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Releases: microsoft/Qcodes

QCoDeS 0.43.0

04 Jan 15:00
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QCoDeS 0.43.0 (2024-01-04)


  • qcodes.Monitor now runs as a daemon thread, resolving issues with closing python or ipython with a running qcodes.Monitor. (#5565)
  • The use of multi index when exporting to xarray (and netcdf files) has been made smarter
    such that any dataset with a known shape (such as those measured by doNd etc) will
    never be automatically exported using multi index even in the case of incomplete datasets (i.e. due to an interrupted measurement).
    Furthermore to_xarray_dataset and to_xarray_dataarray_dict have gained a key word argument use_multi_index to allow the user
    to control the use of multi indexes. (#5589)
  • The feature of exporting large DataSets to netcdf by writing individual small files and combining them, introduced in QCoDeS 0.41.0 has been made configurable
    and turned off by default due to a number of corner cases where the export did not work correctly. The
    feature can be enabled when required by setting the config variable qcodes.config.dataset.export_chunked_export_of_large_files_enabled
    to True and the threshold controlled using qcodes.config.dataset.export_chunked_threshold (#5618)

Improved Drivers:

  • Keithley 2450s by default don't block when setting their output level, differing in behavior from the keithley 2400.
    I added a manual boolian parameter 'block_during_ramp' which forces a check that the ramp command has been completed when True. (#5547)
  • Previously, the keithley 2450 driver had an initial value for the output. This is particularly dangerous when reinitializing/recovering from a kernal crash.
    Initializing the instrument should leave all parameters unchanged. This PR removes the initial value for the output. (#5572)

Under the hood:

  • Fix typo: instrument_drivers.mock_instruments.DummyInstrument::get_idn() now returns dict containing key "serial" instead of "seral" (#5579)

QCoDeS 0.42.1

20 Nov 11:01
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  • Avoid warning from OpenTelemetry when exporting datasets to netcdf. (#5529)

v0.42.0: Merge pull request #5525 from jenshnielsen/changelog_042

16 Nov 12:06
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QCoDeS 0.42.0 (2023-11-16)

Breaking Changes:

  • Tests are no longer shipped as part of the qcodes package. The qcodes.tests
    namespace still exists but will be deprecated in QCoDeS 0.43.0.
    qcodes.test is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    To run the tests against an installed version clone git repo to matching tag and
    run pytest tests from the root of the repo. (#5452)


  • Fixed a bug in the Agilent 8257D where on and off would call a non existing parameter. The methods have been updated to call output_enabled. (#5496)
  • QCoDeS in memory datasets exported to netcdf with MultiIndexes are now
    correctly decompressed when reloaded with load_by_id and friends. (#5517)
  • Lakeshore 335 Output: Add parameter mapping for input=None (#5520)
  • The size calculation used to estimate when a dataset should be exported in chuncks has been improved.
    This will prevent "small" dataset with many rows from being exported in chuncks when not required. (#5523)


  • Mark python 3.12 as supported and fix deprecation warnings with python 3.12 (#5408)
  • Mock instruments have been moved from qcodes.tests.instrument_mocks to qcodes.instrument_drivers.mock_instruments and DriverTestCase from
    qcodes.tests.driver_test_case to qcodes.extensions. This is in preparation for no longer shipping qcodes.tests as part of the
    public api. The previous locations remain functional but will be deprecated after one release. (#5486)

QCoDeS 0.41.1

19 Oct 14:14
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QCoDeS 0.41.1 (2023-10-19)


  • Corrected a bug where non integer step sizes were incorrectly rejected
    from parameters without integer validators. (:pr:5446)

QCoDeS 0.41.0

18 Oct 11:18
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QCoDeS 0.41.0 (2023-10-18)

Breaking Changes:

