixed an issue where
- FabricAdminTenantSettings
- Fixed issue where the export would add double quotes in front of boolean
- Fixed issue where the export would add double quotes in front of boolean
- IntuneAppConfigurationPolicy
- Adds support for targeted managed apps and for testing drift in Apps settings
FIXES #5566
- Adds support for targeted managed apps and for testing drift in Apps settings
- IntuneDeviceEnrollmentPlatformRestriction
- Added note that update is no longer possible.
FIXES #5127
- Added note that update is no longer possible.
- IntuneDeviceRemediation
- Fixed issue when
was set to a non-existent group in the tenant,
e.g. cloning a script from a source tenant and applying it to another target
tenant and the latter doesn't have the assignment group created yet, if this
was the case the deployment would fail
FIXES #5856
- Fixed issue when
- IntuneSecurityBaselineWindows365
- Initial release.
FIXES #3348
- Initial release.
- PPEnvironmentAppsEnvironment
- Added support for legacy Basic and Standard EnvironmentSKU.
- SCInsiderRiskPolicy
- Enforced default values when the setting object is undefined.
- SCPolicyConfig
- Enforced default values when the setting object is undefined.
- SPOSite
- Fixed an issue where the exported properties were not defined.
FIXES #4773
- Fixed an issue where the exported properties were not defined.
- TeamsOrgWideAppSettings
- Added note that only Credentials are supported for the resource.
FIXES #3394
- Added note that only Credentials are supported for the resource.
- M365DSCDocGenerator
- M365DSCDRGUtil
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version 1.1.40.
- AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Fixed an issue where
was not passed as an array, causing failures in GCC-High environments.
FIXES #5742 - Added verbose to the Get-TargetResource function to print out the retrieved
policies from calling the cmdlet.
- Fixed an issue where
- AADPasswordRuleSettings
- Updated schema to only accept values 'Enforced' and 'Audit' for parameter BannedPasswordCheckOnPremisesMode
- IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyWindows10
- Fixes the handling of the
FIXES #5510
- Fixes the handling of the
- O365OrgSettings
- Added support for the AllowPlannerCopilot setting.
- PPTenantSettings
- Corrected issue in the resource schema. The description was a multi-line
string, which is not allowed.
- Corrected issue in the resource schema. The description was a multi-line
- SPOSiteScript
- Fix error in Get-TargetResource when a site-script is identified by title only
FIXES #5821
- Fix error in Get-TargetResource when a site-script is identified by title only
- SPOTenantSettings
- Add EnableAzureADB2BIntegration and OneDriveSharingCapability properties
- TeamsChannel
- Apply ordering during export.
FIXES #5829
- Apply ordering during export.
- TeamsTeam
- Apply ordering during export.
- TeamsUser
- Apply ordering during export.
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version 1.1.39.
- AADApplication
- Fixed an issue where specifying an empty ReplyURLs array would not remove
the existing entries.
- Fixed an issue where specifying an empty ReplyURLs array would not remove
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicy
- DEPRECATED - PolicyMigrationState property is now deprecated since it
- AADAuthenticationMethodPolicyFido2
- Fixed issue where the Set-TargetResource was throwing an internal server
- Fixed issue where the Set-TargetResource was throwing an internal server
- AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Added check to ensure the cached policy (export) is the current policy when
evaluating in the Get-TargetResource function.
- Added check to ensure the cached policy (export) is the current policy when
- EXOCalendarProcessing
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXODistributionGroup
- Fixed the ability to set members.
- EXOGroupSettings
- Removed Id from being evaluated in the Test-TargetResource function.
- EXOMailboxAutoReplyConfiguration
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of Identity.
- EXOMailboxCalendarFolder
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXOMailboxPermission
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- EXOSweepRule
- Changed the Get-TargetResource logic to return UPN instead of id.
- IntuneDeviceComplianceScriptWindows10
- Initial release.
- M365DSCRuleEvaluation
- Clear the cached instances from the export operation after evaluating the rules.
- Security & Compliance
- Updated export functions to remove skipping of loading module, to prevent
missing cmdlet errors that are causing failing exports.
- Updated export functions to remove skipping of loading module, to prevent
- SCPolicyConfig
- Handle default values in the Get-TargetResource function.
- Added support for the FileCopiedToCloudFullUrlEnabled property.
- Updated ExchangeOnlineManagement to version 3.7.1.
- Updated Microsoft.Graph to version 2.26.1.
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version1 1.1.38.
- AADAccessReviewPolicy
- Missing AccessReview permission for Application Read access
FIXES #5796
- Missing AccessReview permission for Application Read access
- AADApplication
- Test-TargetResource logic updated to skip evaluating CIMArrays that are empty
when passed as desired values.
- Test-TargetResource logic updated to skip evaluating CIMArrays that are empty
- AADDeviceRegistrationPolicy
- Fixed an issue where the AzureADJoinIsAdminConfigurable was not returned by the
Get-TargetResource function. - Fix issue setting Selected Users and Groups for Entra Join.
