Last pre-DataSet release
Changelog for QCoDeS 0.1.9
This release changes the API of Parameters in QCoDeS, reducing the amount of Parameter classes. It also introduces tests for VisaInstrument drivers via the PyVISA-sim backend.
Note: This is the last QCoDeS release before the new dataset and as such it will be the last QCoDeS release to support python 3.5.
New & Improved
New and Improved drivers:
- New driver for HP8753D Spectrum Analyzer (#843)
- Fixes to Decadac driver (#756, #838, #857, #876)
- Unification of existing Keysight waveform generator drivers (#758)
- New driver for Keysight Infiniium MSOS104A oscilloscope (#766)
- New driver for Keysight N51x1 RF source (#796)
- New driver for Keysight E8267D (#892)
- New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch USB-4SPDT-A18 (#891)
- New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch RC-xSP4T (#814)
- New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch RC-1SP4T (#814)
- New driver for Mini-Circuits RF switch USB-4SPDT (#814)
- New driver for Spirack module (#847)
- Fixes to IVVI (#919)
- Features added to ZI UHF-LI driver (#883, #879, #870, #685)
- New driver for Cryogenic SMS120c (#819)
- New driver for Rohde & Schwarz RTO 1000 oscilloscope (#679, #907)
- New drivers for Stanford Research Instruments lock-in amplifiers SR860 and SR865
- New driver for Tektronix AWG70000A series (#761, #911)
- New fast sweep feature for and channelisation of Tektronix Keithley 2600 (#747)
- New driver for Yokogawa GS200
New features:
Documentation improvements:
Breaking Changes
- The Parameter API changed. There are no longer StandardParameters and ManualParameters can be avoided.