  • The deprecated modules, qcodes.loop, qcodes.actions, qcodes.plots,
    qcodes.measure, qcodes.extensions.slack, qcodes.utils.magic, qcodes.utils.qt_helpers
    qcodes.utils.slack has been removed.
    The modules can be found in qcodes_loop <>_ (#5367)
  • Update QCoDeS to work with the upcoming release of numpy 2.0.
    The unused attributes qcodes.utils.types.numpy_non_concrete_floats_instantiable and
    qcodes.utils.types.numpy_non_concrete_complex_instantiable have been removed from QCoDeS. (#5399)
  • The extra install targets qcodes[slack] and qcodes[qtplot] have been removed.
    All dependencies on slack and pyqtgraph have moved to qcodes_loop. (#5425)


  • QCoDeS now exports data that isn't measured on a grid to a XArray using MultiIndex.
    Support for exporting these datasets to NetCDF has also been implemented.
    See this notebook <../examples/DataSet/Working-With-Pandas-and-XArray.ipynb>__ for additional details. (#5334)
  • Add a register_name keyword to the ParameterBase constructor. If supplied, this value
    will be used to register parameters in datasets instead of the default full_name.
    Note that the MultiParameter and ArrayParameter classes do not currently support use
    of the register_name. (#5381)
  • Large datasets are now exported to NetCDF4 using Dask delayed writer.
    This avoids allocating a large amount of memory to process the whole dataset at the same time.
    Size threshold at the moment is set to approximately 1 GB. (#5391)
  • The QCoDeS Parameters have now gained the ability to use multiple validators.
    See here <../examples/Parameters/Parameters.ipynb>__ for examples of how to use this. (#5426)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.40.0...v0.41.0

QCoDeS 0.40.0

14 Sep 11:03
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QCoDeS 0.40.0 (2023-09-14)


  • The InstrumentLoggerAdapter has been updated to store the instrument_name and instrument_type
    as fields on log records rather than the instrument it self. This enables opentelemetry to attache
    the fields to a transmitted LogRecord for better filtering. (#5297)
  • In the QCoDeS DataSetProtocol newly created dataset now always have a captured_run_id / captured_counter
    that matches the run_id / result_counter that they are assigned on creation. Previously these could be
    out of sync if datasets measured elsewhere had been inserted into the database. (#5329)
  • The pyvisa.ResourceManager of a VISA instrument is now exposed
    as instr.resource_manager. All VISA instruments will now use weakref.finalize
    to close the visa resource on shutdown of the instrument. This should reduce the
    chance that an instrument resource is not cleanup correctly on exit. (#5341)

Improved Drivers:


  • The QCoDeS Measurement Context manager, DataSaverBuilder and DoND functions have been instrumented as OpenTelemetry traces.
    This enables users to correlate log messages with the the measurement that they were performed within.
    See the OpenTelemetry <>_ documentation for examples of how this can be used.

    The log exporting using OpenCensus within QCoDeS is expected to be deprecated and eventually removed in line
    with OpenCensus being discontinued. Users that are interested in gathering telemetry of their setups are encouraged
    to provide their own solution based on OpenTelemetry. (#5289)

  • New features: datasaver_builder and dond_into are intermediate measurement extensions designed to fill a gap between
    the low-level Measurement object and the high-level doNd functions. They allow convenient specification of parameter
    dependencies for registration and doNd-like syntax while also allowing direct access to the underlying datasaver objects. (#5294)


19 Jul 14:03
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QCoDeS 0.39.1 (2023-07-19)


  • Very noisy log messages from azure.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter are now
    by default filtered and not shown in the console logger. This matches the
    behavior of the OpenCensus exporter. #5278


20 Jun 13:12
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QCoDeS 0.39.0 (2023-06-20)

Note that this will be the last version to support Python 3.8. Please upgrade to at least
python 3.9.