FIXES #5798
- Fixed an issue where the AzureADJoinIsAdminConfigurable was not returned by the
- AADGroup
- Returns an empty array for roles and licenses from the Get-TargetResource
function instead of null when no instances are found.
- Returns an empty array for roles and licenses from the Get-TargetResource
- AADRoleEligibilityScheduleRequest
- AADServicePrincipal
- Evaluating assigned users based on UPN and not just on DisplayName.
- FIXES #5359 AADServicePrincipal fails on Managed Identities when DelegatedPermissions returns 500 response
- ADOSecurityPolicy
- Fixes an issue where the resource threw an error trying to parse the default
- Fixes an issue where the resource threw an error trying to parse the default
- EXODistributionGroup
- Changed logic to retrieve existing members by UserPrincipalName.
- EXORoleGroup
- Evaluating assigned users based on UPN and not just on DisplayName if they
have an associated mailbox.
- Evaluating assigned users based on UPN and not just on DisplayName if they
- IntuneDeviceManagementEnrollmentAndroidGooglePlay
- Marked the Id property as mandatory in the resource.
- M365DSCRuleEvaluation
- Added support for specifying a Filter property.
- M365DSCUtil
- Add M365DSC prefix to
. - Fixes an issue with
property being escaped and indentation. - Adds the possibility to allow variables in strings and no authentication
results update during conversion to final export.
FIXES #3861
- Add M365DSC prefix to
- SCInsiderRiskPolicy
- Enforces the MDATPTriageStatus to be a string array.
- SCSensitivityLabel
- Fixes invalid accepted content type values.
- IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyAndroidDeviceOwner
- IntuneDeviceCompliancePolicyAndroidWorkProfile
- TeamsAppPermissionPolicy
- Updated correct Typecasting for AppPresetMeeting and PinnedMessagebarApps
before adding them to the policy
- Updated correct Typecasting for AppPresetMeeting and PinnedMessagebarApps
- TeamsAppSetupPolicy
- FIXES [#5752
- TeamsM365App
- Remove
property from being exported.
FIXES #5781
- Remove
- AADGroupEligibilitySchedule
- Updated ReverseDSC to version
- Fixing connection errors in Power Platforms resources.
- AADApplication
- Changing the AuthenticationBehaviors parameters to string to allow
for null values.
- Changing the AuthenticationBehaviors parameters to string to allow
- AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationDefault
- Fixes an issue with CIM class export.
- AADCrossTenantAccessPolicyConfigurationPartner
- Fixes an issue with CIM class export.
FIXES #5711
- Fixes an issue with CIM class export.
- AADGroupEligibilitySchedule
- FIXES [#5741] Missing -All variable which prevented enumeration of more than 100 Groups
- EXORetentionPolicyTag
- Initial release.
- EXOSmtpDaneInbound
- Updated authentication properties to align with MOF definition.
FIXES #5709
- Updated authentication properties to align with MOF definition.
- PowerPlatform resource revamp to use direct REST API calls.
- Simplify export behavior for all resources and complex objects.
- Removed dependency on Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell.
- Updated DSCParser to version
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version 1.1.37.
- Updated ReverseDSC to version
- AADApplication
- Refactored logic for CIM Instance evaluation in Test-TargetResource.
- AADConditionalAccessPolicy
- Changed the InsiderRiskTypes property to a string array.
- AADConnectorGroupApplicationProxy
- Fixes an issue where the Get-TargetResource was not able to retrieve
instances by names. - Refactored logic for CIM Instance evaluation in Test-TargetResource.
- Fixes an issue where the Get-TargetResource was not able to retrieve
- AADServicePrincipal
- Fixes comparison of assigned roles for null values.
FIXES #5717
- Fixes comparison of assigned roles for null values.
- CommerceSelfServicePurchase
- Initial release.
- SCPolicyConfig
- Fixes and issue where Get-TargetResource was returning an empty array
instead of a null value when no values were defined.
- Fixes and issue where Get-TargetResource was returning an empty array
- SCRoleGroupMember
- Error handling if the Members parameter is omitted.
- Changed the CIMInstance logic of various resources to us common logic.
- Added support for specifying a proxy in Update-M365DSCModule.
- EXOMigrationEndpoint
- Added support for EntpointType value of ExchangeRemoteMove.
- M365DSCRuleEvaluation
- Changed logic to evaluate cases where the rule results in no results.
- SPDLPComplianceRule
- Fix for the SensitiveInfoType ID cleaning logic in Get-TargetResource.
- Updated Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell to version 2.0.205.
- Updated MicrosoftTeams to version 6.8.0.
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant to version 1.1.35. Merge pull request #5698 from microsoft/Dev
- M365DSCRuleEvaluation
- Only provide the ManagedIdentity parameter for resources which supports it.
- SCDLPComplianceRule
- Added the comments property on creation.
- SCPolicyConfig
- Changed parsing logic to account for $null or missing properties in the
API response.
- Changed parsing logic to account for $null or missing properties in the