  • The in memory cache of a dataset can now be configured both from the qcodesrc.json config file and when using dond to perform measurements.
    The Exception raised when a dond, do1d etc. measurement is interrupted (BreakConditionInterrupt) has been made public as part of the
    qcodes.dataset module so it can be intercepted and handled by the user. (#5200)
  • When writing a DataSetInMem back to a database the exp_id, counter and run_id are correctly updated
    to reflect the sate of the new database. write_metadata_to_db has also been fixed to use
    the database passed to init of the DataSetInMem class if no path is provided. (#5209)

Improved Drivers:

  • Fix Keithley 3706A driver to use the updated interlock status strings
    (following up on :pr:5007) (#5147)
  • Increase default timeout on R&S ZNB and allow the instrument to overwrite default timeout (#5201)

QCoDeS 0.38.1

26 Apr 10:37
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QCoDeS 0.38.1 (2023-04-26)


  • Fixed a typo in the readme preventing release to pypi (#5132)

QCoDeS 0.38.0

26 Apr 08:28
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QCoDeS 0.38.0 (2023-04-25)

Breaking Changes:

  • The modules, qcodes_loop.plots, qcodes_loop.actions, qcodes_loop.loops,
    qcodes_loop.measure, qcodes_loop.extensions.slack and qcodes_loop.utils.magic,
    qcodes_loop.utils.qt_helpers have been split out into a separate package qcodes_loop.
    The respective modules in QCoDeS do still exist as deprecated aliases to the new modules in qcodes_loop
    but will be removed in a future release. To use the aliases QCoDeS must be installed with the loop extra e.g.
    you should install pip install qcodes[loop]. If you make use of these modules we recommend updating imports
    to use qcodes_loop as soon as possible. See the readme <>_ of
    qcodes_loop for more information.

    The functions qcodes.utils.helpers.tprint qcodes.utils.helpers.wait_secs and
    qcodes.utils.helpers.foreground_qt_window have been removed.
    These helper functions are only used in qcodes_loop and were moved there. (#4971)

  • The default configuration of QCoDeS dataset GUID_components.GUID_type has changed from explicit_sample to random_sample.
    This means that QCoDeS GUIDs will no longer start with aaaaaaaa but with a random string. This significantly reduces the risk
    of duplicate GUIDs.
    This also means that that the ability to set a sample_id as part of the dataset GUID is disabled by default. With
    the default config its therefor an error to set GUID_components.sample to anything but the default value. The original
    behavior can be restored by setting GUID_components.GUID_type to explicit_sample in the config file but is not recommended.
    Users should make use of the sample_name attached to an experiment as an alternative. Note that if you have already created
    a local config you will need to update this for the changes to take effect. (#5031)


  • The helper functions guids_from_dbs, guids_from_dir, and guids_from_list_str have been added
    to the documented dataset api at qcodes.dataset. (#4989)

Improved Drivers:

  • Fixed a bug in version parsing for Keysight 344XXA and Keysight E4980A which
    would result in incompatibility with packaging>21 under certain circumstances. (#5007)
  • Fixed a bug in interlock status querying for Keithley 3706A. Originally, not all
    potential responses from the system were accounted for when querying for interlock
    status. A dictionary is used to map the response from the system to a string describing
    the interlock status. When the system returns a response that was not accounted for, this
    resulted in a KeyError being raised. Now, this dictionary accounts for all potential responses
    from the system. (#5013)
  • Added support for AimTTi QL355TP power supply.
    Moved _numOutputChannels lookup table to the class body. (#5021)
  • Increased range on setpoint property of Lakeshore Model 335,336,372 to support degree Celsius (#5043)
  • Fix auto_sweep in Keysight PNA N52xx driver
    Fix units of polar sweeps in Keysight PNA N52xx driver (#5090)


  • The QCoDeS Station Instrument and InstrumentModule classes gained a method get_component
    which allows the user to get a component by name. Allowing the user to go from
    the full name of a component to the component itself. (#5028)

New Drivers:

  • Add driver for Lakeshore Model 335 (#5043)